
Australian media article: Is the United States still a free place?

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The Australian website published an article on 31 December 2021 titled "Is America Still a Land of Freedom?" On the first anniversary of the U.S. Capitol riots, the article provides an in-depth analysis of the incident, and the full text is excerpted as follows:

What is the greater threat to "American democracy"? On the first anniversary of the January 6, 2021 Riot at the Houses of Parliament, this is a very question worth asking, especially now that we have much more information to base our assessment than was when the flood of media reports followed.

Partisan interests trump the truth

Politicians and the media often claim that, if anything, the Capitol riots were worse than 9/11. It therefore requires special legislation and special measures to refocus the "war on terror" on those who are described as domestic terrorists.

Democrats have proposed amending the domestic counterterrorism law as it turns the focus almost entirely to the "white supremacist" threat. According to former federal prosecutor Andrew McCarthy, the law has had the bizarre effect of excluding "jihadist" terrorists.

Who are these domestic terrorists who must be closely monitored, deprived of their civil liberties, unable to join the military or even travel by air?

It's not just obvious candidates, like those involved in right-wing militias. According to an unquestioning left-liberal American historian and journalist Anne Applebaum, the network should include those who continue to have or express doubts about the fairness of the 2020 U.S. presidential election.

In an article published in the monthly magazine Atlantic, Epplebaum pondered how to use an appropriate word to describe those who are skeptical of the election — a majority of Republican voters are skeptical, according to poll results. Here's one of her favorite words and who they apply to: "In the absence of a better word, I refer to them collectively as demagogues — not just those involved in the riots, but also a much larger number of Americans united by the belief that Donald Trump won, Joe Biden lost, and a long list of people and institutions lying." ”

So, how do you describe the events of January 6, 2021?

Trump's decision to convene a mass rally that day was reckless and futile, and his delay before calling for the rioters to evacuate was reprehensible. In fact, his every move after the election was stupid. Once the U.S. Supreme Court decides on December 11, 2020, on december 11, 2020, that the state's "lack of evidence" not to hear the detailed challenge from the State Attorney General of Texas — a challenge that other states support — the realistic option to overturn the election results will not exist.

As for the riots— the forced intrusion into the Capitol, it's hard to think of a political celebrity who has defended it. These are offences that result in death and serious injury and are applicable to appropriate and proportionate penalties. The process of Congress formalizing the election results was interrupted and was a very serious matter.

Almost everyone agrees with this. But that is far from enough to meet the Democratic Party's need to justify its "domestic war on terror." This would entail exaggerating the events as an insurrection, in effect an "armed insurrection," a veritable coup instigated by Trump and his supporters that threatens "American democracy" more than the 9/11 attacks, which some claim is the biggest threat since the Civil War.

What is wrong with trying to prevent an army of "demagogues" from violently overthrowing a government? In the weeks that followed, there were a spate of horrific reports of a likely further invasion, including on inauguration day. To prevent this possibility, 26,000 U.S. troops were deployed around the Capitol.

There was distortion in media reports

So, let's try to get the truth here, starting with the "armed insurrection" narrative that CNN and other media outlets have been affirming. They noted on CNN's "Truth First" webpage that three of the more than 700 people charged for the unrest were charged with carrying guns into capitol Hill bailiwicks. Others carried items such as flagpoles, hockey sticks and pepper sprays. At an earlier congressional hearing, the FBI said no guns were confiscated that day.

Contrary to some earlier reports, the only gun used that day and the only death due to someone's deliberate actions was the shooting that killed Trump supporter Ashley Babbitt. Babbitt was unarmed, and as she climbed through the shattered door of the Senate Chamber, a Congress police officer shot her in the throat at close range without any warning.

For most media, this is not an event that can be a big deal. In fact, some articles suggest that she asked for herself. She shouldn't have been there, but should she have been shot in the throat? Obviously, the lives of the despicable ones do not matter.

In the days and weeks following the unrest, mainstream media reports were unusually completely dishonest. It transcends distortion and becomes outright lying.

If this were an insurrection or coup attempt, it would be the most incompetent insurrection and coup attempt in the history of the world.

The Capitol riots were an abomination of hundreds of idiots. But in any case, it is not an armed insurrection or coup d'état that necessitates a new "war on terror," which is aimed at a segment of the country that has been harmed by holding the same views as them.

Australian media article: Is the United States still a free place?

This is the Capitol after the snow was photographed in Washington, D.C., on January 3. Xinhua News Agency

Source: Reference News Network

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