
Former Foreign Minister of Singapore: The United States is not willing to be the second child and insists on changing China, which will repeat the tragedy of the Qing Dynasty

author:Shinobayashi said

The United States is unwilling to be surpassed by China and become the "second largest in the world", so it does everything to oppose China, but today's United States, just like the Qing Dynasty in the big year, "closed off the country", is it really not afraid of falling into the fate of a "dead country"?

It is an indisputable fact that no one can stop China's rise, or even surpass the United States, and it is also an indisputable fact that the United States refuses to accept this, insists on making China its enemy, and tries to base the "great renewal" of the United States on suppressing China. But can the United States really realize this "great dream"?

Former Foreign Minister of Singapore: The United States is not willing to be the second child and insists on changing China, which will repeat the tragedy of the Qing Dynasty

Shinobashi noted that just recently, the "Asia Society," a US think tank, invited former Singaporean Foreign Minister Yang Rongwen to talk with Kang Kyung-ho, president of the association and former South Korean Foreign Minister, on Sino-US relations. During this period, Yang Rongwen was highly energetic throughout the whole process, not only refuting all kinds of China-related fallacies, but also reminding the United States that if it persists on the road of anti-China, it will only repeat the tragedy of the Qing Dynasty's seclusion and seclusion.

First of all, it is worth mentioning here that the former South Korean Foreign Minister Kang Kyung-wha belongs to the South Korean democratic faction, but under the influence of South Korea's environment, he still has a very good impression of the United States. For example, at this meeting, Kang Kyung-wha first mentioned that not long ago, US Ambassador to China Burns visited the Asia Society, saying that the United States and China are in long-term strategic competition, and the United States is willing to manage bilateral relations with China, but the United States will definitely not be the second in charge.

Former Foreign Minister of Singapore: The United States is not willing to be the second child and insists on changing China, which will repeat the tragedy of the Qing Dynasty

In response, Yang Rongwen said, "I am very worried about Ambassador Burns' remarks," because such remarks will only make the Chinese side believe that the United States has no bottom line for its malicious intentions toward China.

Yang Rongwen said that China does believe that the United States is in decline, and it is very likely to surpass the United States in terms of economic volume in the future, but China does not want to replace the United States as the world's first in geopolitics, let alone become a global hegemon or a "world policeman". China prefers that the United States will recover and then work together to maintain the world order.

Shinobayashi does agree with this opinion. China is not a collection of interests composed of capitalists, and naturally has no interest in such things as expanding outward and controlling the heavens and the earth, China just wants to ensure that its own piece of the cake belongs to it, and the Americans need not be afraid of it at all, unless the Americans are too greedy.

Besides, China is now the world's factory, and the United States is still China's top three export markets, where is it necessary for China to completely sever relations with its own customers, or even replace them?

Former Foreign Minister of Singapore: The United States is not willing to be the second child and insists on changing China, which will repeat the tragedy of the Qing Dynasty

The United States was great in history, but it was precisely because the United States at that time truly embraced the whole world, provided space for cooperation with people of different backgrounds with a multipolar thinking, and created the world's freest capital investment market.

But how does the United States deal with the challenge of Chinese capital?

During the talks, Kang Jinghe mentioned the "China impact theory", saying that China's electric vehicles and other industries have "overcapacity" and harm the interests of other countries. The implication is that Biden's recent announcement that he would impose 100% tariffs on Chinese electric vehicles is completely reasonable.

However, Yang Rongwen said that the so-called "overcapacity" is essentially a competition in the manufacturing field, which is a manifestation of China's greatly improved productivity, and the only feasible way for the Americans to win is to vigorously develop their own productive forces and compete fairly with China.

Former Foreign Minister of Singapore: The United States is not willing to be the second child and insists on changing China, which will repeat the tragedy of the Qing Dynasty

But what is the United States doing now? Do Americans really think that this is the right way to deal with global challenges while preparing for a military struggle against China, constantly suppressing and imposing sanctions on China, building "small courtyards and high walls", and carrying out ideological infiltration of China on the other?

Yang Rongwen said that in the 19th century, China's Qing Dynasty actually thought about the same, as long as they built high courtyard walls and closed off the country, they could always be at ease. But the result? The only result of the isolation of the country was that the Qing Dynasty was completely disconnected from the world, and finally it was completely abandoned by the whole world in just a few decades, and ended up in ruin.

So do Americans really hope that they will end up like this?

Finally, Yang Rongwen also mentioned the "change China theory" that was once quite popular among some Americans, who had hoped to change China through engagement and cooperation, and make China a similar kind to the United States. But the result? Now, these Americans have turned from love to hate, and have turned to preach the "theory of failure of engagement" in an attempt to change China through containment and pressure, and become the backbone of the answer of the anti-China camp in the United States.

Former Foreign Minister of Singapore: The United States is not willing to be the second child and insists on changing China, which will repeat the tragedy of the Qing Dynasty

But what Shinobashi wants to say is that China is not a former colony with no historical roots, but a great power with 5,000 years of history and culture, and has given birth to unique and complete values and national characteristics.

And what Shinobayashi wants to ask is, do you Americans really have any intention of making China a similar kind to the United States, so that the Chinese people can enjoy the same life as the United States? Look at the Soviet Union, the people of the former Soviet Union, including Russia, once longed for the West, and even took the initiative to cooperate with you in carrying out reforms, but what kind of answers did you hand in?

In fact, to put it bluntly, "the United States is not willing to be the second oldest", this sentence has fully exposed the true psychology of the United States: the United States really regards the world as a jungle of the jungle of the jungle, and has never thought of sharing a blue sky with other countries.

Former Foreign Minister of Singapore: The United States is not willing to be the second child and insists on changing China, which will repeat the tragedy of the Qing Dynasty

Such a country, after fulfilling its historical mission, is destined to soon withdraw from the stage of history. And now, this moment is coming soon.

Of course, in the end, Shinobayashi still has to remind you that when you hear some words we want to hear, you must also stay sober enough:

As early as 2004, when he was Singapore's foreign minister, Mr. Yang Rongwen openly criticized "Taiwan independence" at the United Nations, and was a typical pro-China faction in Singapore. However, Mr. Yeo Rongwen retired from politics as early as 2011, and his friendly attitude towards China does not represent the current Singapore political scene, let alone the current ASEAN.

What's more, after Mr. Yang Rongwen left the political arena, he became a pure businessman, and his main business was to trade with China; In 2018, he served as an independent director of Pinduoduo.

So, is it possible for such a businessman who has invested all his capital in the Chinese market to say that he is not optimistic about China?

Former Foreign Minister of Singapore: The United States is not willing to be the second child and insists on changing China, which will repeat the tragedy of the Qing Dynasty

All in all, Shinobashi is not opposed to listening to the friendly words of some such international friendly people, but there is no need to pay too much attention to it after listening to it, after all, it is impossible for the United States to automatically withdraw from the stage of history, and we need to fight for all this ourselves.

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