
Do not use baking powder walnut crisp, the method is simple zero failure, crispy and delicious mouth melting, too fragrant do not use baking powder walnut crisp, the method is simple zero failure, crispy and delicious entrance is melted, too fragrant [walnut crisp]

author:Happy Food Notes LSJ
Do not use baking powder walnut crisp, the method is simple zero failure, crispy and delicious mouth melting, too fragrant do not use baking powder walnut crisp, the method is simple zero failure, crispy and delicious entrance is melted, too fragrant [walnut crisp]

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > walnut crisp without baking powder, the method is simple and fails, the crispy flavor is delicious and melts in the mouth, too fragrant</h1>

The child came home mysteriously and said to me, these days especially want to eat snacks, may be because the weather is cold to eat the food consumption is too fast, always feel hungry reasons. Just bought some freshly listed walnuts a few days ago, and I was ready to make him some walnut crisps, which are both depressing and resistant to hunger.

Walnut crisp is a classic Chinese traditional pastry, the taste is crisp and sweet, many people like to eat, this pastry can be regarded as a high-end goods when we were young, there are really walnuts in it, so it will be particularly cherished to eat, every time it is a small bite to eat, even the slag is eaten, not wasted at all.

Now the walnut crisp sold outside, the price looks cheap, in fact, it is not delicious at all, in addition to no walnuts, but also added a lot of additives, in order to add flavor will add flavor, in order to crisp will add a lot of fluffy agent, eat it is not at all the taste of childhood, so I never go outside to buy.

Do not use baking powder walnut crisp, the method is simple zero failure, crispy and delicious mouth melting, too fragrant do not use baking powder walnut crisp, the method is simple zero failure, crispy and delicious entrance is melted, too fragrant [walnut crisp]

In fact, walnut crisp itself at home to do is also very simple, as long as the so the material mixed well kneaded into a ball is good, is a particularly suitable for novices to do the pastry, many people do walnut crisp will put baking powder and baking soda, although it is crunchy to eat, but I do not like the taste, so I made walnut crisp is not put baked powder and baking soda, do the same crispy and delicious walnut crisp, zero difficulty method to share with everyone, let's take a look at it!

Do not use baking powder walnut crisp, the method is simple zero failure, crispy and delicious mouth melting, too fragrant do not use baking powder walnut crisp, the method is simple zero failure, crispy and delicious entrance is melted, too fragrant [walnut crisp]

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > [walnut crisp].</h1>

【Ingredients】: Walnut kernels 110 g, low flour 130 g, butter 90 g, powdered sugar 70 g, egg yolk 2, black sesame seeds to taste

【Directions】:1:Prepare the ingredients, walnut kernels 110 g, low flour 130 g, butter 90 g, powdered sugar 70 g, egg yolks 2 pcs.

Do not use baking powder walnut crisp, the method is simple zero failure, crispy and delicious mouth melting, too fragrant do not use baking powder walnut crisp, the method is simple zero failure, crispy and delicious entrance is melted, too fragrant [walnut crisp]

2, first put the walnuts in the oven or wok to bake, take out and crush with a rolling pin, the size of the walnuts can be personally liked.

Do not use baking powder walnut crisp, the method is simple zero failure, crispy and delicious mouth melting, too fragrant do not use baking powder walnut crisp, the method is simple zero failure, crispy and delicious entrance is melted, too fragrant [walnut crisp]

3: First put 70 grams of powdered sugar into the butter softened at room temperature and mix them well with a spatula, add 2 egg yolks and mix well, then sift in 130 grams of low powder, mix well.

Do not use baking powder walnut crisp, the method is simple zero failure, crispy and delicious mouth melting, too fragrant do not use baking powder walnut crisp, the method is simple zero failure, crispy and delicious entrance is melted, too fragrant [walnut crisp]

4: Divide the mixed dough into 30g/1 small dough.

Do not use baking powder walnut crisp, the method is simple zero failure, crispy and delicious mouth melting, too fragrant do not use baking powder walnut crisp, the method is simple zero failure, crispy and delicious entrance is melted, too fragrant [walnut crisp]

5: Then roll them in turn, press them flat, put them into a baking dish, brush the surface with a layer of egg yolk liquid, and sprinkle some black sesame seeds.

Do not use baking powder walnut crisp, the method is simple zero failure, crispy and delicious mouth melting, too fragrant do not use baking powder walnut crisp, the method is simple zero failure, crispy and delicious entrance is melted, too fragrant [walnut crisp]

6: Put in the preheated oven, medium layer, 180 degrees for 20 minutes and then turn 160 degrees and bake for 10 minutes.

Do not use baking powder walnut crisp, the method is simple zero failure, crispy and delicious mouth melting, too fragrant do not use baking powder walnut crisp, the method is simple zero failure, crispy and delicious entrance is melted, too fragrant [walnut crisp]

7, after baking, take out and cool and seal and save, so that the walnut crisp, sweet and crispy, bite straight off the slag, and the method is also particularly simple.

Do not use baking powder walnut crisp, the method is simple zero failure, crispy and delicious mouth melting, too fragrant do not use baking powder walnut crisp, the method is simple zero failure, crispy and delicious entrance is melted, too fragrant [walnut crisp]


1, walnuts to be roasted and then used, there is no oven can be used in a wok to fry slowly, and then crushed with a rolling pin, the size of walnut crushing can be according to personal preference, like the sense of granularity can be a little larger, otherwise it can be crushed.

2, the mixed dough does not need to be kneaded too much, as long as it is a ball, no dry powder.

3. The temperature and time of baking can be adjusted according to their own oven.

Thank you for reading my article, I am the original author of today's headline food heart on the dark clouds 2013, your likes and sharing is my biggest motivation, if you like, please pay more attention to me, we discuss the fun of cooking together!

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