
Xiangshi gave Qianlong fortune telling: The Qing Dynasty has 800 years of national fortune, you can live to 80 years old, Qianlong: drag it down

In the Fengshen Rendition, when King Wen of Zhou invited Jiang Ziya out of the mountain, he carried Jiang Ziya's eight hundred steps, so the Zhou Dynasty existed for 800 years; the Taoist classic "Pushing Back Map" written by Li Chunfeng and Yuan Tiangang in the Tang Dynasty was the first strange book of Chinese prophecy, and the legend is that Tang Taizong Li Shimin calculated the fortunes of the Tang Dynasty.

Xiangshi gave Qianlong fortune telling: The Qing Dynasty has 800 years of national fortune, you can live to 80 years old, Qianlong: drag it down

In history, Jiang Ziya, Li Chunfeng, Yuan Tiangang and other figures were valued by the monarch, and in the forty-seventh year of the Qianlong Dynasty (1782), Xiangshi Zhitianbao wanted to follow the example of his ancestors to tell Qianlong's fortunes, so he instructed his disciple Zhang Jiuxiao to kneel next to the imperial road with a perpetual calendar he had compiled, "The Number of Fortunes in the Great Qing Dynasty".

The book said that the Qing Dynasty had 800 years of national fortune, the Qianlong Emperor could live to be 80 years old, when the Qianlong Emperor was already 70 years old, which meant that he still had 10 years to live, Qianlong looked at it and was furious: "Drag it down!" ”

Xiangshi gave Qianlong fortune telling: The Qing Dynasty has 800 years of national fortune, you can live to 80 years old, Qianlong: drag it down

At that time, the university scholar Yu Minzhong minister was responsible for interrogating the case, Zhi Tianbao suffered a lot, so he recruited everything, Zhi Tianbao was directly subordinate to Gaoyi County, originally a Langzhong, who had opened a medicine shop in Qizhou, but Zhi Tianbao this person liked to be opportunistic, Lang Zhong was the "living bodhisattva" of the hanging pot Ji Shi, giving people treatment, but Zhi Tianbao was only for profit.

Zhi Tian Leopard to treat people, no matter what the disease, is to prescribe the most expensive medicine, and only do the business of rich people, the result is to offend people, these people are Zhi Tian Leopard can not provoke, the result of the medicine shop did not open for long to close, and then Zhi Tian Leopard in Qizhou and other places to rush to sell plasters, there is no fixed residence.

Xiangshi gave Qianlong fortune telling: The Qing Dynasty has 800 years of national fortune, you can live to 80 years old, Qianlong: drag it down

In September of the forty-third year of Qianlong, Zhitian Leopard went to Baigou River to sell plasters, and Zhang Jiuxiao, who suffered from low back pain, became acquainted with Zhitian Leopard, and Zhitian Leopard bragged to him about how profitable it was to sell plasters, which provoked Zhang Jiuxiao to be very moved, and felt that it was better to be a domestic worker than to learn to boil plasters with Zhitian Leopard.

However, Zhang Jiuxiao and Zhi Tianbao's ideas are still a little different, he will think so at that time and part of the reason is that the old mother and wife of the family need to take care of, Zhang Jiuxiao, who suffers from low back pain, really can't make a few money during his time as a domestic worker, Zhi Tianbao has no son, his daughter is married, and there is only his wife in the family.

Xiangshi gave Qianlong fortune telling: The Qing Dynasty has 800 years of national fortune, you can live to 80 years old, Qianlong: drag it down

Zhi Tianbao wanted to make a lot of money every day, but the business was very prosperous, and Zhi Tianbao was not practical, so he thought of offering books to the emperor to invite riches, originally Zhi Tianbao was planning to donate books by himself, but because of the leg pain during the period, afraid of missing the hour, he handed the book to Zhang Jiuxiao and let Zhang Jiuxiao send it.

Xiangshi gave Qianlong fortune telling: The Qing Dynasty has 800 years of national fortune, you can live to 80 years old, Qianlong: drag it down

Zhang Jiuxiao was illiterate, and he didn't know what was written in it, so he brought it with him, but he didn't expect that they didn't usher in wealth, but they lost their lives. Minister Yu Minzhong believed that the book falsely claimed that the Fortune of the Great Qing Dynasty was fixed, and falsely claimed that he had met the old lord's eminent teachings, which was really a demon to confuse the people, and the sin could not be blamed.

Moreover, Zhang Jiuxiao was bold enough to tell the emperor's fortune and curse the emperor, so Zhi Tianbao was executed by Ling Chi according to the law, and his wife Li Shi was rewarded to the meritorious family for her efforts. Zhang Jiuxiao was originally going to beheaded, but the Qianlong Emperor believed that Zhang Jiuxiao was "ignorant and ignorant in the countryside, illiterate, and compassionate", so he changed it to beheading and waiting, executed after autumn, and Zhang Jiuxiao's old mother and wife were released.

Xiangshi gave Qianlong fortune telling: The Qing Dynasty has 800 years of national fortune, you can live to 80 years old, Qianlong: drag it down

The Qing Dynasty did not last for 800 years as Zhi Tianbao said, and the Qianlong Emperor also lived to the age of 89, reigned for 60 years, and became the Emperor Taishang for 3 years, and Zhi Tianbao's prediction eventually became a joke.

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