
Cousin's little chef - simulated walnut crisp

author:I'm Flower Girl

Puff pastry material: 100g low gluten flour, 45g lard, 5g cocoa powder Water oil skin material: medium gluten flour 120g, lard 30g, warm water 80ml, cocoa powder 5g Filling: walnut kernels 150g, pine nuts 50g, lard, powdered sugar to taste

Cousin's little chef - simulated walnut crisp

Cousin's little chef - simulated walnut crisp method

Prepare the materials

Cousin's little chef - simulated walnut crisp

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Walnut puff pastry is best done with lard

Cousin's little chef - simulated walnut crisp

Bake tray with tin foil and lay nuts flat

Cousin's little chef - simulated walnut crisp

Preheat the oven to 160 degrees, bake in a baking dish with walnuts and pine nuts and bake for ten minutes

Cousin's little chef - simulated walnut crisp

Remove the nuts and cool them thoroughly

Cousin's little chef - simulated walnut crisp

Use a rolling pin or the back of a knife to press into small particles, do not roll into powder, the taste is not good.

Cousin's little chef - simulated walnut crisp

Add lard and powdered sugar to the chopped walnuts

Cousin's little chef - simulated walnut crisp

The lard is added slowly

Cousin's little chef - simulated walnut crisp

Once the ingredients can be held in a ball, stop.

Cousin's little chef - simulated walnut crisp

The materials are fully integrated

Cousin's little chef - simulated walnut crisp

Dough into walnut balls, about 12 grams a piece.

Cousin's little chef - simulated walnut crisp

Mixture of puff pastry material

Cousin's little chef - simulated walnut crisp

Add the flour to the lard

Cousin's little chef - simulated walnut crisp

Slowly blend the lard with flour by hand

Cousin's little chef - simulated walnut crisp

80 ml of warm water

Cousin's little chef - simulated walnut crisp

Mix cocoa powder into the flour

Cousin's little chef - simulated walnut crisp

Add lard and water

Cousin's little chef - simulated walnut crisp

Pastry dough and water-oil dough, covered with plastic wrap and let stand for 20 minutes.

Cousin's little chef - simulated walnut crisp

Use a rolling pin to roll out the oil skin and wrap in the puff pastry

Cousin's little chef - simulated walnut crisp

Close your mouth slowly

Cousin's little chef - simulated walnut crisp

Wrap tightly and press into a round cake

Cousin's little chef - simulated walnut crisp

Roll out into a large rectangular dough sheet

Cousin's little chef - simulated walnut crisp

Fold into three folds and cover with plastic wrap to relax for fifteen minutes.

Cousin's little chef - simulated walnut crisp

Roll out a large rectangular dough and fold it into three folds

Cousin's little chef - simulated walnut crisp

Cover with plastic wrap to relax for fifteen minutes.

Cousin's little chef - simulated walnut crisp

Finally, roll out the dough into a large square dough sheet with a thickness of about 0.3, (evenly with force, do not break the skin).

Cousin's little chef - simulated walnut crisp

Roll tightly from bottom to top, be sure to roll tightly, and finally roll into a long strip.

Cousin's little chef - simulated walnut crisp

Cut into small pieces, about 15g one.

Cousin's little chef - simulated walnut crisp

Small agent press flat

Cousin's little chef - simulated walnut crisp

Roll out into thin slices

Cousin's little chef - simulated walnut crisp

Add the walnut filling balls

Cousin's little chef - simulated walnut crisp
Cousin's little chef - simulated walnut crisp

Closing is complete

Cousin's little chef - simulated walnut crisp

Arrange by hand into an oval shape

Cousin's little chef - simulated walnut crisp

Pinch a line in the center (pictured) and take a closer look at what the walnut looks like.

Cousin's little chef - simulated walnut crisp

Press a toothpick on the midline.

Cousin's little chef - simulated walnut crisp

Specialized walnut clips clip out the texture, no tools to fork a few eyes with a fork at random.

Cousin's little chef - simulated walnut crisp

When the walnut puff pastry is ready, spread the tin foil on the baking sheet and add the walnut puff pastry

Cousin's little chef - simulated walnut crisp

Place in the middle of the preheated oven and bake at 180 degrees Celsius for 20 minutes. Each oven has its own temper, so adjust the temperature and time according to your oven characteristics.

Cousin's little chef - simulated walnut crisp

The walnut crisp is baked

Cousin's little chef - simulated walnut crisp

The steaming hot walnut crisp is the best

Cousin's little chef - simulated walnut crisp

Walnut puff pastry is very faceful!

Cousin's little chef - simulated walnut crisp

Let's try it too!

Cousin's little chef - simulated walnut crisp

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