
Japanese media: A Japanese research team developed an anti-aging vaccine

According to Japan's "Asahi Shimbun" reported on the 11th, a research team at Suncheon University in Japan announced that they successfully developed a vaccine using experiments conducted in mice, which successfully improved the age-related diseases of laboratory rats and could also extend the lifespan of progeria model mice. This result is expected to be used in the treatment of diseases associated with ageing.

Japanese media: A Japanese research team developed an anti-aging vaccine

Previous studies have shown that senescent cells accumulate in the human body's internal organs or blood vessels, which can induce problems such as chronic inflammation. However, the team found that there is a specific protein on senescent cells, which is also found in the blood vessels and visceral fat of human arteriosclerosis or old mice used for experiments. After using drugs to remove specific proteins from experimental mice, the researchers found that their arteriosclerosis and glucose metabolism disorders were improved, and then developed an anti-aging vaccine (which is still not used in mice at this stage). As long as the mice are vaccinated with this vaccine, the antibodies will adsorb on specific proteins, allowing white blood cells to engulf senescent cells.

Professor Toru Minano said, "Many diseases that arise with age have the potential to be treated with this vaccine. In addition to arteriosclerosis and diabetes, it is expected that this vaccine can be applied to Alzheimer's disease, degenerative knee arthritis and other diseases as soon as possible. ”

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