
A human specimen was exhibited in Europe, and the Chinese people resented it after seeing it: this is a Chinese heroine!

Because of the lack of people in sight, during the Qing Dynasty, China began to close the country and began to open up a gap with the development of the world. By 1840, the First Opium War had broken out, and it was at this time that China slowly opened its eyes to the world and began nearly a hundred years of humiliation.

Since the Opium War, the world powers seem to have started a carnival to divide China, but in the face of the powerful world powers, the weak Qing government has no ability to stop it, and can only watch them wreak havoc on their own territory. But even when the country was in trouble, the people began all kinds of uprisings, which were bound to drive foreigners out of our territory. For example, the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom Movement broke out at this time, which can be regarded as a relatively successful uprising.

A human specimen was exhibited in Europe, and the Chinese people resented it after seeing it: this is a Chinese heroine!

But at this time, unimaginable things happened, in order to suppress these folk uprisings, the Qing government actually cooperated with foreigners, and exchanged humiliating foreign people for help to suppress the uprising. What we want to talk about in this article is the Boxer Rebellion. The Boxer Rebellion itself was just an ordinary uprising organization, but after a large number of women joined later, a so-called red light was established, the leader of this organization was called Lin Hei'er, and it was also called the Yellow Lotus Virgin by the people at that time, at the beginning, the red light was described by the people at that time as very magical, everyone inside could spell, and the cornices walked on the wall.

A human specimen was exhibited in Europe, and the Chinese people resented it after seeing it: this is a Chinese heroine!

When the Eight-Power Alliance invaded China, it also heard rumors of red lights, and I was also very curious about it. Therefore, after the suppression of the Boxer Rebellion, the red light could not escape the fate of being destroyed, and the leader of the red light, Lin Hei'er, was brutally killed by the invaders. Feeling very curious about the rumors of Lin Hei'er's cornices walking on the wall, the invaders deliberately preserved Lin He'er's body and then transported it back to their own country, intending to do research.

A human specimen was exhibited in Europe, and the Chinese people resented it after seeing it: this is a Chinese heroine!

But no matter how to study later, the invaders could not crack the secret of the so-called cornice wall, so they simply did not study, made Lin Hei'er's body into a specimen, and then displayed it at the exhibition, it was precisely because of this incident that all the Chinese felt very angry, because this was their hero, and now it was displayed as a specimen, which was simply a humiliation in the face of him. Unfortunately, because of the lack of strength at that time, although the people of the country were very angry, they were helpless.

A human specimen was exhibited in Europe, and the Chinese people resented it after seeing it: this is a Chinese heroine!

But the most infuriating thing is that the Qing government, in the face of its own country's heroes being so humiliated, still dare not show any ideas. Moreover, if the Qing government had not chosen to close the country and keep up with the development of the world, there might not have been a century of humiliation in China. Fortunately, after decades of development, china has long been different, and it is no longer a country that can be bullied by others.


In fact, whether a person is tough or not really has a lot to do with the country, if your own country is strong, the country outside yourself can also raise its eyebrows, but if your country is relatively weak, even if you are as tough as Lin Hei'er, you may end up with him. Therefore, whether the country is strong or not is closely related to us, do not think that even if there is no country, we can live well, only when the country is strong, we can not be slaves to the country, so as not to be bullied at will. However, there are always hate countries in the real world, and I hope that they will wake up soon.

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