
It's a big deal! 17-year-old badminton player Zhang Zhijie's rescue was ineffective, and the referee blocked it and missed the time!


Friends, I believe that you have already heard about a recent deplorable incident in Indonesia, right? A game that was originally full of blood suddenly turned into a tragedy, which is embarrassing.

It's a big deal! 17-year-old badminton player Zhang Zhijie's rescue was ineffective, and the referee blocked it and missed the time!

Here's the thing, on the evening of June 30, 2024, the Chinese badminton Asian Youth Championships team was playing a mixed team competition in Indonesia. In a men's singles match against Japan in the group stage, 17-year-old Chinese teenager Zhang Zhijie suddenly fainted on the court and had severe convulsions.

It's a big deal! 17-year-old badminton player Zhang Zhijie's rescue was ineffective, and the referee blocked it and missed the time!

This scares everyone! Seeing this, the coach immediately wanted to rush forward, but was stopped by the referee stiffly. The coach had no choice but to settle for the next best thing and ran off the field to find a doctor first. But it is a pity that there is not even a simple medical team at the scene, so the precious golden treatment time is missed in vain.

It's a big deal! 17-year-old badminton player Zhang Zhijie's rescue was ineffective, and the referee blocked it and missed the time!

As we all know, the key to the treatment of sudden diseases is time. Even a few minutes of delay can put the patient's life at risk. Sure enough, although a doctor finally arrived and implemented emergency treatment, he was still unable to return to heaven in the end, and Zhang Zhijie, a young man, was killed by a racehorse, which made people feel heartbroken.

It's a big deal! 17-year-old badminton player Zhang Zhijie's rescue was ineffective, and the referee blocked it and missed the time!

Afterwards, some media reports revealed that this Zhang Zhijie was originally the key training object of the national badminton youth training. In 2024, he has just won the men's singles and men's team championships at the Dutch Youth Championships and the National Youth Championships, and he can be described as a young and promising leader.

It's a big deal! 17-year-old badminton player Zhang Zhijie's rescue was ineffective, and the referee blocked it and missed the time!

It is a great shame and waste that in such a golden age, the flower of his life was ruthlessly taken away without warning!

It's a big deal! 17-year-old badminton player Zhang Zhijie's rescue was ineffective, and the referee blocked it and missed the time!

What is even more infuriating and incomprehensible is that such a serious danger of human life was seriously ignored and obstructed by the referee in the early stage of its occurrence. People can't help but ask, at such a life-and-death juncture, the referee should decisively make a humanitarian judgment and let the coach and staff enter the field for treatment as soon as possible!

It's a big deal! 17-year-old badminton player Zhang Zhijie's rescue was ineffective, and the referee blocked it and missed the time!

On the contrary, the referee seemed to follow some kind of inhumane rigid refereeing rules, and even obstructed Zhang Zhijie's right to timely rescue regardless of it. If Zhang Zhijie had been rescued earlier, perhaps his life would not have been cut off so briefly.

It's a big deal! 17-year-old badminton player Zhang Zhijie's rescue was ineffective, and the referee blocked it and missed the time!

We understand that there are various referee rules and disciplines that should be followed on and off the pitch in regular matches. But I think that when a major event occurs when human life is at stake, human life is the highest reason! Any adjudication rules should give way to the right to life, and should not be treated as a rigid shackle that hinders the saving of lives.

It's a big deal! 17-year-old badminton player Zhang Zhijie's rescue was ineffective, and the referee blocked it and missed the time!

What's more, you must know that the core of sportsmanship is friendship first, competition second, and always put people's life safety first.

It's a big deal! 17-year-old badminton player Zhang Zhijie's rescue was ineffective, and the referee blocked it and missed the time!

Obviously, there were serious mistakes and negligences in many aspects of this tragic incident. First of all, the lack of basic medical security measures in the host site will cause Zhang Zhijie to be delayed in the precious time for treatment at a critical time. The second is the referee's extremely inhumane refereeing behavior, which violates the basic humanistic spirit of the sports world.

It's a big deal! 17-year-old badminton player Zhang Zhijie's rescue was ineffective, and the referee blocked it and missed the time!

In this regard, we can only lament that the quality of current sports competitions is uneven, and some places cannot even achieve the most basic human life protection, and such a major loophole undoubtedly exposes a huge security risk.

It's a big deal! 17-year-old badminton player Zhang Zhijie's rescue was ineffective, and the referee blocked it and missed the time!

We have reason to seriously question and reflect on the medical security and emergency response capabilities of some regions and venues, and it is also necessary to conduct humanistic and professional comprehensive training for relevant referees.

In short, friends, in addition to the original intention of pursuing competitive sports, the most important thing in the management of sports events is to take the first line of safety for the life and health of athletes!

It's a big deal! 17-year-old badminton player Zhang Zhijie's rescue was ineffective, and the referee blocked it and missed the time!

Even if the competition is small, it is necessary to purchase sufficient personal accident insurance for athletes, and set up standardized medical security and emergency plans to provide athletes with a safe environment for the event. This is the minimum humanitarian norm, and it is an important part of making sports events truly universal and international, and no one should slack off or neglect in this regard.

It's a big deal! 17-year-old badminton player Zhang Zhijie's rescue was ineffective, and the referee blocked it and missed the time!

It is hoped that through this painful lesson, we can firmly learn from the experience, thoroughly rectify the medical security and emergency response capabilities of sports events, and effectively ensure the last pass for the life and health of athletes, so that they can show their skills safely, securely and happily on the field. Only in this way will the tragedy not be repeated in the arena and the sportsmanship can truly soar!

It's a big deal! 17-year-old badminton player Zhang Zhijie's rescue was ineffective, and the referee blocked it and missed the time!

(Disclaimer: The content of this article, videos, pictures, and articles are all from the Internet and are for reference only!) If there is any doubt about the incident, delete or change it immediately after contacting!! )

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