
Deng Tuo's essay: an egg's possessions

author:The name of the sunshine

When it comes to possessions, people always think that this is a considerable amount of wealth. The word "dang" in the house should have been written as the word "帑". 帑 is the meaning of currency storage, pronounced as the word "dang", and the northerners pronounce it as a homophony of the word "dang", so the spoken language becomes "home".

Deng Tuo's essay: an egg's possessions

We usually say that someone has possessions, that is, to admit that he has a lot of family wealth, but he will not believe that an egg can count as any possessions! However, Zhuangzi has long said that there are people who "see eggs and seek wealth", so we should not underestimate the possessions of an egg.

Indeed, any great wealth, when initially accumulated, often begins with a very small amount. This is just like the principle that the axillary can become a fur, and the trickle can become a river. However, this is not to say that in any case, as long as you have an egg, you have a piece of belongings. Things can never be so simple and easy.

During the Ming Dynasty, there was a novelist named Jiang Yingke. He wrote a "Xuetao Novel", in which there is a story that says: "The people of a city are very poor, and they will not be able to survive." One day, I picked up a chicken egg and told his wife with joy: I have a house. Wife asked Ann? Holding the egg shows that at this time, it will take ten years, and the possessions will be in place. For with his wife I know: I hold this egg, borrow the milk of the chicken, and when the other chick is formed, I will take a female, and return to give birth to the egg, and in January I will get fifteen chickens. Within two years, the chicken will be raw again, and three hundred chickens will be obtained, which can be easily ten gold. I will be able to get twenty-five cattle in three years with ten gold and five cattle. Whoever is born of a beast, and is reborn, will receive one hundred and fifty cattle in three years, and three hundred gold. I hold this gold to borrow, and in three years, half a thousand gold can also be obtained. ”

Deng Tuo's essay: an egg's possessions

There are still many plots in the second half of this story, which do not make much sense and can be told without having to tell it. However, it should also be mentioned that this money fan later said that he also planned to marry a small wife. This caused his wife to "be furious and hit the chicken egg with her hand and break it." The earth is the home of this one egg and it is all destroyed.

Don't you see this story to illustrate many problems? This money fan also knows that the accumulation of household belongings takes a lot of time. Therefore, he and his wife calculated that it would take ten years to earn this possession. This also seems reasonable. But his plan had no reliable basis at all, but was based entirely on the assumption that each step was premised on the outcome of the previous hypothesis. For the things ten years later, he replaced reality with fantasies, fully displaying the true color of the money fan, so that he provoked his wife to be angry and beat his belongings to the ground with one fist. More importantly, his plan for the accumulation of wealth did not proceed from production at all, but pursued the purpose of his own wealth by means of cunning and plunder.

If you ask, where did his eggs come from? The answer was picked up. This fact is inherently disgraceful. And he planned to incubate this picked egg in the many eggs laid by the neighbor's hen, and his purpose was obviously to mix the water and touch the fish, and when the chick hatched, he would ignore the three seven twenty-one and bring a small hen back. It can be seen that this first-step plan to get rich is also a kind of trick of stealing and cheating.

Deng Tuo's essay: an egg's possessions

Deng Tuo and his wife Ding Yilan

Then he went on to imagine that chickens would make chickens again, sell chickens for money, buy cows with money, breed cows, sell cattle for money, use money to lend money, and such a series of plans to get rich, of course, can not be regarded as production plans. Almost every one of these important keys depends on speculation and exploitation to achieve this. This proves that the "city man" described by Jiang Yingke, although "very poor", is not a toiling people, probably belonging to the bankrupt merchants in the medieval city, who are full of fraudulent and exploitative ideas, and have no idea of honestly working hard to produce labor. Even if such a person earns a piece of household belongings, he cannot run any production business, but will only want to find a little wife and so on, and finally cause a fight between husband and wife, and disperse unhappily, which is an inevitable result.

Only truly honest workers have always understood the principle of labor producing wealth, can they get rid of all the ideas of getting rich, and they can use their hard work in a down-to-earth manner to create wealth and accumulate wealth for society and for themselves.

——Selected from Deng Tuo's "Yanshan Night Talk"

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