
It's almost The New Year, teach you homemade walnut crisp, the method is simple, crispy and crispy, more fragrant than the one bought

author:Kitchens in Amyoya
It's almost The New Year, teach you homemade walnut crisp, the method is simple, crispy and crispy, more fragrant than the one bought

It is about to be the New Year, and today Xiaobian wants to share a delicacy for everyone - walnut crisp, walnut crisp is a snack that Cantonese people are more familiar with, and it is also the taste of many people when they were young. Walnut crisp biscuits, the taste is crisp and sweet, every bite can taste the aroma of nuts, both can relieve hunger and hunger, crispy taste is also loved by small friends, and walnuts are rich in nutrition, in addition to a variety of trace elements, the most important thing is rich in unsaturated fatty acids, is one of the nutrients that are particularly needed in the development of children.

Now some of the walnut crisps sold in the store, feel that there are no walnuts in it, so simply make it yourself to eat, make it at home is really simple, do not have to send, mix all the ingredients into the roast on the end, no difficulty zero failure! The roasted peach crisp is golden and bright in color, the surface is cracked, fragrant and crispy and crispy!

It's almost The New Year, teach you homemade walnut crisp, the method is simple, crispy and crispy, more fragrant than the one bought

【Ingredients】: Low gluten flour 200 g, walnut kernels 40 g, egg 40 g, water 20 g, vegetable oil 80 g, sugar 60 g, baking soda 2 g, baking powder 3 g, a little black sesame seeds

It's almost The New Year, teach you homemade walnut crisp, the method is simple, crispy and crispy, more fragrant than the one bought

【Method】: 1, put the walnut kernels in a plastic bag and then crush them with a rolling stick, mix low gluten flour, baking soda and baking powder together and sieved, and stir well with the walnut kernels; (without baking soda baking powder, it really does not work, hard Bangbang.) Baking soda is crispy after baking powder)

It's almost The New Year, teach you homemade walnut crisp, the method is simple, crispy and crispy, more fragrant than the one bought

2, the eggs, oil and water mixed together, clockwise stirring until completely fused together;

It's almost The New Year, teach you homemade walnut crisp, the method is simple, crispy and crispy, more fragrant than the one bought

3. Pour the stirred egg oil mixture into the flour;

It's almost The New Year, teach you homemade walnut crisp, the method is simple, crispy and crispy, more fragrant than the one bought

4, with a spatula to fully mix evenly, do not knead, so as not to affect the taste of the tendon, flour will absorb the egg yolk and oil all in, mix into a ball, soft and soft will not be hard;

It's almost The New Year, teach you homemade walnut crisp, the method is simple, crispy and crispy, more fragrant than the one bought

5, the baking sheet is covered with oil paper, the dough is divided into equal size agents, and then rolled into a circle, placed on the oil paper, the distance should be spaced apart;

It's almost The New Year, teach you homemade walnut crisp, the method is simple, crispy and crispy, more fragrant than the one bought

6, each dough flattened, the edges try not to be too thin, the whole cake thickness is consistent, baked out of the color is more uniform, brush a layer of egg liquid on the surface, sprinkle with black sesame seeds, and then into the oven up and down the fire 180 degrees 20 minutes, everyone's oven is different, you can see the coloring situation out of the oven;

It's almost The New Year, teach you homemade walnut crisp, the method is simple, crispy and crispy, more fragrant than the one bought

Very tasty and simple walnut crisp, crisp off the dregs, make oh ~

It's almost The New Year, teach you homemade walnut crisp, the method is simple, crispy and crispy, more fragrant than the one bought


1, you can use other nut crushed instead of walnut crushed to make a different taste.

2, flour can also be used directly with ordinary flour, but low gluten flour will be more crispy.

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