
Egg fried sauce with fish noodles, the taste is great.

author:Lobson Hall
Egg fried sauce with fish noodles, the taste is great.

At noon, I am really lazy to cook, I don't eat and I am hungry, this person is sometimes always in contradiction, obviously lazy like smeared bone water, but hungry fidgeting, this feeling is really helpless, really want to hit a wall to calculate, but a thought is not OK, there are old and small in the middle of the leader! We still have to endure ah, get, eat noodles, ready-made noodles can not be eaten, their own and noodles rolled and then cut, think too much trouble, fortunately, there is the existence of fish noodles, it will save a lot of trouble, I am with egg fried sauce today, it is also very delicious, and then blanch some cabbage, cut some water radish shreds, a full meal is not far from you, well, let's do it.

Egg fried sauce with fish noodles, the taste is great.
Egg fried sauce with fish noodles, the taste is great.
Egg fried sauce with fish noodles, the taste is great.

Ingredients: 250 g of flour 260 g of water

Seasoning: 60 grams of dry yellow sauce 40 grams of soybean paste 2 eggs 8 grams of sugar 15 grams of green onion 5 grams of minced garlic

Egg fried sauce with fish noodles, the taste is great.

Mix the dry yellow sauce and soybean paste with 80 grams of water, beat the eggs and set aside

Egg fried sauce with fish noodles, the taste is great.

Heat the wok, put in oil that is larger than usual, and scramble the eggs first

Egg fried sauce with fish noodles, the taste is great.

Do not wait for the eggs to completely congeal into a lump, then lower the yellow sauce, stir-fry for about five minutes on medium heat, during which the sugar is added

Egg fried sauce with fish noodles, the taste is great.

Finally, turn off the heat, put down the green onions, and pour some sesame oil

Egg fried sauce with fish noodles, the taste is great.

Flour mixed with water into a paste, set aside and cover for fifteen minutes

Egg fried sauce with fish noodles, the taste is great.

Then boil a pot of water, take a larger knife, spread the batter on the knife surface, and use another knife to turn the noodles vertically, so that the noodles will enter the pot of boiling water

Egg fried sauce with fish noodles, the taste is great.

Out is this effect, don't look bad, the taste is good


The noodles must be made into a thin paste, but not too thin, each flour is not the same, so the amount of water here is only a reference, specifically according to your flour to put Ha.

Egg fried sauce can not be fried for too long, because there are eggs inside, scrambled too long eggs will be too old, you said I first fried sauce and then put eggs can not do, but personally still think that this taste fusion is the best, the most fragrant.

Because the sauce can't be fried for too long, I use a part of the soybean sauce to freshen up, which can make up for the short time of dry yellow sauce frying.

This noodle is actually similar to Shanxi's tip, the kind that uses chopsticks to dial, but I think it is more powerful to use iron sheets, remember to dip a few times to dip some water, otherwise it will stick

My second food book, Make a Good Meal, is out! Hope you enjoy!

Egg fried sauce with fish noodles, the taste is great.

My two food books, I hope you enjoy them

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