
After learning of Chiang Kai-shek's death, the great man only said three words about it, which is still incomprehensible!

In April 1975, when the chairman was recuperating in Hangzhou, Zhejiang, this season Hangzhou is very beautiful, full of flowers, full of vitality, in this place cultivation is excellent. It was also at this time that Taiwan ushered in a "bad news" that Chiang Kai-shek, president of the Kuomintang, died of a heart attack and ineffective treatment.

After learning of Chiang Kai-shek's death, the great man only said three words about it, which is still incomprehensible!

After Chinese mainland learned the news, he rushed to tell the chairman that he thought that this should be a happy thing, but after the chairman knew, his expression was very complicated, and he hesitated for a long time, and then said three words: "I know."

The chairman's simple words contained many complicated feelings, and no one knew what kind of mood he had about the sudden death of old Chiang Kai-shek.

The most "fierce" enemy, the most subtle emotional change

As we all know, the chairman and the old Chiang Kai-shek have been fighting for decades, and the two of them in their youth regarded them as "enemies", and the civil war in China was so serious that the Communist Party lost many fierce generals and how much property the masses of the people lost.

But in the latter years of the two men, there seemed to be some very subtle changes. In his later years, old Jiang has been living in Taiwan, but his hometown is in Zhejiang, and once people are old, they like to be nostalgic, and although old Jiang is in Taiwan, his heart is related to his hometown.

After learning of Chiang Kai-shek's death, the great man only said three words about it, which is still incomprehensible!

Chiang Kai-shek, who had fought for half a lifetime, once wanted to "eliminate" the Communists, but in his later years, he also talked many times about his views on "two Chinas." He once said that he did not want to see this situation in his heart, and he believed that the Communist Party did not want to see this, but he finally chose to "gamble".

After learning of Chiang Kai-shek's death, the great man only said three words about it, which is still incomprehensible!

Of course, in his later years, the chairman also seemed to be playing down this "hostile relationship". In 1972, when the chairman talked to Nixon, he directly called old Chiang "old friend", and there we called him "bandit", while the chairman called him "old friend", and Nixon was very confused. The Chairman also said: "My 'friendship' with him is very long, much longer than yours".

In this way, the "feelings" between the chairman and the old Chiang Kai-shek have really undergone very subtle changes, which make people unpredictable.

Both sides want to safeguard the reunification of the motherland

In 1972, the chairman tried to establish friendly relations with the Taiwan side and conveyed his strong desire to reunify the two sides of the Taiwan Strait.

At this time, the Kuomintang side seems to have also changed. In 1975, the elder Chiang Kai-shek issued a "restoration" announcement, secretly sent a private letter to the chairman, hoping to invite the chairman to visit Taiwan, at that time Chen Lifu especially hoped to see this scene, openly expressed his welcome to the chairman's visit to Taiwan, hoping that the chairman could "once again create a grand situation of cooperation between the two sides regardless of the previous accusations."

After learning of Chiang Kai-shek's death, the great man only said three words about it, which is still incomprehensible!

Our side responded positively to this matter, hoping to reach a consensus and create a situation of peaceful reunification, and also specially released many US and Chiang Kai-shek agents and important personnel who were in China at that time, actively arranged the progress of this matter, and gave them very generous treatment.

But before he could wait for the formal peace talks, Old Jiang left, and before leaving, he once said that he wanted to return to the mainland, hoping that he would be buried on the mainland after he died.

After learning of Chiang Kai-shek's death, the great man only said three words about it, which is still incomprehensible!

In the face of his sudden death, the chairman's heart must also be "five tastes and miscellaneous", someone once said that the chairman was very depressed after learning that old Jiang was gone, and he could not eat, perhaps the chairman had silently sent him a farewell in his heart.


In the face of the great cause of the reunification of the motherland, any hatred is no longer a major matter, and in the heart of the chairman, the country will always come first, and the people will always be in his heart.

In the face of the sudden death of the kuomintang president, no one can guess the chairman's mentality at this time.

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