
Five poems of atmospheric cold plum Tang: fragrant invincible cold plum, thousands of flowers and frozen do not know

Tang poems atmospheric cold plum five songs: for the memory of the old creek thousands of trees, a few years to live up to the snow in the open

Cold plum refers to the hardy characteristics of plum blossoms, and also refers to plum blossoms that bloom in winter. Because the plum blossom period spans winter and spring, cold plums are often used to express winter plum blossoms.

Plum blossoms have been introduced from the south to the north since ancient times, and their flowers bloom early, and the fruits are sour and sweet, becoming an important source of sourness in the ancient diet, because the sour taste is conducive to digestion and intestines, and has been given a very high status.

In the Book of Shang, there is a story that Fu, the chancellor of Yin Shang, said that he advised Emperor Wuding that if he wanted to make a pot of soup that everyone was satisfied with, he needed to season it with plums to take care of everyone's appetite. The subtext is that if you want to govern the country harmoniously and vigorously, you must choose people as capable as plums to comprehensively integrate and assist you to achieve the best state.

Then later generations often use the emperor who can use talents as "hetang hand", and talented people are naturally willing to compete for plum blossoms in anticipation of reuse.

Five poems of atmospheric cold plum Tang: fragrant invincible cold plum, thousands of flowers and frozen do not know

This is the tall side of plum blossoms. Then you can also see that in the Yin Shang era, people have already used plums.

The cultivation of plum blossoms in the ancient Zhou Dynasty has spread throughout the Yellow River Basin and is an important food for people's livelihood. At that time, the plum blossoms in the Yellow River Basin were in full bloom, and some kings specially climbed the Zhongnan Mountain to inspect the plum blossom planting here. But this situation, as the historical climate cooled, plum blossoms slowly withdrew from the Yellow River Basin.

During the Tang Dynasty, although the temperature was not as high as in the Zhou Dynasty, it was still very warm. In the Shanxi area of Shaanxi Province, there are still large areas of Merlin planted, which has become a home tree that many people remember. Not only that, the Tang Dynasty Chang'an Qushui, there are a large number of Merlin, its ornamental value is reflected because of the wealth of the Tang Dynasty, people have played in winter and spring, enjoy the plum blossoms.

Five poems of atmospheric cold plum Tang: fragrant invincible cold plum, thousands of flowers and frozen do not know

"Frozen willows with wind falling, cold plums shine fresh."

Although the song is to be played, it is returned to the driver and stays. "Chu Tang Liu Xiaosun "Winter Feast in shuzi house each endowed with a word of freshness"

This is a poem written by a high-ranking official of the early Tang Dynasty in his homeland near Chang'an, visiting the garden in winter and feasting.

It is midwinter or late winter, and the willow trees still have leaves, withering in the wind, but the plum blossoms have blossomed, which are particularly delicious under the clear blue sky and the bright sunshine.

This is to look up to see the plum blossoms open in the sun, and although the plum blossoms on the branches are winter, they carry the bright beauty of the upward resonance with the sun, and the kind of exuberance and vitality that makes people linger.

This poem also has the new beauty of the early years of the Tang Dynasty, refracting the sunny and winter plums from the happiness of the people.

Five poems of atmospheric cold plum Tang: fragrant invincible cold plum, thousands of flowers and frozen do not know

"When a king comes from his hometown, he should know about his hometown."

In front of the window of the coming day, the cold plum is not flowered. Sheng Tang · Wang Wei's "Three Miscellaneous Poems, Part II"

Wang Wei was born in Shaanxi, and at the age of fifteen, he came to the capital city of Chang'an in Shaanxi as a prodigy to develop, and he entered the aristocratic circle with his handsome appearance and extremely high musical talent, but he was not a good man, and eventually entered the career path as a jinshi dengdi.

But this process comes at the cost of his uprooting from home and overcoming emotional longings. Therefore, he has a kind of wandering thoughts about the people and things in his hometown, the most famous of which is his "September 9th Remembers the Shandong Brothers", the 16-year-old is not adapted to the prosperity of Chang'an, and when he ascends, he misses the intimacy with his brother.

This is a timeless plum blossom poem written in winter, Chang'an is not without plum blossoms, but it is not the plum blossoms of his hometown, Chang'an has countless courtyards and beautiful women, but it is not the hometown where he has deep feelings.

You come from your hometown, you should know about your hometown. Tell me, when you came, the plum blossoms in the courtyard near a certain window, did they bloom, did they look good?

I still believe that this is wang Wei's work as a teenager, because on the surface, although he has the enthusiasm of the aristocratic circles in the capital, he is still innocent and childish at heart. He cleverly asked the visitor whether the plum blossoms in his hometown had bloomed.

In addition to this atmosphere, there is another nine-nine, that window, is the girl he misses or is he in love with the love that has always been concerned, but cannot express?

Why is this poem atmospheric? Because many people feel a familiar feeling of home.

When we meet people from our hometown, we first start the topic from the weather, home mulberry, plum blossoms, and then gradually turn to the deep human sorrow. Our memories of our hometown are often condensed in a picture, a familiar fragrance, a beginning, a gradual diffusion of affection.

Wang Weiguan grew bigger, and eventually could not go back, but he always disliked the sharp and prosperous city in the capital, and after middle age, he bought land in Yuanchuan near Chang'an and made a farm similar to his home, and he enjoyed it.

Five poems of atmospheric cold plum Tang: fragrant invincible cold plum, thousands of flowers and frozen do not know

"Suddenly saw the cold plum tree, blossoming Han waterfront."

I don't know if the spring is early, and I suspect that it is a pearl maker. Zhongtang · Wang Shi "Jiang Binmei"

This is the most beautiful and most fairy hanmei poem, which should be the crown of meishi.

Hanshui is a branch of the Yangtze River, in ancient times this place was Yunmeng Daze, and now it is the Jianghan Plain, Chudi Smoke Cloud, Water Ze.

In the vast morning fog, walking by the river in the winter morning, I saw the white sand of the Hirakawa River, the view was wide, and there was a vast and vast feeling of not seeing the ancients before and not seeing the comers.

Suddenly, however, in your line of sight, a plum tree appeared, full of jade-colored flowers, standing at the water's edge. Dreamlike.

The heavens and the earth are vast, the sun is shining through the morning fog, and you stand far away, but it seems that you have seen the luster reflected on the countless flowers. This plum blossom belongs to the semi-wild state, the name is Jiangmei, the blossom is white and pink, and there is a kind of beauty and fairy beauty than the ornamental plum blossom. What do you think of in the mist of the river?

Wang Shi thought of the mythical fairy wearing a white pink dress with sparkling pearls on it. There was a legend that Zheng Jiaofu of the Zhou Dynasty often traveled to the Han River, saw two beautiful women, wearing two pearls, he wanted the beads on the beautiful woman, and the beauty smiled at him. Then he happily took a few steps with the bead in his arms, only to find that the bead was missing. Looking back, the beauty was gone, and he suddenly realized that he had met the fairy.

Here Wang Shi wrote that the plum blossom tree he saw in the morning mist was beautiful and ethereal, and he was worried that he was too close, or that the plum blossom would suddenly disappear.

He looked at the plum blossoms at a certain distance and felt the special immortality brought by the plum blossoms. This also makes the trip to the vast Han River have the kind of deep nostalgia that can be pinned on in the vastness.

To the Qing to the beautiful plum blossoms, to the lonely to the Kuosi people. It is loneliness, but also spiritual upliftment and reconciliation in loneliness.

Why say the atmosphere, because there is no god, trance, wrote a beautiful plum tree in everyone's heart.

Five poems of atmospheric cold plum Tang: fragrant invincible cold plum, thousands of flowers and frozen do not know

"The fragrance is invincible to the cold plum, and it looks lovely to be alone in his hometown."

In order to remember the ancient creek tens of millions of trees, a few years failed to open in the snow. Late Tang Dynasty · Wu Rong", "Hotel Plum Blossom"

Wu Rong's hometown is Zhejiang, and in the Tang Dynasty, it was a plum blossom resort in Jiangnan. It's just that Wu Rong is not lucky, he was born in the late Tang Dynasty. The late Tang Dynasty was a very chaotic and inward-looking era, and he did not enter the jinshi until he was in his 40s, and died of illness at the age of 54. Then, in the fourteen years of this officialdom, he first entered Shu to quell the chaos and was degraded to Jingnan; After returning to the capital, he encountered Zhu Quanzhong's rebellion, which forced Wu Rong to leave the capital, and then he was recalled by the imperial court and died on the road.

His inner loyalty can be seen from his resume, and behind this resume is the perennial turmoil. It should also include his life before the age of forty.

Plum blossoms bloom every year in his hometown, but for him, a stable life is definitely a luxury, and the plum blossoms in his hometown and hometown are hidden in the depths of memory.

The fragrance is invincible to the cold plum, which is used for years to affirm the plum blossom, is the aftertaste, is determined.

The loveliest thing is to be able to see the plum trees that bloom quietly in the hotel on the bumpy road.

I remembered the thousands of plum blossoms blooming in the snow at this time by the stream in my hometown, but I couldn't help myself, I hadn't gone back for several years, and I hadn't lived up to the waiting of plum blossoms in the snow for many years.

Behind this cuteness was turbulence and bitterness, but he suppressed it. Just say cute in front of you.

This extends to the plum blossoms in the hometown of thousands of trees in memory.

This is the tenacity of Tang Dynasty officials, who first have a country and then a home, even in the last days.

Four years after his death, the Tang Dynasty collapsed. In his life, he did not live up to the country and his family, nor did he live up to the plum blossoms, but left endless regrets.

Five poems of atmospheric cold plum Tang: fragrant invincible cold plum, thousands of flowers and frozen do not know

"Frost plum first dismantled the head branch of the ridge, and wanhui thousand flowers froze and did not know."

Stay and taste the soup, let him be bullied by the wind and snow. "Late Tang Dynasty · Li Jiuling's "Hanmei Words"

This is a Tang poem written about plum blossoms that are hardy in wind and snow.

The plum blossoms in the wind and frost took the lead in Plum Ridge, and at this time, thousands of flowers were frozen in the cold, and they did not know that the plum blossoms had bloomed.

It is precisely because plum blossoms have firm confidence that they can save the world like an upright and capable gentleman, and it is not afraid of the bullying of the wind and snow, strive to blossom, bear fruit, and use its life to benefit the country and the people.

This poem can be seen as a metaphor for plum blossoms, standing tall in the wind and snow, unique talent, resisting wind and cold, with their own firm aspirations and ideals, in order to be fearless of the wind and snow in front of them.

It is also from the chaotic end of the Tang Dynasty, experiencing war and pain, that people love plum blossoms.

Because plum blossoms represent the most tenacious vitality, the most noble and vigorous quality.

Five poems of atmospheric cold plum Tang: fragrant invincible cold plum, thousands of flowers and frozen do not know

From these Tang poems, we can also see that in the Tang Dynasty, people's aesthetics of plum blossoms were a gradual deepening process. From the early Tang Dynasty, plum blossoms represent a kind of bright upwards, to the Middle Tang Dynasty, plum blossoms are the tree of the homeland and the flower of the fairies, to the late Tang Dynasty, plum blossoms began to be closely related to the sweet and bitter tribulations of life, indomitable, becoming the real flower of the nation and the flower of the nation after the Song Dynasty.

I love plum blossoms.

Hatsuyoshi Katsuyuki interprets the love and beauty in the poems for you. Image from the web.

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