
After Puyi was released from prison, he went to visit the living eunuch, and what did the eunuch call him?

"The criminal Puyi ... The prisoner has been detained for 10 years, and during the period of detention, after labor reform and ideological education, he has already shown that he has truly changed from evil to good, and is released in accordance with the provisions of article 1 of the amnesty order. ”

On December 4, 1959, the Supreme Court read out a letter of amnesty to Puyi, the last emperor and a Class A war criminal. Since then, Puyi, who has been imprisoned in the Fushun War Criminals Management Center for 10 years, has regained his freedom in a new society. The reason for Puyi's release was that he had indeed changed from evil to good.

After Puyi was released from prison, he went to visit the living eunuch, and what did the eunuch call him?

What is evil? What is goodness?

Puyi's past is evil, and Puyi's future is good. Good and evil are only in one thought, as long as Puyi does not let go of his lust for the past, he will fall back into "evil" and be judged by the people again. Before leaving the War Criminals Management Center, the director of the management center instructed Puyi:

"Don't forget those who have been hurt by you."

With this advice, Puyi left the northeast and returned to Beijing after 35 years of absence.

The next year, Puyi was introduced by the Beijing Civil Affairs Bureau and was arranged to work in the Botanical Garden of the Institute of Botany of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, where he was responsible for collecting tickets. The Civil Affairs Bureau also prepared a house for Puyi in Dongguanying Hutong (Where Feng Xiaogang also lived), which was somewhat dilapidated and meant freedom.

After Puyi was released from prison, he went to visit the living eunuch, and what did the eunuch call him?

Puyi's residence is very close to the Forbidden City, a few steps, you can see the golden roof of the Forbidden City; if you only stay at home, you will look up at the White Tower of Beihai Park. The royal scenes outside these windows are easy to make Puyi "angry" - although he has changed from evil to good, how can the past things be forgotten?

Under the red wall of the golden roof, there are too many memories of Puyi buried——

The first time to climb a high wall, the first time to look into the distance, the first time to hide and seek in the vast Forbidden City... In all these memories, there is a special group: eunuchs.

People say that the most ruthless imperial family, more ruthless than the imperial family, is the eunuch of the imperial family.

After Puyi was released from prison, he went to visit the living eunuch, and what did the eunuch call him?

Regarding these eunuchs, in Puyi's memory, they were the lowest beings in the Forbidden City. They must be punished for doing wrong things, they must be punished for saying the wrong things, and they must be punished for taking the wrong road; sometimes Puyi's hands are itchy, and they are also punished. In short, as long as Puyi is not happy, they will definitely be unlucky.

For this group of eunuchs, Puyi loved and hated both: what he loved was that they had to do everything in life; what he hated was that the eunuchs made his "little nine-nine" lifelong infertile.

Puyi probably did not know that when he left the Forbidden City, there were still more than a thousand eunuchs in the palace; by the time Beijing was liberated, there were less than 10 people left, and 2 of them had followed Puyi to puppet Manchuria to "be a traitor" and survived.

It can be seen that the eunuch's life "outside the palace" is very tragic.

After liberation, the few remaining eunuchs were labeled as the "landlord class." In those days, what such class attributes meant, cold and warm self-knowledge.

One day, Puyi's little sister Yun Huan told him: "There are still seven or eight eunuchs in the palace who are still alive, and now they live in the Wanshou Xinglong Temple, if you are free, you can go and see them." ”

Wanshou Xinglong Temple and the Forbidden City are next to each other, although separated by a moat, Puyi has never been here. Because it used to be where the old eunuch lived, Puyi felt that it was "dirty" and that it was a loss of identity to go there. I didn't expect that decades later, I still can't get around here.

Puyi listened to this and giggled in his heart.

If we talk about Puyi's true heart, he does not want to see these eunuchs. In the past, they were masters and servants; now they are comrades in the new society. God knows what will happen to Puyi after seeing these eunuchs.

However, if you don't see it, there is something wrong with it. After all, Puyi has "changed from evil to good", refusing to see these people who have been hurt by him is not facing up to his past evil, if this is passed out, Puyi will most likely have to return to the furnace and rebuild.

In desperation, Puyi had to choose a date and decided to go to Wanshou Xinglong Temple.

After Puyi was released from prison, he went to visit the living eunuch, and what did the eunuch call him?

It was a weekend, Puyi got up early, and after eating something casually, decided to walk to visit the eunuchs. The distance is not far, if you cut a short road, you can get there in half an hour.

When Puyi appeared at the door of Wanshou Xinglong Temple, he hesitated again. After the door shook for a short time, Puyi resolutely took a step and walked into the Xinglong Temple.

At that time, several eunuchs were busy cleaning the temple and preparing for the new day. Suddenly, a eunuch knelt on the ground and screamed in his mouth, "Emperor! ”

At the same time, the head kept prostrating to the ground. Several other eunuchs heard the sound, quickly ran over, looked up to see that the person standing at the door was the old master of the past, and suddenly the old tears flowed -- I didn't expect that after half a lifetime of humiliation, I could once again bow down to the emperor as a eunuch, how fortunate!

So they knelt on the ground and shouted "Emperor" in their mouths. Puyi saw these eunuchs calling him so, and his soul flew in fright——

You know, this is a new society, everyone is equal, Leng Buding was kneeled down by several eunuchs to call the emperor, in case someone exposes him as "perverse", Puyi is a hundred mouths can not be defended!

Thinking of this, Puyi hurriedly greeted him, helped the eunuch Sun Yaoting, who was the leader (Puyi knew him), and repeated a sentence in his mouth: "I am here to atone for my sins, don't call me emperor..." As he spoke, his body trembled, as if he was startled by a nightmare.

When Sun Yaoting saw that the "emperor" was so out of shape, he suddenly realized that it was now a new society, where else was there an emperor?

After a few people sat in the courtyard and exchanged a few words of greeting, Puyi quickly excused himself to leave, and before leaving, he told Sun Yaoting not to pass on the news of seeing them, otherwise "We will all be unlucky!" Leaving the Wanshou Xinglong Temple, Puyi shook left and right, returned home, locked himself at home for a few days and did not dare to go out.

After Puyi was released from prison, he went to visit the living eunuch, and what did the eunuch call him?

(The picture shows Puyi's last former residence, which was collapsed by the rain)

After making sure no one bothered him, he went out to work again.

This meeting was the last time puyi saw a eunuch who had "served" him in his life, and it was also the last time he was kneeling down in front of him and shouting "emperor". Judging from Puyi's performance, he has indeed "changed from evil to good", after all, a Class-A war criminal like him and his status as a traitor should be treated as a gun.

alas! Puyi's life is tragic? Is it helpless? Or is there a penalty? However, his willingness to come to see the eunuchs at the end was also a kind of "goodness" for these eunuchs.

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