
Wang Yi was praised by Zhu Yuanzhang, and together with Song Lian, he was the president of the "History of Yuan", and was killed when he went to Yunnan to surrender, and was praised by Zhu Yuanzhang second, and was ordered to edit the "History of Yuan" III

author:Yi Dust Read History

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="30" > first, praised by Zhu Yuanzhang</h1>

Wang Yi (王祎), also spelled Zi Chong ,is a Yiwu native, who was brilliant since childhood in the second year of the Yuan Zhizhi (1322 AD), and grew up to be a burly figure, studying under Liu Guan and Huang Shu, and is famous for his articles. Wang Yi was six years older than Zhu Yuanzhang.

In the last year of the Yuan Dynasty, Wang Yi wrote a letter of 7,000 or 8,000 words to present to the then Yuan Dynasty Zhongshu Provincial Chancellor, and Wei Su and Zhang Qiyan recommended him together, but it was not adopted. Wang Yi then lived in seclusion in Qingyan Mountain, writing books and sayings, and his reputation grew.

Wang Yi was praised by Zhu Yuanzhang, and together with Song Lian, he was the president of the "History of Yuan", and was killed when he went to Yunnan to surrender, and was praised by Zhu Yuanzhang second, and was ordered to edit the "History of Yuan" III

In December of the eighteenth year of the Yuan Dynasty (1358 AD), Zhu Yuanzhang led an army to capture Wuzhou, summoned Wang Yi, and appointed him as the governor of Zhongshu Province.

In the twenty-second year of the Yuan Dynasty (1362 AD), Zhu Yuanzhang personally recruited Chen Youyu, Wang Yi wrote an article praising, Zhu Yuanzhang read his article, and said happily: "There are two great Confucians in Jiangnan, you and Song Lian, on the breadth of learning, you are not as good as Song Lian, on the eloquence of talent, Song Lian is not as good as you", "Jiangnan has two Confucians, Qing and Song Lian'er." The knowledge of knowledge is not as good as Lian. The hero of talent, Lian is not as good as Qing" ("Ming Shi Wang Yi Biography").

In the twenty-third year of the Yuan Dynasty (1363 AD), Zhu Yuanzhang ordered the construction of the Lixian Pavilion, so that Liu Bowen, Song Lian and other famous Confucians lived in it, Li Wenzhong recommended Wang Yi, Xu Yuan, and Wang Tianxi, and Zhu Yuanzhang sent people to invite them to live in the Lixian Pavilion.

Soon, Wang Yi was made the head of the Jiangnan Confucian Studies, and later promoted many times, the official to the rank of Waiter Lilang, in charge of the living notes, and with the knowledge of the Affairs of Nankang, during his tenure, Wang Yi took many measures to benefit the people, Zhu Yuanzhang in recognition of him, gave him a gold belt, showing his favor for Wang Yi.

Wang Yi was praised by Zhu Yuanzhang, and together with Song Lian, he was the president of the "History of Yuan", and was killed when he went to Yunnan to surrender, and was praised by Zhu Yuanzhang second, and was ordered to edit the "History of Yuan" III

In the first year of Wu Yuan (1367 AD), before Zhu Yuanzhang ascended the throne, he ordered Wang Yi to be summoned back to The Capital to discuss etiquette and other matters with the courtiers. Soon, he was convicted of disobeying the Holy Will and was demoted to the general sentence of Zhangzhou Prefecture.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="29" > second, he was ordered to edit the "History of the Yuan"</h1>

In August of the first year of Hongwu (1368 AD), Wang Yishangshu said: "Pray for the eternal destiny of heaven, be loyal and have a heart, be lenient, and be in the way of law and heaven, and conform to the hearts of the people." Thunder frost and snow, can be temporarily unusual. Zhejiang west is both flat, and the section should be reduced. (Biography of Ming Shi Wang Yi)

Meaning: Pray for the eternal stability of the country and mountains, in the heart is loyal, lenient, imitate the way of heaven, conform to the people's hearts. The thunderbolt means are only temporary and not forever, and since the western Zhejiang region has been pacified, the tax should be reduced.

After hearing this, Zhu Yuanzhang praised it, "Taizu Jianazhi, but he can't follow it all" ("Ming Shi Wang Yi Biography").

In the first year of Hongwu (1369 AD), Zhu Yuanzhang issued an edict to revise the history of the Yuan Dynasty, and made Wang Yi and Song Lian the chief executives. Wang Yi is good at revising history and practicing conscientiously. After the completion of the Yuan Shi, Wang Yi was promoted to tongzhi system and editor of the National History Academy.

Wang Yi was praised by Zhu Yuanzhang, and together with Song Lian, he was the president of the "History of Yuan", and was killed when he went to Yunnan to surrender, and was praised by Zhu Yuanzhang second, and was ordered to edit the "History of Yuan" III

Later, Wang Yi was ordered to go to the Main Hall to teach the prince and the princes to study, and Wang Yi was familiar with scriptures and reasoning, was good at enlightenment, and was quite appreciated by Zhu Yuanzhang. Every time Zhu Yuanzhang summoned him, he was bound to sit down, and Wang Yi quoted the scriptures and calmly replied.

Not long after, Wang Yi was ordered to send an envoy to Tubo, and halfway to the road, he was recalled to the Capital Division.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="16" >3, went to Yunnan to surrender and was killed</h1>

In the first month of the fifth year of Hongwu (1372 AD), the imperial court discussed the matter of surrendering the king of Yuanliang in Yunnan, and Zhu Yuanzhang ordered Wang Yi to go with an edict, at this time Wang Yi's position was Hanlin to be controlled.

Zhu Yuanzhang sent the Confucians around him to surrender, which shows the importance he attaches to this matter.

After arriving in Yunnan, Wang Yi informed the King of Yuanliang of the will of the imperial court, urged the King of Yuanliang to surrender as soon as possible, and presented the territory to the imperial court, and it was inevitable that the soldiers and horses of the Son of Heaven would arrive at sunset. King Liang did not listen and let Wang Yi live in a remote room.

After a few days, Wang Yi further analyzed the current situation with The King of Liang, Chen Youyu, Zhang Shicheng, Chen Youding, Ming Yuzhen, Wang Baobao, and others failed one after another, and Emperor Yuanshun fled to the north of the desert, "The imperial court, with millions of beings in Yunnan, does not want to be annihilated by the blade." If you are far away from danger, resist the Ming Dynasty, the dragon will fight in Kunming, and there will be no regrets. (Biography of Ming Shi Wang Yi)

Wang Yi was praised by Zhu Yuanzhang, and together with Song Lian, he was the president of the "History of Yuan", and was killed when he went to Yunnan to surrender, and was praised by Zhu Yuanzhang second, and was ordered to edit the "History of Yuan" III

Meaning: The imperial court thought of millions of people in Yunnan and did not want to send troops to annihilate, but if the King of Liang resisted the orders of the imperial court by virtue of the dangerous geographical situation, the brave and good warriors would fight kunming with you, and then the King of Liang would regret it too late.

After hearing this, King Liang felt frightened and had the intention of surrendering, and placed Wang Yi in the pavilion.

The following year, the Northern Yuan monarch Ai Youzhi Li Dala sent him to Yunnan to collect grain and pay, and he was alarmist and intimidated the King of Liang, hoping to harm Wang Yi. King Liang had no choice but to hand wang Yi over. Detuo tried to persuade Wang Yi to submit, but Wang Yi angrily said, "Since Heaven has decreed Ru Yuan's fate, I will replace it with The Truth." The embers of the fire dare to fight with the sun and the moon! And I and Ru are also envoys, how can you be Ru Qu! (Biography of Ming Shi Wang Yi)

Meaning: Heaven wants to end the life of the Yuan Dynasty, my Dynasty has replaced the Yuan Dynasty, you are just the embers of a small torch, how dare you compete with the sun and the moon? And you and I are both envoys, so how can we yield to you?

Some people persuaded him to say, "Wang Yi is famous and must not be harmed." He did not heed the advice and said, "Although the present is holy, righteousness cannot exist." (Biography of Ming Shi Wang Yi)

Wang Yi was praised by Zhu Yuanzhang, and together with Song Lian, he was the president of the "History of Yuan", and was killed when he went to Yunnan to surrender, and was praised by Zhu Yuanzhang second, and was ordered to edit the "History of Yuan" III

Wang Yi turned back to King Liang and said, "If you harm me, the soldiers and horses of the imperial court will soon arrive, and you will be in great trouble.", Wang Yi was killed on December 24. The King of Liang sent people to pay homage to him and collect his clothes and crowns for burial.

In the fourteenth year of Hongwu (1381 AD), Zhu Yuanzhang sent Fu Youde, Lan Yu, and Mu Ying to march to Yunnan.

During the Jianwen period, Wang Yi's son Wang Sheng wrote articles praising his father's deeds, and the imperial court posthumously awarded Wang Yi the title of Hanlin Scholar. During the Orthodox period, the title was changed to Zhongwen, and during the Chenghua period, the imperial court ordered the construction of an ancestral hall to worship Wang Yi.

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