
"Our Lady of the Yellow Lotus" Lin Hei'er, tortured to death by foreigners, made specimens and brought to Europe for exhibition

China's development is extremely rapid, which has aroused the hatred of the United States, the most developed country in the world at present. The United States is like a "wolf in sheep's clothing", squeezing China's development under the pretext of "maintaining world peace" all the time.

China has been the economic center of the world since ancient times. In modern times, because Qianlong implemented the policy of "closing the country behind doors," for a long time the whole country did not think of making progress and lagged behind the Western countries, but the Chinese nation's spirit of unremitting struggle for self-improvement was something that the United States could not defeat under any circumstances.

"Our Lady of the Yellow Lotus" Lin Hei'er, tortured to death by foreigners, made specimens and brought to Europe for exhibition

In the talks between China and the United States some time ago, because of the shameless remarks of the United States, many Chinese people remembered the scene when Western countries raided China together. Since the Qianlong Emperor in the middle of the Qing Dynasty proclaimed himself "the kingdom of heaven and the kingdom" and began to implement the "closed country", it laid the groundwork for China's backwardness in modern times. By the end of the Qing Dynasty, the Qing government was no longer able to resist the aggression of the Western powers against China, resulting in China being invaded and exploited for a long time.

The West began to implement the Industrial Revolution and became stronger and stronger, and we were still living a career of feudal rule in the closed gates, not knowing that the door of the Qing Dynasty was about to be opened by the powers of various countries. When we were invaded by Western powers, many teams of Chinese people emerged.

"Our Lady of the Yellow Lotus" Lin Hei'er, tortured to death by foreigners, made specimens and brought to Europe for exhibition

In addition to the more famous "Boxer Rebellion" in modern history, there was also a small group organization, and there were many women in this group organization, that is, "red light illumination". The red light is very similar to the essence of the Boxer Rebellion, which is to lead these poor and suffering people to resist the foreign invaders and the corrupt status quo of the Qing government at that time.

In the corrupt situation at that time, it should be said that "the times create heroes". However, there are still many gaps between the situation and history of modern history. At that time, we had to face the foreign guns and shells of the great powers, and the cold weapons were used in the ancient battles of our country.

"Our Lady of the Yellow Lotus" Lin Hei'er, tortured to death by foreigners, made specimens and brought to Europe for exhibition

Speaking of this red-lighted organization, their leader is called Lin Hei'er. Under the very painful circumstances at that time, the common people were treated unfairly by the Qing government and suffered all kinds of oppression by foreign powers, so Lin Hei'er decided to open up a door of hope by rebellion. At that time, she was still in a feudal society, and Lin Hei'er, as a female stream, naturally had no appeal, so she used many methods to make many people willing to join her team.

Lin Hei'er's first move was to take advantage of the superstitious psychology of these ordinary people in feudal society, and she made up some divine and ghost methods everywhere, claiming that she had some kind of divine protection and how great spells she had to lean over. She directly changed her name, which was called "Huanglian Virgin". Gradually, this "Huanglian Virgin" began to be deified, and it was not long before she became a well-known commoner god.

"Our Lady of the Yellow Lotus" Lin Hei'er, tortured to death by foreigners, made specimens and brought to Europe for exhibition

The reason why Lin Hei'er has such a mind is because she has been in the society for many years and has her own unique views and cognitions of the people in society. Lin Hei'er also knew some medical skills, and she mixed some divine water into the medicine she had prepared. After the patients drank the divine water, they were cured of the disease.

When the common people saw that this was really God, they believed that she was the existence of God-man. As soon as this matter was passed on, many people really fell under her "red light" organization. This also makes Lin Hei'er's team a size. However, the good times were not long, even if there were a large number of helpers, it was not able to compete with the foreign cannons of the Western powers.

"Our Lady of the Yellow Lotus" Lin Hei'er, tortured to death by foreigners, made specimens and brought to Europe for exhibition

Let's not talk about whether they can compete with the Western powers, just because these believers have no military experience, they are all from ordinary people, and the weapons they use are not as good as those of the soldiers of the late Qing Dynasty. How could this possibly compete with the advanced Western countries of the time? Therefore, it also lost early.

The mighty Boxers and the Red Light were all on the same path to failure and death, as these groups relied on spells to make their teams grow stronger and stronger. After the Westerners had killed most of the forces in the group, they wanted to see if the "Lady of Huanglian" had the rumored "magic". After the foreigners discovered that this "Yellow Lotus Virgin" was just a mystery, they tortured her to death.

"Our Lady of the Yellow Lotus" Lin Hei'er, tortured to death by foreigners, made specimens and brought to Europe for exhibition

Conclusion: In order to publicize how powerful they are, the Western powers also claimed to the outside world that they would easily defeat the "Yellow Lotus Virgin" who possessed the magic. In this way, her body was brought back to Europe for exhibition in various parts of Europe. Not only that, the Western powers also joined forces to plunder the Yuanmingyuan and burn it down, brutally destroying China's historical civilization.

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