
A positive person in Yongkang, Zhejiang Province, was diagnosed and went to the same gas station with an infected Henan couple to go to the toilet

author:Jimu News

Jimu News Reporter Yao Gang

Video clip Yao Gang

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On January 5, a positive case was found in Yongkang City, Jinhua, Zhejiang Province, and turned into a confirmed case on the 6th. Jimu News reporter learned from the Yongkang Municipal Health Bureau that the case was associated with 2 infected people in Henan, who went to the same gas station in Jinhua City at the same time period on the 1st.

A positive person in Yongkang, Zhejiang Province, was diagnosed and went to the same gas station with an infected Henan couple to go to the toilet

Screenshot of the epidemic notification

According to the notice released by Yongkang, between 12:39 and 12:45 on January 1, the confirmed cases in Yongkang City went to the Toilet at the Lingxia Zhu Gas Station after buying paper at a supermarket near the Lingxia Zhuhuangjia Chunlian Shortbread in Jindong District, Jinhua City.

This is not the first time that the Lingxia Zhu gas station has appeared in the circulation report. According to the wenzhou municipal health commission' notice, on January 5, Wenzhou city continued to investigate the activity trajectory of the infected Henan freight couple, and found that 2 people refueled, went to the toilet and rested at the Lingxia gas station (next to the Lingyi Village Lingxia Hotel) at the G330 Lingxia Zhuyi Village section of Lingxia Town, Jindong District, Jinhua City, China, from 12:20 to 12:40 on January 1.

The Jimu News reporter verified and found that the "Lingxia Gas Station" mentioned in the above two circulars is a place, and there is an intersection between the confirmed case of Yongkang and the time when Henan Freight couples came to the gas station.

On the morning of January 6, a Jimu news reporter contacted a colleague with a confirmed case in Yongkang, who said that his colleague was infected after going to a gas station in Lingxia on the 1st.

The Yongkang Municipal Health Bureau confirmed to Jimu News that on January 1, the confirmed case of Yongkang became close contact with 2 infected people in Henan at the Lingxia gas station, resulting in infection. At present, nucleic acid testing has been carried out in some areas of Yongkang City.

On January 6, Yiwu Airport in Jinhua Prefecture issued a notice saying that from January 6, all flights departing from the airport to Beijing were cancelled due to public safety reasons, and passengers going to Shenzhen needed to hold a negative nucleic acid test certificate within 48 hours to take the flight.

A positive person in Yongkang, Zhejiang Province, was diagnosed and went to the same gas station with an infected Henan couple to go to the toilet

Yiwu Airport released a screenshot of the notice

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