
Billy King died in a car accident, Alibaba: the production and sale of counterfeits should be directly punished!

author:Bad reviews
Billy King died in a car accident, Alibaba: the production and sale of counterfeits should be directly punished!

Today is March 4th

The seventeenth day of the first lunar month

# Billy Harrington died in a car accident on March 3, 2018

Billy King died in a car accident, Alibaba: the production and sale of counterfeits should be directly punished!

Billy Harrington died in a car accident on March 3, 2018, at the age of 48. Billy Harrington's mother and director took to FB and Twitter to confirm the news of his death. The English Wikipedia has also subsequently updated the date of birth and death of Billy Hellington's entry. Billy Harrington, born on July 14, 1969, is one of the most famous American actors in the film (GV).

Billy Harrington because of the wide popularity of its video material, soon by the Chinese and Japanese residential circles of netizens, Japanese netizens because of their muscular figure called it "ANIKI" (brother noble, big brother meaning), or "Mori goblin", and then Billy's deeds and videos into the A station and influence to this day.

Little Black Fat: Deep remembrance, B station to treasure...

# Alibaba calls on all sectors of society to jointly promote the direct imprisonment of counterfeiting

Billy King died in a car accident, Alibaba: the production and sale of counterfeits should be directly punished!

Alibaba recently issued an official voice, calling on the whole society to jointly promote the aggravation of criminal penalties to crack down on the manufacture and sale of counterfeits, and continue to "control counterfeit goods like drunk driving". Alibaba said that "treating fakes like drunk driving" has become the consensus of the whole society in the past year, and has received continuous support from relevant judicial law enforcement departments, legal circles, consumer protection organizations and other parties.

Zhu Zhengfu, a member of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference [CPPCC], will submit a "Proposal on Intensifying the Crackdown on the Manufacture and Sale of Counterfeit Goods" this year, revealing that he had hidden his identity and conducted a secret visit and investigation in a leather goods city, witnessing with his own eyes the successful completion of a fake bag "international trade" by black friends, which was "simply thrilling."

Alibaba proposed that today, the crackdown on the manufacture and sale of counterfeits has entered a key link. Only by lowering the threshold for the criminalization of the manufacture and sale of counterfeit goods, adapting the existing laws to the actual needs of cracking down on the crime of manufacturing and selling counterfeit goods, raising the cost of breaking the law and committing crimes, intensifying law enforcement and judicial efforts, and making every person who manufactures and sells counterfeits receive the criminal punishment he deserves, can we fundamentally eradicate fake goods.

Little Black Fat: Borrowing the power of the state to rectify the problem...

# French brother complained that he could not use WeChat Ma Huateng to respond

Billy King died in a car accident, Alibaba: the production and sale of counterfeits should be directly punished!

A few months ago, a video of a French guy went viral on the Internet, and the guy cried that France was lagging behind in the payment field, and the local government mainly used cash and bank cards, and could only use Apple Pay when going to Starbucks. After living in China for 8 years, he has not even used his wallet and cash, but has used WeChat payment, and he also praised WeChat for ordering takeaways, buying train tickets, taking taxis, and doing almost anything.

Yesterday, Ma Huateng said in an interview that he had seen the video, and Ma Huateng said: "This video has been forwarded to me by hundreds of people. My biggest complaint is that I don't think he's young, so why call me uncle. ”

At the same time, Ma Huateng said that China Mobile Payment has also encountered practical problems in overseas development: "Enterprises that really want to make cross-border payments, including those who want to apply for third-party payment licenses similar to mobile payment in the local area, are actually still very slow and difficult. We went out to explore a round to know that China's third-party payment is so advanced, there is no such advantage abroad. ”

Little Black Fat: The French guy can't talk, he must be called Daddy...

# Researchers find 4G vulnerabilities that can snoop on information to track users sending fake alerts

Billy King died in a car accident, Alibaba: the production and sale of counterfeits should be directly punished!

(TechWeb) University researchers have discovered a new series of cyberattacks that exploit vulnerabilities in the 4G LTE network protocol to conduct 10 attacks, including monitoring calls and messages, taking devices offline, tracking user locations, and sending fake alerts. The researchers used a test method called LTEInspector for the experiment and identified 8 in the four major carrier networks in the United States, and much of the reason for the attack was the lack of proper authentication, encryption, and replay protection in the protocol information.

Anyone can use common devices and open source 4G LTE protocol software to launch these attacks. Take, for example, the most notable relay attack, which allows an attacker to impersonate the victim's phone number to connect to the network or track the location of the victim's device in the core network, thereby setting up false alibi information or planting false evidence during a criminal investigation. Although the current 5G outlet is coming, it will take some time to truly popularize, and 4G LTE will still be mainstream in the past 2 years, which means that these vulnerability attacks will continue for a long time.

Little black fat: whether 5G comes or not is not up to the operator to decide...

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