
Less than 40 of the two generations of monarchs died, so why did Cao Cao's descendants live so short?

This matter is interesting, I remember Liu Beibai Emperor Said when he was lonely:

Fifty years old, not called longevity. There are more than sixty years in this year, why hate after death?

Less than 40 of the two generations of monarchs died, so why did Cao Cao's descendants live so short?

Liu Bei felt that he had lived to the age of sixty, and the people at that time had lived to the age of fifty, and they could no longer be called "early death", in other words, they were called longevity, so Liu Bei said that he had nothing to regret, and that he had earned it.

Cao Cao himself lived for 65 years, if it were not for the headache, it is estimated that Cao Cao could live longer, but Cao Cao at least proved that without the factor of illness, his genes are not short-lived genes, but relatively normal genes.

However, Cao Cao's son Cao Pi, that is, Emperor Wen of Wei, who established the Wei Dynasty, only lived to be 39 years old, and Cao Pi's son Cao Rui of Wei Ming was even more "miserly", and in historical records, he could not even live to be thirty-five years old, and Cao Rui could not give birth to children, and finally it was equivalent to "ending without a future", and then he found Cao Fang to be an heir.

The short life of the two generations of emperors made Cao Cao's genes suspicious, and he felt that there was something wrong with whether Cao Cao's bloodline was universal, otherwise, why did these descendants have such a short life.

You said that even if Cao Pi and Cao Rui could live to fifty, that would make sense, but the emperor couldn't even cross the "longevity line", which really made people anxious.

However, looking at the life trajectory of the three generations of Cao Cao, Cao Pi and Cao Rui, it can be seen that the short life of Cao Pi and Cao Rui has some roots.

Less than 40 of the two generations of monarchs died, so why did Cao Cao's descendants live so short?

At that time, Cao Cao blackmailed Tianzi to order the princes to do the things that the regent did in front of him, and all the people in the world were responsible, and Emperor Xian of Han was abused by him several times, but he still refused to usurp the throne, and he was only crowned king of Wei, it is obvious that Cao Cao did not intend to put the name of usurpation on his head.

Cao Cao's pressure no one can deny, the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, not to say that Cao Cao did not rebel, the life of the Han Xiandi emperor was better, the emperors at the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, were bullied material, after all, Cao Cao before there was Dong Zhuo, the emperor's inaction, let the emperor become a weed on the side of the road, who dared to be a powerful minister, at any time to step on it, so there was chaos in the world, frequent wars.

Because of the chaos, Cao Cao had the opportunity to come out and call himself a tyrant.

Can govern the world, Cao Cao is still OK, military and civil administration for many years, Cao Cao's pressure is really big, so Du Kang can not stop, and Du Kang, the destruction of the body is very large, do not rule out Cao Cao in such a background, Cao Pi was born.

Later, Cao Cao died, Cao Pi succeeded the King of Wei, and later usurped the throne, becoming the founding emperor of the Wei Dynasty, but Cao Pi seemed to be usurpers, he did better than most of the emperors of the Eastern Han Dynasty, in terms of culture and politics, quite accomplished, in the military, better resistance and foreign Yi, to prevent problems in the north.

Less than 40 of the two generations of monarchs died, so why did Cao Cao's descendants live so short?

Speaking of tiredness, Cao Pi is not inferior to Cao Cao, but it is not as wonderful as the historical records of the Three Kingdoms, so the historical color of Cao Pi is faded, in 226 AD, Cao Pi died, according to the ancient algorithm, Cao Pi died at the age of forty, saying that the length is not long, but in the average age of the emperor and the general, it must be short.

After Cao Pi's death, Cao Rui took the throne.

Cao Rui experienced the usurpation of the throne and the founding years of his grandfather Cao Cao and his father Cao Pi, and his life experience was very rich and talented, so Cao Rui took over cao Pi's burden and continued to "shoucheng", Cao Rui played a very stable role in the pattern of the three kingdoms, and defeated Xianbei externally.

However, Cao Rui had a bad habit in the later period, that is, he liked to "pick women".

In other words, Cao Rui was very greedy for beauty, at that time many ministers advised him not to do so, probably because of fertility problems, Cao Rui completely let go of himself, did not care about these things, so Cao Rui's life is controversial, in 239 AD, Cao Rui died and was buried in Gaoping Mausoleum, this Gaoping Mausoleum, which is the Gaoping Tomb that later turned the Sima family.

Sons and grandsons were short-lived, and later generations of Confucians said that this was caused by Cao Cao's regency, and Cao Cao died of a headache, which was cursed by the ancestors of the Great Han, but feudal superstition metaphysics could not be trusted, and it was always necessary to tell some truth.

Less than 40 of the two generations of monarchs died, so why did Cao Cao's descendants live so short?

From the life experience of Cao Pi and Cao Rui, both of them are considered to be "conscientious", but Cao Pi has a bad hobby, that is, he also likes to marry other people's "daughter-in-law", Cao Rui also has bad hobbies, like to supplement women, this habit is the most hurtful to the body, the so-called "lust and short life".

In fact, among all of Cao Cao's sons, Cao Pi was very lucky.

Cao Cao had twenty-five children in his lifetime, most of whom died early, and the reason why they died early was related to Cao Cao's perennial living environment, and Cao Cao's behavior of liking other people's wives was also believed to be Cao Cao's choice of a spouse with less risk of childbearing, and the real purpose was to keep more heirs.

About Cao Cao's big regret, nothing more than his son Cao Chong, Cao Chong has been keen since childhood, born a natural communicative genius, Cao Cao really thought about letting Cao Chong inherit the unification, but unfortunately this child has a thin life, there is no way, some things are not cao Cao can control, but cao Chong although short-lived, he has a brother is an exception.

That is Cao Yu, very Cao Chong, the same as Cao Cao's concubine Lady Huan's son, Cao Yu lived at least 67 years old in history, because in 211 AD, there is already a record of Cao Yu being named the Marquis of Duxiang, and when Cao Yu died, it was already the Jin Dynasty, and in 278 AD, that is, during the Xianning period, Cao Yu died.

Cao Yu is a very inconspicuous figure in history, but it has to be said that he is a historical figure who has experienced many major events, when he was crowned marquis, Cao Cao's Battle of Chibi had not yet taken place, and four years later, Cao Cao was crowned king of Wei, after which he experienced the Three Kingdoms period, the Sima family usurpation period, and the establishment of the Jin Dynasty.

Less than 40 of the two generations of monarchs died, so why did Cao Cao's descendants live so short?

Therefore, Cao Yu lived a long life, and it can be said that he spanned three eras (the late Eastern Han Dynasty, the Three Kingdoms period, and the Western Jin Dynasty), and he also became the longest-lived one of Cao Cao's many sons, breaking the rumor of Cao Cao's "short-lived genes", and Cao Yu was very similar to Cao Cao in the matter of life span.

Then let your eyes go to the main vein of Cao Wei here.

In fact, after the establishment of the Wei Dynasty, the emperors did not have as many colorful as imagined, although Cao Rui had eroded, but his "covetous pleasure" was different from the real hedonism of the prosperous king, Cao Rui did not rule the world, and the second did not leave a son, which had a helpless meaning in it.

After Cao Rui, Cao Wei was really involuntary, Cao Fang, as a toddler, ascended the throne at the age of eight, completely by the power ministers, first Cao Shuang, and then to Sima Yi to control him, and then to be deposed later, Cao Fang is no way, but Cao Fang fortunately was not killed, and the ending is different from Cao Fang's ending.

Cao Fang also lived to the age of forty-two, and also saw the Jin Dynasty established by Sima Yan, and Cao Huan, who was indeed a person who wanted to change the fate of the Cao family against the heavens, was finally killed by Sima Zhao's men, and Cao Huan also became an emperor who had rarely been killed directly since ancient times, only nineteen years old.

Therefore, the emperor of Cao Wei, for various reasons, reigned for a short time, so it is generally considered by later generations that the lives of Cao Cao's descendants are very short, in fact, the short life is only an example, and there are also many special factors, such as Cao Yu's unknown Cao family, naturally there are many.

Less than 40 of the two generations of monarchs died, so why did Cao Cao's descendants live so short?

This is also like the emperor of daming, the inheritance of the Ming Dynasty is longer, many emperors are short-lived, but not all short-lived, but intermittently, long-lived on the contrary, a long life, such as Wanli Emperor Zhu Yijun, he did not go to the dynasty for decades, every day health care is not a director, naturally is a long life.

And like Akihito, before he ascended the throne, he was overworked, and he died not long after he ascended the throne, less than a year, naturally some people say that he has a short life, in fact, this is the same as overdraft work and no overdraft work, if it is overdrawn, no matter how good the genes and body, it will not live long.

Short life, long life, the most important thing is to have the same mentality as Liu Bei, only to fight for the day, as if Liu Bei will not borrow from the sky for another five hundred years, he will feel that he can live for so many years, it is already earned, this is to live in the present, the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, the Three Kingdoms period, the world undercurrents surging, can survive, it is already a rare thing.

And Cao Cao's descendants have been so prominent and have also peaked, in the end life is not in vain, living a few years less, this is nothing.

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