
A human specimen on display in Europe is actually a Chinese woman, and the Chinese people hate it: she is a Chinese hero

At the end of the Qing Dynasty, the Qing government was incompetent, and the Western powers wantonly invaded and occupied Chinese territory. China was caught in the fate of national subjugation.

A human specimen on display in Europe is actually a Chinese woman, and the Chinese people hate it: she is a Chinese hero

In this social context, the people spontaneously formed an insurrectionary contingent and participated in the great cause of saving the country and defending the country. The Boxer Rebellion was undoubtedly the most famous and powerful of the late Qing Dynasty's people's salvation movement.

In fact, in addition to the Boxer Rebellion, there were other national salvation organizations, and "Red Light" was one of them.

Red Light is an anti-imperialist and national salvation organization, composed entirely of women. Leader Lin Hel was originally the wife of an ordinary fisherman, but her husband was beaten to death by foreigners. Therefore, Lin Haier hated foreigners very much. In order to avenge her husband and oppose imperialist colonial aggression, Lin Haier resolutely threw himself into the anti-imperialist and national salvation movement.

A human specimen on display in Europe is actually a Chinese woman, and the Chinese people hate it: she is a Chinese hero

She joined the Boxers very early, but the Boxers looked down on women. Because the Boxers believed that women represented "filth", their spells would be broken by women, and male members of the Boxers would not be willing to contact women, and women would naturally not be reused.

However, in order to take care of the psychology of the Boxer women, the Boxer leader Zhu Hongguang decided to separate the Boxer women and form a women's group. Finally, under the operation of Zhu Denghong and Lin Haier, the red light was established, with Lin Haier as the leader and Zhu Denghong as the supporter.

The main activity of the red light is land rights in Tianjin and other surrounding areas. All members wore red coats and held up red lights. The members were matched by their sisters. Lin Hel is the older sister. Lin Haier studied medicine in his early years and knew some medical methods that could treat common diseases. Therefore, many people came to see her, and later the people called her "the mother of Huang Lian".

A human specimen on display in Europe is actually a Chinese woman, and the Chinese people hate it: she is a Chinese hero

Similar to the Boxers, the Red Lantern also had a strong feudal superstition. According to legend, the martial arts skills illuminated by red lights are extraordinary. As long as he followed his master's sister in refining, he could ascend to heaven within a few days. When he encountered a red light, he immediately turned into a sea of fire, as powerful as a bomber for foreigners.

Although both the Boxers and the Red Light illuminated their members in superstitious ways, they were taking action to save the country and it was difficult to judge whether they were right or wrong.

Since the Red Lantern illumination is composed of all women and its combat nature is naturally inferior to that of men, the Red Lantern is mainly responsible for logistical support, providing medical assistance, intelligence gathering and national salvation propaganda, and recruiting members to join national salvation organizations such as the Boxer Rebellion, which was the rear support of the uprising.

A human specimen on display in Europe is actually a Chinese woman, and the Chinese people hate it: she is a Chinese hero

These uprisings were also a huge blow to the G8 coalition, which suffered heavy losses at one point. However, the shameless Qing government joined forces with the Eight-Power Alliance to encircle and suppress these uprising movements. In the end, under the joint strangulation of the Qing army and the Eight-Nation Alliance, the Tianjin Red Lantern Altar was the most breached, and the red lantern women in the city were either killed or killed.

Our Lady of Huanglian resisted until the last moment and was captured alive.

The Eight-Nation Alliance was very interested in the female leader of the Red Lantern and thought that Lin Hel could really use magic, so they decided to arrest him for research. The fate of this grieving national heroine is tragic. After she was humiliated and killed, her body was also made into specimens and transported to Europe for exhibition.

In this regard, the people of Chinese were extremely angry and indignant. They mourned in silence for the heroines who died to save the country.

A human specimen on display in Europe is actually a Chinese woman, and the Chinese people hate it: she is a Chinese hero

Delta Eight-Nation Alliance

In today's view, such an act of calling on members to join superstition is naturally undesirable. However, considering that people's ideological consciousness was not high in the feudal era, such a call to Party members was undoubtedly very effective. Most importantly, their members put a sense of national consciousness

In today's view, this kind of superstition to call on members to join is naturally undesirable. But considering that in the feudal era, people's ideological consciousness was not high, calling on members in this way was undoubtedly very effective. Most importantly, their members take the national righteousness as their own responsibility and use their own blood to fight foreign invasions, which is enough to be called national heroes!

And the leader of the red light, Lin Hei'er, her deeds were also praised by the literati in the Republic of China period, known as "China's Freedom Goddess"!

A human specimen on display in Europe is actually a Chinese woman, and the Chinese people hate it: she is a Chinese hero

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