
This green pepper meat takeaway can no longer be delivered, and the follow-up story is still heartbreaking...

author:Bright Net

A few days ago, in Xingou Town, Jianli City, Jingzhou, Hubei Province

Wang Jing, a takeaway brother, was unfortunately killed because of his courage to save the old man who fell into the water

I still have that part on the electric car

Shredded green pepper meat can no longer be delivered

After learning about Wang Jing's family situation

Everyone responded with kindness...

This green pepper meat takeaway can no longer be delivered, and the follow-up story is still heartbreaking...

Wang Jing has a 5-and-a-half-year-old daughter and nearly ancient parents, and he and his wife bear the burden of supporting the family. The 68-year-old mother has suffered three strokes and is unable to take care of herself. The 70-year-old father is plagued by illness and relies on waste products to supplement the family.

When the bad news of Wang Jing's sudden death reached the home, the two elderly people were sad and excessively shocked, and Wang Jing's wife had a high fever and was sent to the hospital for treatment. The young daughter saw the adults crying, did not understand what was happening, but just shouted to find her father, and the relatives and friends had to ask the teacher to take care of it.

At the Xingou police station, the Jingzhou Daily reporter saw that the electric car that Wang Jing rode that day had driven more than 10,000 kilometers in 4 months, and in the incubator in the back, there was still the green pepper meat shredded that could no longer be delivered...

The orderer wants to donate money to show their respect

This takeaway can no longer be delivered

Orderer: The heart is too much to go

Wang Jing sent a single direction on time

But the shredded green pepper meat on the afternoon of November 26

But he could never deliver

This green pepper meat takeaway can no longer be delivered, and the follow-up story is still heartbreaking...

△ On Wang Jing's electric car, the undelivered takeaway.

The takeaway orderer is Mr. Guo, a truck driver

Afterwards, he learned through news reports

Yong rescue Wang Jing, who drowned the old man who fell into the water

It is the takeaway guy who delivers food to himself

"I was shocked, and my heart was too much to go,

If I hadn't ordered food,

The takeaway guy may not have an accident. ”

After Mr. Guo learned about Wang Jing's family situation

I also want to dedicate myself to him

"If there is a fundraiser, be sure to notify me."

This green pepper meat takeaway can no longer be delivered, and the follow-up story is still heartbreaking...

Wang Jing was posthumously awarded a number of honorary titles

On the 28th, Jianli City commended Wang Jing as a "Jianli Model"

And posthumously awarded Wang Jingjianli City "Outstanding Youth"

Jianli City "the most beautiful worker" honorary title

This green pepper meat takeaway can no longer be delivered, and the follow-up story is still heartbreaking...
This green pepper meat takeaway can no longer be delivered, and the follow-up story is still heartbreaking...
This green pepper meat takeaway can no longer be delivered, and the follow-up story is still heartbreaking...

Respond to kindness with kindness

Citizens spontaneously collected donations for Wang Jing's family

Wang Jing's deeds have touched countless people

On the evening of the 28th, enthusiastic citizens spontaneously sang in the streets

Collecting donations for Wang Jing's family

Participant Ms. Wang said

As a fellow countryman, I am particularly heartbroken and proud

Want to do something for him

Everyone sang spontaneously for more than three hours

A total of more than 7,000 yuan was raised

It was handed over to Wang Jing's family

Wang Jing's takeaway platform also said

He will bear the tuition and living expenses of his daughter

Until she was 18 years old

Wang Jing, thank you for your kindness

This kindness is also passed on among more people

All the way, ordinary hero Wang Jing!

Comprehensive: CCTV, Jimu News, Jingzhou Release

The copyright belongs to the original author, please inform us of the infringement

Source: Jinan Economic Broadcasting FM90.9

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