
The 2024 negative evaluation of many university majors is released, the work is hard and the pay is low, and the top of the list is unemployed after graduation

author:Idyllic farming

There are more than 3,000 universities in various provinces and cities in China, covering 13 university disciplines and more than 800 professional directions. For college entrance examination candidates who are about to enter the university hall, it is important to choose the right university and major. This is not only about the results of the college entrance examination, but also about the direction of future career development.

In the process of volunteering, the first thing students need to consider is choosing a suitable university. A university with a good reputation and high quality of education can provide students with a better learning environment and a broader platform for development. However, choosing a university is only the first step, and choosing a major that will benefit you for your future is just as important.

The 2024 negative evaluation of many university majors is released, the work is hard and the pay is low, and the top of the list is unemployed after graduation

However, not all majors are as rosy as one might think. According to the 2024 "Unpopular Majors" ranking, majors such as tourism management, business management, foreign trade, medical imaging, and English are listed as majors with poor job prospects. These majors may be subject to industry changes, fierce competition, or a disconnect from real needs, resulting in graduates facing difficulties in the job market.

When choosing a major, students should fully consider their interests, abilities, and future career plans. Avoid blindly pursuing popular majors or following the crowd, and instead make an informed choice based on your own situation. At the same time, we should also pay attention to the development trends and employment prospects of the industry to make more accurate decisions.

The 2024 negative evaluation of many university majors is released, the work is hard and the pay is low, and the top of the list is unemployed after graduation

Specifically, while the tourism management major may sound tempting, the job market is actually not optimistic. Graduates often face employment difficulties and even need to change careers. Business management may sound lofty, but the job prospects are not ideal. Foreign trade majors have certain requirements for family economic conditions, and students with no families need to consider carefully when choosing. Although medical imaging is an independent discipline, graduates can often only work in relatively single jobs such as radiologists, and there is a lot of competition pressure. With the popularization of artificial intelligence and translation software, English majors are gradually losing their employment advantages.

Of course, choosing a major isn't just about getting a job. Students should also consider their interests and long-term career plans. If you have a strong interest in a major and are willing to put in the effort to it, it is worth trying even if the job prospects are not ideal. Because interest is the best teacher, it is able to stimulate people's potential and creativity, and make people go further in their careers.

The 2024 negative evaluation of many university majors is released, the work is hard and the pay is low, and the top of the list is unemployed after graduation

In addition, students should also pay attention to the development trend of the industry when choosing a major. With the advancement of science and technology and the development of society, some new industries have gradually emerged, providing more employment opportunities for graduates. Therefore, understanding the development trends and employment prospects of the industry is essential to make an informed choice.

In conclusion, when choosing a university and major, students should fully consider their interests, abilities, and future career plans. Avoid blindly pursuing popular majors or following the crowd, and instead make an informed choice based on your own situation. At the same time, we should also pay attention to the development trends and employment prospects of the industry to make more accurate decisions. Only in this way can you lay a solid foundation for your future career.

The 2024 negative evaluation of many university majors is released, the work is hard and the pay is low, and the top of the list is unemployed after graduation

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