
Developers cut prices to sell houses, just need to be in a hurry to be happy, the problems that follow are more difficult to choose

author:Winter Winter Winter 437

This is the 173rd original article of Winter Winter

Summary: Baoding property market developers in the after 9 months of fighting, can complete the sales performance of very few, Yanyun City is a special case, in the last quarter of 2021, many developers are facing the pressure of payment, in order to survive in a desperate situation, the housing companies began to reduce the price of promotions, and even "loss" to sell houses, the house price reduction should be the most beneficial to those who especially need housing just need friends, but some of the problems that follow make it more difficult for friends who just need to choose.

I am Dong Dong Dong, a real estate agent in Baoding City, all day long shuttle through the streets of Baoding City, general ability, limited level, low appearance, easy-going temper, only a sincere heart, welcome attention.

Developers cut prices to sell houses, just need to be in a hurry to be happy, the problems that follow are more difficult to choose

The quality of the house is not guaranteed

Some developers have reached the point of "losing money" to sell houses, indicating that there are great problems in the capital chain, in addition to reducing prices, many housing companies will also reduce expenses, salary cuts and layoffs and a series of means, reducing the standard of building houses is also one of them, then the owner will find that there are more or less quality problems when receiving houses after two or three years. Just like the rights protection of the owners of the hardcover house in Wanhe Spring some time ago, some owners are not satisfied with the quality of the decoration after getting the house, and directly smash the reload, which is equivalent to spending triple costs, and there is no hardcover project in baoding in the sale of real estate.

The risk of off-plan housing spoilage increases

The liabilities of the developer company are extremely high, and the main source channels of funds for the developer to invest in the construction of real estate are: personal down payment and housing loans, trust financing, bank loans and high-interest private lending, etc. Once the capital chain of housing enterprises has problems, developers begin to sell houses at a "loss", either by breaking their arms to survive to alleviate the capital crisis, or some black-hearted developers are ready to roll up money and run. Therefore, as a buyer who just needs it, we must be cautious about the irrational price reduction behavior of some developers.

Developers cut prices to sell houses, just need to be in a hurry to be happy, the problems that follow are more difficult to choose

The value-added preservation cycle of the house is lengthened

After more than 20 years of development, real estate has reached the time to return to rationality, the state has repeatedly proposed that the purpose of "housing and not speculation" is to expel speculators, do not let some investors to disrupt the real estate market, so that house prices do not have the basis for a big rise. And from the current Baoding property market a variety of strict purchase restriction policies, ten years of limited sale, the house is less than two years can not be traded is to restrict people to speculate in the house, so the holding cost and holding cycle of simple investment in speculation are lengthened.

Mortgage approvals are becoming more stringent

This year, the state not only tightened the credit scale of developers, but also set a ceiling for personal housing loans, the amount of housing loans in various banks is tight, with the continuous improvement of the loan review threshold, some people with credit problems or flow can not be greater than twice the loan, the probability of being rejected by the bank is getting bigger and bigger. #金九银十探房季 #

Developers cut prices to sell houses, just need to be in a hurry to be happy, the problems that follow are more difficult to choose

If you have any comments and opinions on this topic, please feel free to leave your thoughts and opinions below.

The above text, from winter winter, is purely a personal opinion and is for reference only. I am not an expert, nor dare I say how professional I am, that is, a real estate agent who is struggling for life, I just want to share some experience of buying and selling houses through writing, and give some references to friends who are ready to buy a house in Baoding. #保定头条 #

Ps: In the future, buying a house must be more cautious, do not covet a small bargain to eat a big loss, such as the real estate that was withdrawn from the pre-sale certificate some time ago, fans who often pay attention to Xiaobian should have an impression, at that time I advised many people not to buy, at that time many peers and buyers also sent private messages to scold me, it turned out that I was right.

Donkey meat burn costs three yuan a piece, and there is a shop that sells two yuan a piece, so this fire is either less meat or not donkey meat.

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