
He Yunwei talked about the relationship with Guo Degang again, and frantically threw the pot: It's not that I don't recognize him, he clears the door first

In recent years, the cross-talk market has been very hot, and the contribution of Guo Degang and Deyun She to cross-talk is obvious to all. presently. Deyunsha accounts for almost 99% of the cross-talk business performance market. The popularity of cross-talk has led to the emergence of small cross-talk theaters in many cities, and at the same time, it has also led to the popularity of traditional art forms such as Peking Opera and Xiaoqu. The popularity of many cross-talk actors is very high, of course, including cross-talk masters such as Hou Yaohua and Jiang Kun, as well as He Yunwei Cao Yunjin and others who quit the Deyun Society.

He Yunwei talked about the relationship with Guo Degang again, and frantically threw the pot: It's not that I don't recognize him, he clears the door first

Recently, He Yunwei, who has not appeared for a long time, opened an online live broadcast with goods.

He Yunwei talked about the relationship with Guo Degang again, and frantically threw the pot: It's not that I don't recognize him, he clears the door first

As we all know, He Yunwei has now worshiped under Hou Yaohua, and from the perspective of generations, he and Guo Degang are brothers in relationship.

He Yunwei talked about the relationship with Guo Degang again, and frantically threw the pot: It's not that I don't recognize him, he clears the door first

I believe that everyone can imagine the live broadcast of the picture, there must be many netizens who leave messages, asking He Yunwei and Guo Degang and Deyun She's related topics, almost no one cares about his goods.

Some netizens left a message asking: How do you call (call) Guo Degang now?

He Yunwei did not shy away from this topic at all, and he replied very affirmatively: Teacher! teacher! Teacher Guo! You can't call Master.

He Yunwei then explained: I am no longer (Guo Degang's apprentice), but it is not that I do not admit it, it is he (Guo Degang) who has cleared the door of me, it is he who cleared the door first, it is not that I do not admit it, it is he who cleared the door first. So someone asked, is that still your master? It should not be the master, it should be the teacher. This, our industry is so mysterious.

He Yunwei talked about the relationship with Guo Degang again, and frantically threw the pot: It's not that I don't recognize him, he clears the door first

The above is why Yunwei's original words are very mysterious.

He Yunwei's explanation is more interesting, his implication is that Guo Degang "broke" the master-apprentice relationship between the two people, not that he did not want to admit Guo Degang as a master, but that Guo Degang cleared the door first and cleaned up the portal, so he could not call the other party a master.

The eloquence of the cross-talk actors is really good. But the eyes of netizens are bright, and many netizens asked He Yunwei in the message: Why did Guo Degang clear the door? Didn't you betray first? Didn't you quit the Deyun Society first?

He Yunwei talked about the relationship with Guo Degang again, and frantically threw the pot: It's not that I don't recognize him, he clears the door first

He Yunwei was originally a disciple of Guo Degang, before quitting the Deyun Society, his popularity was very high, but since he left the Deyun Society, the popularity was not as good as a year, and now it is rare to see his cross-talk works on the Internet, on the contrary, he began to show his artistic talent in "painting".

He Yunwei pretended not to see these messages, continued to talk to himself, and borrowed a sentence from him, which was really too mysterious.

Then again, since they have all been cleared, why don't they return the cloud word?

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