
Lu Han has been taking the exam for three years? The end of being a star is actually "examination editing"

author:Eighth sister said finance

Today is the top stream, tomorrow may be marginalized by the entertainment industry. Although it is glamorous, it is unstable and stressful, and the profession of star is not easy to do. If you can enter the system, it not only means that the star has an "iron rice bowl", but more importantly, it is also a recognition of its business ability and level.

Wen 丨 Financial Gossip Female Author: Oman

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At the end of December 2021, the official public account of the China Coal Mine Cultural and Labor Corps released such a message: He Lishan and Jin Dong were appointed as deputy heads of the China Coal Mine Cultural and Labor Corps.

Lu Han has been taking the exam for three years? The end of being a star is actually "examination editing"
Jin Dong everyone should be very familiar with, "The Pretender" of the Ming Lou, "Ode to Joy" Tan Zongming (Old Tan), "The First Half of My Life" He Han, most of these roles are mature, introverted, calm, so that Jin Dong has become a rare idol of middle-aged and elderly women in the internal entertainment.
Lu Han has been taking the exam for three years? The end of being a star is actually "examination editing"

▲ Jin Dong Image source: WeChat public account China Coal Mine Cultural and Labor Troupe

As soon as the news was announced, it immediately triggered a hot discussion: the appearance is tall and handsome, the temperament is mature and stable, and the key is that people still have a compilation!

Good fellow, which mother sees the word "there is a compilation", her eyes must not light up.

But then again, in today's entertainment industry, it seems that it is not uncommon for stars to have a compilation.


/ Aidou exam edited more than Lu Han /

As early as 2017, SNH48 member Chen Yifei was admitted to the Shanghai Higher People's Court on the news on the hot search, everyone marveled that she can take into account the artist's busy work and examination preparation at the same time, she also gave netizens a cold knowledge: admitted to civil servants, military civilians, graduate students do not have to pay the company's liquidated damages.

Dong Sicheng, a member of the Korean group NCT, has been tepid since his debut in 2016, and in 2019, he became a member of the Weishen V group and debuted again, focusing on the domestic idol market. In 2020, because of the epidemic, Weishen V's work in China was almost zero, and Dong Sicheng's work was also in a standstill, just when fans were curious about what he was doing after returning to China, a news that he was taking the exam was circulating on the Internet.

Lu Han has been taking the exam for three years? The end of being a star is actually "examination editing"

▲ Dong Sicheng Image source: Weibo @ Weishen V_ Dong Sicheng _WINWIN

In September, there was also news that Lu Han had been in the examination for three consecutive years, but it did not seem to be very smooth. In comparison, his girlfriend Guan Xiaotong is much stronger.

Lu Han has been taking the exam for three years? The end of being a star is actually "examination editing"

▲Image source: Douyin screenshot

On December 25, the official micro of the National Drama Theatre of China released a congratulatory video of the 80th anniversary of the founding of the National Drama Theatre of China, in which young actor Guan Xiaotong also appeared, and Guan Xiaotong later confirmed that he had just joined the National Drama Theatre of China.

Lu Han has been taking the exam for three years? The end of being a star is actually "examination editing"

Prior to this, in September 2020, in a "Announcement of the 2020 Public Recruitment of Personnel to be Hired by the China Coal Mine Cultural and Labor Troupe", "Liu Yuan", who graduated from the Acting Department of the Central Academy of Drama with a bachelor's degree, attracted much attention. And Liu Yuan is the real name of actor Liu Haoran.

Later, Liu Haoran also introduced himself on many occasions and said, "I am Liu Haoran of the China Coal Mine Cultural and Labor Troupe."

Lu Han has been taking the exam for three years? The end of being a star is actually "examination editing"

But in fact, with Liu Haoran belonging to a unit, there are Luo Jin, who has acted in "Splendid Weiyang", "King of the Curtain", "Cara Lover", etc., and has acted in the nursery of "Walking West Exit", "Breaking into Guangdong 2" and "Mu Guiying Hanging Commander". The most surprising thing is that as Zhao Benshan's former golden partner, Fan Wei, who has a comedic image of "a big head and a thick neck, either a boss or a husband", has penetrated the hearts of the people.

In addition to them, there are many stars in the entertainment industry who hold the "iron rice bowl" of the compilation.

For example, Song Yi, who entered everyone's field of vision with the role of Yu Manli in "The Pretender", and Sun Qian, who played Aunt Qin Xi in "The Biography of Zhen Huan", are all one of the actors of Beijing Renyi. Lan Yingying, the "Huanbi" of the same crew, was admitted to Beijing Renyi with the first place, and later when she announced her departure from Renyi, many netizens also felt sorry for her.

Zheng Kai, Guo Jingfei and Chen He, who graduated from drama, are all actors at the Shanghai Dramatic Arts Center.

Lu Han has been taking the exam for three years? The end of being a star is actually "examination editing"

Before starting his film and television career, Guo Jingfei was a pillar of the Shanghai Dramatic Arts Center. He said in an interview program that after he entered the Shanghai Dramatic Arts Center, he was the male protagonist in every performance, never ran through the dragon suit, and was nicknamed "The Little Prince of Drama".

Young actors who are active in the internal entertainment circle yearn for the system, not to mention the old actors. Most of the actors who entered the industry in the last century were literary and artistic workers with a compilation and formal units.

The actors we are familiar with are Pu Cunxin, Song Dandan, Xu Fan, Feng Yuanzheng and Hu Jun, all of whom are actors of Beijing Renyi.

Zhang Guoli is a member of the China Railway Cultural and Labor Troupe, and Ge You, the "Uncle Ge", is a member of the All-China Federation of Trade Unions.

Zhang Ziyi, Li Bingbing, Liu Ye, Deng Chao, Duan Yihong, and Hao Lei are all official actors of the National Theatre of China.

So where are the literary troupes and theaters, and why do the stars want to enter?


/ The Past and Present Life of the Cultural troupe and Beijing Renyi /

First, let's talk about the literary troupe.

For today's young people, the literary troupe is a relatively unfamiliar term, but turning the timeline back to decades, the literary troupe carries the memories of a generation.

For example, in the eyes of Jiang Wen, a disciple of the courtyard, it was "Sunny Day".

Lu Han has been taking the exam for three years? The end of being a star is actually "examination editing"

▲ "Sunny Day", image source: Douban

For example, the love story of the children of high-ranking cadres and the small flowers of the literary and labor troupe, that is, "Happiness is like a flower".

Lu Han has been taking the exam for three years? The end of being a star is actually "examination editing"

▲ "Happiness is like a flower", picture source: Douban

Another example is Feng Xiaogang, who came from the literary troupe, named his youth "Fanghua". And this movie is also seen by many people as Feng Xiaogang's youth dedicated to himself and that generation.

Lu Han has been taking the exam for three years? The end of being a star is actually "examination editing"

▲"Fanghua" Image source: Douban

These are all literary and artistic works, most of which are set in the military cultural troupe.

The army's cultural and industrial troupes originally began as propaganda teams or "drama clubs" during the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, and their members were all literary and artistic fighters.

Literary and artistic fighters generally do not rush to the front line of the war, their main job is to arrange repertoire, street speeches, sing and dance, photography and newspaper, not only through this form of performance to comfort the front-line troops, but also to carry out political propaganda activities among the masses.

Liu Haoran's Chinese Coal Mine Cultural and Labor Corps and the Army's Literary and Labor Corps are similar in nature. Born in 1947 in the northeast mining area, the object of condolences changed from soldiers to labor workers in coal mines.

The China Coal Mine Cultural and Industrial Troupe was once subordinate to the State Administration of Work Safety, so sometimes we see the China Safety Production Art Troupe as well.

Let's talk about theaters.

Most of the theaters in Our country were established after the founding of the People's Republic of China, representing the highest level of domestic drama performance, which can be counted as the ceiling level of domestic drama performance groups.

Let me give you two examples.

Beijing People's Art Theater, the performance style is its own school, the industry will name this performance style: Beijing Renyi Acting School.

We may not understand the layman, but there is a sentence on the official website of Renyi to explain this style: "Integrate realism with nationalization, experience and embodiment, and reproduce the aesthetics of drama." ”

We often say that the representatives of domestic dramas "Tea House", "Camel Xiangzi" and "Thunderstorm" are all performed by actors of Beijing Renyi.

Lu Han has been taking the exam for three years? The end of being a star is actually "examination editing"

▲ Drama "Tea House", image source: Visual China

The National Drama Theatre of China, formerly known as the Yan'an Youth Art Theater established in 1941, was formally established in 2001 after the founding of new China after many integrations and reorganizations.

The artistic style of Mandarin is more changeable, and the experimental color is more distinct. There are dramas with a strong background of the times, such as "Four Worlds Together" and "Alive", as well as more avant-garde avant-garde dramas such as "Murder in the Hanging Garden" and "Rhinoceros in Love".

Lu Han has been taking the exam for three years? The end of being a star is actually "examination editing"

▲ Drama "Rhinoceros in Love", picture source: Visual China

Or to use a simple sentence to describe them, that is, cultural troupes and troupes belong to state-level art groups, and there are organizations within the system.

Since it is a compilation, the competition is also very large. Like the cultural troupe, theater troupe each time the recruitment is only a few places, in addition to the stars, there are a large number of outstanding graduates of art colleges are also in the examination, so the difficulty is no less than the examination.

Lan Yingying once shared the experience of taking the Beijing Renyi exam in a variety show: "To take the sound table, you also have to pass five levels and cut six generals." Although she did not specifically explain the difficulty of the exam, from Lan Yingying's last sentence, "One thing is certain that it is definitely more difficult than the art exam." It can be seen that for Lan Yingying, who can act and sing, to express this kind of emotion, the examination of Beijing Renyi is by no means simple.

Lu Han has been taking the exam for three years? The end of being a star is actually "examination editing"

In 2021, the China Coal Mine Cultural and Labor Corps has a total of three open recruitments, recruiting 17 people for the society and college graduates.

Take the "Announcement on the 2021 Public Recruitment of Staff of the China Coal Mine Cultural and Labor Troupe" released on July 2, 2021 as an example, the announcement recruits a total of 8 people in 6 positions, including vocal actors, drama actors, and cross-talk actors. Candidates need to go through the initial examination, re-examination, three tests, the total score of 255 points or more to be admitted.

In addition, the announcement clearly marked that "the ratio of the number of people who have passed the qualification examination for the same position and the number of recruits for the position should reach 5:1 before the examination can be opened", that is, at least 40 people must pass the qualification review for this recruitment, not to mention how many people will actually apply for the post.

If the preparation of the Lu Han examination is the above type, it is not surprising that even the examination has been for three years.

However, once they enter the system, celebrities are not just stars, they are in the entertainment industry, more like in the literary and artistic world.

In the literary and art circles, just by looking at these words, there are fewer drunken fans than the entertainment industry, and there is a little more elegant atmosphere of artists.


/ Why do celebrities take the exam? /

When we think of the word literary and art circles, most of the people we think of are old artists with both moral integrity and art, or artists who are slightly younger but have excellent acting skills.

Nowadays, entertainment industry artists emerge in an endless stream, and under the impetus of capital, internal entertainment has more of a taste of Vanity Fair.

Today is the top stream, tomorrow may be marginalized by the entertainment industry. Although it is glamorous, it is unstable and stressful, and the profession of star is not easy to do.

After contemporary young people have experienced pressures such as "996" and "inner volume" in the workplace, many people want to seek stability in the examination of the public examination. In October last year, some netizens found that in the 2022 national examination recruitment job list, a postal administration in the Ali region of Tibet had nearly 5,000 applicants, while the position only recruited 1 person.

In this environment, the stars are no exception. Entering the cultural troupe and theater troupe is the best choice.

If you can enter these groups, it not only means that the stars have an "iron rice bowl", but more importantly, it is also a recognition of their business capabilities and levels.

In the eyes of the audience, there was such a consensus: that is, the acting skills of drama actors are much higher than those of film and television actors.

Although drama and film and television drama are two forms of artistic presentation, the process of cultivating actors is completely different and not comparable. However, many artists who have transformed from drama actors to film and television drama actors have also proved to the audience that drama actors are indeed slightly better in terms of line skills and emotional expression.

This is also why many film and television actors choose to act in dramas when they are criticized by netizens for their poor acting skills and bad lines.

However, compared with the "daily salary" and high exposure of film and television actors, the salaries of drama actors are usually not high, and they are little known.

Some media have reported that Lei Kesheng, a veteran Mandarin artist known as "the living history of Contemporary Chinese Drama", and a national first-class actor, performed a "Lao She Five Rules", and only had a salary of 1,000 yuan / field. And he said in an interview with a show that there is no comparison between the income of drama actors and the income of film and television actors.

"Acting in a drama is neither famous nor profitable, and it is completely at a loss."

But even so, there will still be many artists who choose to enter the system. However, this does not affect the acting work for them, and the work within the system is more like a recognition of their own business capabilities.

Entering the system, it is natural to evaluate the title.

Jin Dong, the newly appointed deputy head of the China Coal Mine Cultural and Labor Troupe, which we mentioned at the beginning, was named a "national first-class actor" in 2020. As the highest title in the art profession, "first-class actor" is not a name that anyone can afford.

"X-level actor" is a unique technical title in the domestic literary and artistic circles, and all those who are rated as "X-level actors" are affirmed by the state for their professional ability or have made certain contributions to the literary and artistic undertakings, and this title can only be obtained if it enters the unit within the system.

Like all units in the system, star ratings also depend on various aspects such as years of employment and awards, and then evaluate them one level at a time.

This also means that artists who are admitted to the system will also have the opportunity to participate in the rating in the future and become recognized literary and artistic workers and artists.

"Artists" and "literary and art workers", this kind of title is always different from those stars who rely on traffic.

As more and more artists choose to be recruited and move towards the system, perhaps, in the future, we will discuss that artists will no longer be distinguished by the identity of "top stream", "idol", "star", "artist", etc., but only by stars within the system or stars outside the system.

In this way, even your love beans are trying to enter the system, and at the end of the universe, it is indeed an examination editor.

So your mother urged you to take the exam, which may still make sense.

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