
Luo Yunxi was injured and hospitalized by the actor, who twice apologized, saying that he did not wear a ring

author:Moe Kami Tree Tree

Recently, actor Luo Yunxi was exposed to be accidentally injured in the process of filming "The Light Chaser" and was sent to the hospital. Actors in the filming injuries have been common, even Luo Yunxi himself has had many times similar situations, but this injury seems to be more serious, some netizens broke the news that he was slapped by the opponent actor and bleeding, but also transferred to Shanghai Hospital to see medical beauty, may also affect the next drama "Long Moon No Embers" shooting.

Luo Yunxi was injured and hospitalized by the actor, who twice apologized, saying that he did not wear a ring
Luo Yunxi was injured and hospitalized by the actor, who twice apologized, saying that he did not wear a ring
Luo Yunxi was injured and hospitalized by the actor, who twice apologized, saying that he did not wear a ring

Since then, Luo Yunxi's studio, the TV series "Light Chaser" official Wei and Luo Yunxi's fan support association have all spoken out on this matter, feeling that the situation is indeed more serious, and everyone is more concerned about Luo Yunxi's injury.

Luo Yunxi was injured and hospitalized by the actor, who twice apologized, saying that he did not wear a ring
Luo Yunxi was injured and hospitalized by the actor, who twice apologized, saying that he did not wear a ring

Probably afraid of fans and netizens worried, Luo Yunxi sent an article in the early morning of October 15 to report to everyone that it was safe: "There is no major problem at present." He said that it was the day when "The Light Chaser" was finished, and he was sorry to be injured on such a day. But he also explained that there were inevitably accidents in the filming, and he spoke to the actors of the crew, saying that he "felt the tacit understanding between the team members", and did not blame the opponent actors for causing his injuries, but spent a lot of space on promoting the play "The Light Chaser", showing a dedicated attitude.

Luo Yunxi was injured and hospitalized by the actor, who twice apologized, saying that he did not wear a ring
Luo Yunxi was injured and hospitalized by the actor, who twice apologized, saying that he did not wear a ring

The official micro of the TV series "Light Chaser" also issued a statement, saying that Luo Yunxi's injury was due to the accidental injury caused by the opponent actor's failure to control the strength and safe distance when filming.

Luo Yunxi was injured and hospitalized by the actor, who twice apologized, saying that he did not wear a ring

Ji Huanbo, the rival actor who caused Luo Yunxi's injury, also posted an apology on Weibo, saying that in the past three months, everyone has accumulated a very deep friendship, but because of one of his own mistakes, especially for Luo Yunxi, he caused harm, "very, very sorry." He felt guilty that he had left Luo Yunxi with "such a good person, such a good actor, such a good brother" and wished Luo Yunxi a speedy recovery. He also highlighted, "At that moment, I was very frightened."

Luo Yunxi was injured and hospitalized by the actor, who twice apologized, saying that he did not wear a ring

After that, Ji Huanbo re-edited and posted again, adding an apology at the beginning and end of the article, apologizing three times in the whole text, and the attitude seemed to be more sincere.

Luo Yunxi was injured and hospitalized by the actor, who twice apologized, saying that he did not wear a ring

In the comment area, Ji Huanbo also communicated with netizens. Some people have questioned that the opponent actor wore a ring or other jewelry on his hand to cause Luo Yunxi to be injured so badly, plus Ji Huanbo's previous Weibo just happened to be a marriage proposal with his girlfriend, and there was a picture of the ring, so it triggered speculation. But Ji Huanbo explained that he did not wear a ring when filming. As for the proposal ring, there are only women's models, not men's.

Luo Yunxi was injured and hospitalized by the actor, who twice apologized, saying that he did not wear a ring
Luo Yunxi was injured and hospitalized by the actor, who twice apologized, saying that he did not wear a ring

There were also revelations that Ji Huanbo had beaten Luo Yunxi many times in a row, and in the case of Luo Yunxi squatting, he still grabbed his collar and continued to fight. Some fans also asked Ji Huanbo for verification on this revelation, Ji Huanbo immediately denied it, he said that his first reaction was to help Luo Yunxi, and it was a guilt collapse to slap himself several times, there are records in the video, just because it involves filming, it is not good to disclose to the public. He also stressed that "we all love him." ”

Luo Yunxi was injured and hospitalized by the actor, who twice apologized, saying that he did not wear a ring
Luo Yunxi was injured and hospitalized by the actor, who twice apologized, saying that he did not wear a ring
Luo Yunxi was injured and hospitalized by the actor, who twice apologized, saying that he did not wear a ring
Luo Yunxi was injured and hospitalized by the actor, who twice apologized, saying that he did not wear a ring

In addition, it is suspected that Ji Huanbo also mentioned the words "don't hurt your family", which caused the dissatisfaction of Luo Yunxi's fans, so that Ji Huanbo could return one yard to one yard and not strafe the group.

Luo Yunxi was injured and hospitalized by the actor, who twice apologized, saying that he did not wear a ring

Ji Huanbo is an emperor artist, usually often fitness, the figure of Kong Wu is powerful, and Luo Yunxi is thin, if there is a physical conflict in the filming, it is true that the other party's punch may cause major damage, not necessarily deliberately targeted. However, for actors, it is true that the intensity of uncontrollable control is not professional enough, and I hope that Ji Huanbo can also pay more attention to improving his acting skills, otherwise it is also a heavy burden for other actors and crews.

Luo Yunxi was injured and hospitalized by the actor, who twice apologized, saying that he did not wear a ring
Luo Yunxi was injured and hospitalized by the actor, who twice apologized, saying that he did not wear a ring

Finally, I still hope that Luo Yunxi will recover as soon as possible, and I hope that everyone can be safe and healthy.

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