
Suddenly announced: Suspension of publication! Childhood memories of generations

Children's publication Fairy Tale King

It can be said that it has accompanied generations of childhood

But now it's also coming to an end


Zheng Yuanjie announced on his Weibo

Fairy Tale Kings will cease publication in January 2022

This year's December issue will be its masterpiece

Suddenly announced: Suspension of publication! Childhood memories of generations

Fairy Tale King was first published in 1985

Zheng Yuanjie alone writes a monthly magazine

It's been going on for exactly 36 years

It has now been announced that it will be discontinued

It's not that the "King" can't write

It's that he wants to defend his rights!

Suddenly announced: Suspension of publication! Childhood memories of generations

In order to devote energy to defending rights

Zheng Yuanjie wrote a farewell letter with tears in her eyes

Why did you choose to stop publication at this moment? In "A Letter Written by Zheng Yuanjie with Tears", he explained:

I would like to say sorry to the millions of readers and friends who have supported the monthly magazine "Fairy Tale King" for 36 years, sorry that I am 66 years old and have limited energy, and I can only devote all my energy to fighting with the 7197328 Pipilu trademark, the 8229932 fairy tale king trademark, and the 5423972 Shuk trademark by stopping writing the monthly "Fairy Tale King" monthly magazine.

He said that the total protection time of these three trademarks alone is 32 years long, and this is only the tip of the iceberg of infringement, and there are 672 infringing trademarks to be protected.

Zheng Yuanjie has repeatedly said that the bad faith preemptive registration of trademarks has greatly affected his writing. In an interview with the media in 2019, he talked about the failure of a large number of his new works to be released, that is, they could not be disturbed by infringement.

Suddenly announced: Suspension of publication! Childhood memories of generations

It was in June of this year

Shuker and Beta were also maliciously registered

A little hero full of positive energy

Actually used to sell e-cigarettes?!

Suddenly announced: Suspension of publication! Childhood memories of generations
Suddenly announced: Suspension of publication! Childhood memories of generations

On June 9 this year, the fairy tale king Zheng Yuanjie complained on Weibo that Shenzhen Megaray Technology Co., Ltd. illegally used its original literary character "Shuk Beta" to sell e-cigarettes without authorization.

Suddenly announced: Suspension of publication! Childhood memories of generations

"Among the many companies that infringe on my intellectual property rights, the use of my original well-known literary character 'Shuk Beta' to peddle e-cigarettes to minors through the Internet is the worst infringement, and there is no one." Zheng Yuanjie said at the end of the article.

Readers lament: the memories of generations

In 1985, "Fairy Tale King" was founded, and for 36 years, Zheng Yuanjie was the only contributor to the magazine, with a total print run of more than 200 million copies, and zheng Yuanjie was once the writer with the highest royalty income for Chinese writers.

In Zheng Yuanjie's Weibo profile, he wrote: Zheng Yuanjie alone wrote the monthly magazine "Fairy Tale King" for 36 years, with a total sales volume of 200 million copies, which is a world record.

Suddenly announced: Suspension of publication! Childhood memories of generations

The publication of "Fairy Tale King" is suspended

It makes the readers very sorry

Someone lamented:

Shuk Beta, Pipilu, Rubik's Cube Building

It's a childhood memory

Suddenly announced: Suspension of publication! Childhood memories of generations

Many netizens learned of this news

Rush to buy the December issue immediately

I want to keep it as a souvenir

And for rights protection

Readers expressed their support

And look forward to resuming publication as soon as possible

Suddenly announced: Suspension of publication! Childhood memories of generations
Suddenly announced: Suspension of publication! Childhood memories of generations

This is not the first time that Fairy Tale King has been discontinued

In fact, this is not the first time that Fairy Tale King has been suspended. The last time was in 2002, Zheng Yuanjie was criticized by the CCTV "Today's Saying" program, Sabine said on the screen that his fairy tale works were "full of inappropriate content for children", which caused an uproar after the program was broadcast, and Zheng Yuanjie announced in anger that from 2002 onwards, "Fairy Tale King" only published old works.

Those years were Zheng Yuanjie's "transition period", a large number of readers who followed him from childhood into adulthood, they hoped that Zheng Yuanjie could continue to create new stories for the "Pippiru" who grew up, and Zheng Yuanjie began to create multiple novels.

The resulting "Wisdom Teeth" and "Golden Thumb" were greatly successful, with the total number of prints exceeding one million copies, but Zheng Yuanjie obviously felt that the more restrictions he wrote, the more words such as hemorrhoids and menstruation caused parents to be dissatisfied, and finally even the word "marriage" could not appear, and the "Ghost Car" in the series was forced to stop.

Bought 10 suites to store reader letters

In addition to writing, Zheng Yuanjie often writes back to her young readers. For his own readers, Zheng Yuanjie is a warm day for decades.

A well-known story is that in the 1990s, Zheng Yuanjie bought 10 apartments in Beijing in one go because of the mountains of letters from readers, which were dedicated to storing these letters.

"These 10 houses have never been lived, rented out, not sold, and the letter is still inside. I never managed money, and now these houses are all school district houses. ”

Over the years, Zheng Yuanjie has not stopped writing. A total of 5 million words have been written in several years and have not yet been published. According to his plan, 13 unpublished novels, including "The Enemy", will be published 100 years after his death.

At last

I hope that all goes well with the rights protection matters

"King of Stories" come back early!

Comprehensive: News Workshop, Morning News, Red Star News, @ Zheng Yuanjie, netizen comments

Source: Qianjiang Evening News

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