
It's a shame that the green pepper meat shredded super delicious has not been eaten

author:Bean and fruit delicacies
It's a shame that the green pepper meat shredded super delicious has not been eaten

By bean flour 3632611070


5 green peppers

Tenderloin 250 g

1 scoop of cornstarch

3 cloves of garlic

1 scoop of cooking wine

A pinch of salt

1 scoop of ground white pepper

Oil to taste

1 scoop of oyster sauce

1 scoop of light soy sauce

<h2>Practice steps</h2>

It's a shame that the green pepper meat shredded super delicious has not been eaten

1: Cut the green pepper into strips

It's a shame that the green pepper meat shredded super delicious has not been eaten

2: Slice the garlic

It's a shame that the green pepper meat shredded super delicious has not been eaten

3: Cut the tenderloin into strips and marinate with a small amount of cornstarch, salt, oil and pepper for 10 minutes.

It's a shame that the green pepper meat shredded super delicious has not been eaten

4: Heat the pan with cold oil, add garlic slices and green pepper strips and stir-fry until fragrant. When the garlic slices are slightly yellow, add the shredded meat. Stir-fry until the shredded meat is slightly whitish, add a little soy sauce, consume oil, salt to taste, stir-fry evenly to get out of the pan.


The pickled starch should not be too much, otherwise it is easy to stick to the pan

<h2>Nutritional benefits of green peppers</h2>

1. Relieve fatigue

Green peppers have an important role in eliminating fatigue, and green peppers also contain vitamin P that can promote the absorption of vitamin C, even if you heat vitamin C will not be lost.

2. Antipyretic, analgesic

Pepper is warm, able to lower body temperature through sweating, and relieve muscle pain, so it has a strong antipyretic and analgesic effect.

3. Increase appetite and help digestion

Vitamin P also strengthens capillaries and prevents diseases such as arteriosclerosis and stomach ulcers. Green peppers contain fragrant and spicy capsaicin, which can promote appetite and aid digestion.

4. Purify the blood

The green part of green pepper comes from chlorophyll, which can prevent the absorption of excess cholesterol in the intestine, and can actively lower cholesterol and excrete it, thus achieving the effect of purifying the blood.

<h2>Dietary contraindications for green peppers</h2>

Patients with eye diseases, esophagitis, gastroenteritis, gastric ulcers, and hemorrhoids should eat less or avoid food; people with fiery diseases or yin deficiency, high blood pressure, and tuberculosis should eat with caution.

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