
"Beauty" under the blade: Went to South Korea with a beautiful dream for plastic surgery, and eventually disfigurement became a nightmare

author:Question mark Qiu
"Beauty" under the blade: Went to South Korea with a beautiful dream for plastic surgery, and eventually disfigurement became a nightmare

3 Chinese women who failed plastic surgery: Chen Yili, Jin Weikun, Mi Yuanyuan

In June 2014, more than a dozen Chinese women came to South Korea in pairs to visit a famous "plastic surgery street" in South Korea. Their visit this time is not for plastic surgery, but to safeguard their rights, which is also the first time that women in China have carried out large-scale transnational rights protection incidents due to plastic surgery problems.

Three of these activist women have undergone plastic surgery in South Korea before, but all ended in failure. After experiencing bitterness and helplessness, they decided to pluck up the courage to go to South Korea to defend their rights and ask for an explanation.

Beauty begins with plastic surgery: The Korean talent show promises to fulfill your desire to love beauty

Jin Weikun

"Beauty" under the blade: Went to South Korea with a beautiful dream for plastic surgery, and eventually disfigurement became a nightmare

South Korean plastic surgery defender: Jin Weikun

According to Jin Weikun, one of the rights defenders, before the plastic surgery, she was not a very beautiful girl, but at least her appearance was normal. After the plastic surgery, it did not become good-looking, but the nose was crooked, even the face was deformed, and when I looked up, the whole face was tilted, resulting in pain on both sides of the cheeks, and I didn't feel like a normal person.

Born in 1984 in Shanxi Jin Weikun, the original occupation is the performing arts industry, before the plastic surgery, she had a failed breast plastic surgery, bent on repairing, and then inadvertently saw a Korean plastic surgery program on TV, which introduced the plastic surgery effect that can make the ugly duckling turn into a white swan, after watching it, she felt that she could help her realize her dreams, and then began to pay attention to Korean plastic surgery programs.

Soon after, Jin Weikun found an advertisement online that said that the second season of the South Korean talent show "Wish list" would recruit volunteers from South Korea for plastic surgery in China.

The main reason why Korean plastic surgery advertising attracted Jin Weikun to sign up for the exhibition was threefold: first, it was the same program as the Korean plastic surgery program "Let Beauty"; second, it cooperated with well-known plastic surgery experts in China and South Korea; and third, it was a good opportunity to repair the failure of the last breast plastic surgery.

On December 6, 2013, with a nervous and anticipatory mood, he came to the Shanghai International Convention and Exhibition Center to participate in the audition. On that day, the scene was very lively, and there were many Koreans sitting there, all of whom said that they were authoritative experts in plastic surgery hospitals.

At that time, one of these Korean plastic surgery experts named Xue Chehuan chose Jin Weikun, who shook Jin Weikun's hand and said, "I will not only help you repair your chest shape, but also help you do facial plastic surgery so that you have a beautiful face." ”

An interviewer talked to Jin Weikun and asked her if she was engaged in acting work before, can she sing? If the operation is successful, Jin Weikunbao can be sent to SM, the largest agency in South Korea, and after entering, there will be professional training, and then you can take this opportunity to cooperate with your idol and debut with the talent show "Wish list".

Hearing these recommendations from the other party, Jin Weikun was immediately overjoyed, this is not a good thing she dreamed of. She also deliberately searched the Internet for information about the first season of "Wish List", which was indeed broadcast on KBS TV in South Korea in September 2013, which made Jin Weikun even more convinced of his trust in the program team.

"Beauty" under the blade: Went to South Korea with a beautiful dream for plastic surgery, and eventually disfigurement became a nightmare

Jin Weikun in a performance costume

According to the Season 2 recruitment ad for The Wish list, volunteers can go to South Korea to receive free plastic surgeries from top doctors, and the show will also be broadcast in China. In this way, Jin Weikun passed the audition as he wished.

In fact, at that time, Jin Weikun still had some hesitation in his heart. However, on December 8, 2013, the day of recording the program, she saw The Korean female artist Wu Xianqing, and the well-known host Zhu Zhen of Shanghai Television, as well as the logo of the Korean Television Station, and completely dispelled the hesitation.

Mi round

"Beauty" under the blade: Went to South Korea with a beautiful dream for plastic surgery, and eventually disfigurement became a nightmare

South Korean plastic surgery activist: Mi Won-won

Another defender, Mi Yuanyuan, said that she felt that the change was too great, that she could not accept the appearance after plastic surgery, and that she had to cover her appearance by clothing every day to see people, such as the reason why she was wearing a hat now.

Mi Yuanyuan, a girl from Zhejiang, is influenced by Korean plastic surgery culture and likes to be pretty, and she also wants to try plastic surgery.

Before, Mi Yuanyuan never thought that she would go for plastic surgery, because of the promotion of the Korean talent show, attracted her. At that time, her husband watched the show with her, and her husband saw that the ugly people in the show could look so good, and felt that if Mi Yuanyuan went, he would definitely become like a fairy.

According to Mi Yuanyuan, the Korean Plastic Surgery Hospital is full of people who come to plastic surgery, and there is no place to sit, these people are Chinese. Because the doctor who performed plastic surgery on them was more well-known, she was relieved to pay the fee, and she did not have any worries during the operation.

Chen Yili

"Beauty" under the blade: Went to South Korea with a beautiful dream for plastic surgery, and eventually disfigurement became a nightmare

South Korean plastic surgery rights defender: Chen Yili

There is also a woman named Chen Yili, who said: After the plastic surgery, friends saw her and took a few steps back in fright. Some people think that she is not nervous, and that she has made a good face look like a person, which is simply disfigured and looks like a deformed person.

Chen Yili, from Shenzhen, used to be engaged in the foreign trade business of clothing, and once by chance, she met a female friend in Qingdao who was younger than her, she was a Korean translator, and now this friend has become a Korean citizen. It was under the friend's six-month-long lobbying that she decided to go to South Korea for plastic surgery.

The reason why Chen Yili trusts this friend so much is because she feels that everyone is a compatriot and works overseas. The friend told Chen Yili to believe her, and this hospital is one of the best in the plastic surgery industry.

In September 2013, Chen Yili went to the "PACE LINE" plastic surgery hospital in South Korea with more than 100,000 yuan of money on her body, and performed surgery on rhinoplasty and hairline downgrade, costing a total of 11 million won (about 60,000 yuan at the time).

The risks of plastic surgery: swelling of the face, collapse of the nose, deformation of the jaw, and the transformation of beauty into ugliness

"Beauty" under the blade: Went to South Korea with a beautiful dream for plastic surgery, and eventually disfigurement became a nightmare

Jin Weikun preoperative and postoperative

In January 2014, the program team arranged for Jin Weikun to be admitted to JW Plastic Surgery Hospital in South Korea, and performed three general anesthesia surgeries on her within a month, two of which were chest plastic surgery, and the remaining one was for the eyes, nose, jaw, chin, nasolabial folds and other parts of plastic surgery. These plastic surgeries were later evaluated by domestic experts as completely ignoring medical norms. At that time, Jin Weikun had no concern at all whether these strange practices would cause irreparable consequences to her in the future.

After the operation, Jin Weikun felt that his face was swollen to the point of discomfort, his eyes were painful and he could not open them, and the whole person was in a state of collapse, unable to distinguish between day and night. Even after 6 hours, no one cared about her, she was thirsty and wanted to drink some water, no one answered the bell, no one even came out to help her when she went to the toilet, and she had to slowly move over the wall by herself.

She said she wanted to drink water and pour it herself, but she still had gauze wrapped around her legs and it hurt to walk. During the operation, the cheekbones are cut off and rejoined, and the chin is to get a T-shaped osteotomy, make a transverse and longitudinal cut, and then spliced together and then set back. The jawbone is cut off and paded to the sides of the nose. There are also eyes, fat, etc. all passive, in a day to do a number of surgeries, she feels very sad.

"Beauty" under the blade: Went to South Korea with a beautiful dream for plastic surgery, and eventually disfigurement became a nightmare

Jin Weikun's appearance characteristics changed after plastic surgery

At that time, Jin Weikun pleaded with these people, and one of them, Ge Jie, asked her to be discharged from the hospital without staying until 72 hours. The incident in which "Supergirl" singer Wang Bei died in 2010 due to a failed plastic surgery made Jin Weikun feel extremely afraid and afraid, worried that he would die in the dormitory, and no one around him would find out.

Hearing Jin Weikun's words, this Ge sister comforted her and said, don't worry, they can be discharged from the hospital after a while after the operation here, and they don't need others to take care of you, they can leave.

The program team took more than a dozen Chinese women who had completed surgery to a place more than two hours' drive from Seoul to stay, waiting to recover.

In those days, all that was left for Jin Weikun was pain and depression, she could only sit and sleep, she could not lie down to sleep, if she could not sleep, she would get up and wander around the house, which was how every night of the first ten days had survived.

On February 28, 2014, Jin Weikun got up and looked in the mirror and found that the cheekbones on both sides were asymmetrical, the corners of the jaw were potholes, and the nose prosthesis was tilted to one side.

"Beauty" under the blade: Went to South Korea with a beautiful dream for plastic surgery, and eventually disfigurement became a nightmare

Jin Weikun and Korean plastic surgeons

According to Jin Weikun, she and the doctor only had a brief exchange when they cooperated with the filming of the show. The surgical consent form was only shown to her a few minutes before the operation, and without a doctor present to explain it, she did not even have time to see the contents clearly, so she was urged to sign every page, but according to the agreement she had signed before, she had to cooperate with the recording of the program team.

Jin Weikun said: She has signed the agreement first, there is no way to mess with them, and when they are still willing to take care of you, she can only cry in the audience. I felt that I was really too pitiful, and I had to cooperate with them to record the show. On the show, they used a lot of makeup to cover all her flaws.

"Beauty" under the blade: Went to South Korea with a beautiful dream for plastic surgery, and eventually disfigurement became a nightmare

Jin Weikun on and offstage

Since recording the show, Jin Weikun has understood that the Korean videos and photos on tv commercials are not credible, and she feels that she is stupid to trust the illusion created by lighting, angle, PS, makeup and other means.

This is not the saddest, when Jin Weikun felt that this matter was getting more and more wrong, the program team did not contact her again, the program did not broadcast, she asked the two TV stations in China and South Korea about the situation of the program group, and the result surprised her.

The program team told Jin Weikun that they did not have the program "Wish List" there, and when they heard the news, Jin Weikun was about to go crazy.

Jin Weikun never believed it, saying that the host Zhu Zhen did not also host at that time. So she contacted Zhu Zhen, who told her that he was only responsible for completing the hosting work, and did not know anything else, and asked her to ask the program team.

The program team still denied that there was a cooperation with South Korea's "Wish List", and their partners were a number of messy companies. Jin Weikun found the media companies that organized the filming and the Korean companies that signed the starring agreement with her, but these companies said they had nothing to do with her medical disputes and asked her to find a hospital to resolve them.

"Beauty" under the blade: Went to South Korea with a beautiful dream for plastic surgery, and eventually disfigurement became a nightmare

Mi Circle preoperative and postoperative

Mi Yuanyuan was pushed into the operating room at 3 p.m. on September 16, 2013, and woke up at 12:00 p.m. in the middle of the night, and as soon as she opened her eyes, she saw her husband lying on the edge of her bed crying, saying that it was not worth it, and it was really not worth it.

At that time, Mi Yuanyuan's entire face was wrapped in gauze and had been oozing blood, and her husband was very distressed when he saw it, thinking that it was really not worth it to become beautiful.

Mi Yuanyuan and Jin Weikun had some similar surgical experiences, and even though their faces were swollen beyond recognition and the pain was unbearable, they were asked to be discharged within 24 hours. After being discharged from the hospital, there is also no medical care.

According to Mi Yuanyuan, for 4 days after the operation, the doctor did not treat her in any way, including dressing change, disinfection and examination, and only told her to exercise more, and the stuffed in the nostrils did not need to be made.

"Beauty" under the blade: Went to South Korea with a beautiful dream for plastic surgery, and eventually disfigurement became a nightmare

Mi Won-won and Korean plastic surgeons take a group photo

On The day of September 21, 2013, when Mi Yuanyuan went to the hospital to remove the gauze, she was surprised to see that her nostrils were wide and large and upward, and the scars on her scalp looked like they had been chewed by a dog, and the holes were one by one.

Mi's round nose had never subsided, and after being told of the postoperative infection, the doctor asked her to take some anti-inflammatory drugs herself. She dripped and injected hormones to reduce inflammation, and the doctor told her that the operation failed, the prosthesis must be removed, and promised that it would be repaired, and the result was worse, the entire nasal septum became curved, the nostrils were stuffed with vegetation, and it was difficult to breathe.

"Beauty" under the blade: Went to South Korea with a beautiful dream for plastic surgery, and eventually disfigurement became a nightmare

Chen Yili preoperative and postoperative

Chen Yili was taken by the female friend to The South Korean Sunmy Ko eun Hospital, where plastic surgeons operated on her lips, chin and nose. What she did not expect was that the material that raised the bridge of her nose was actually used as a rib on her chest.

According to Chen Yili, the entire bridge of her nose was red at that time, because the ribs were not as flat as silicone, but rather angular, and the nostrils felt like they were pinched, like Michael Jackson's nose. In addition, the lips are partially removed.

The cosmetic effect of 3 people was rated as a complete failure of surgery by domestic plastic surgery experts. They calmed down and thought about the details of plastic surgery in South Korea, and found more and more problems.

Tough Road to Defending Rights: South Korea's plastic surgery industry is in chaos, and door-to-door discussions have been intimidated and humiliated

"Beauty" under the blade: Went to South Korea with a beautiful dream for plastic surgery, and eventually disfigurement became a nightmare

Mi Won-won defends his rights on Korean streets

The Korean plastic surgery industry has emerged in these ten years. According to media reports, there are more than 4,000 plastic surgery clinics in South Korea, and 13 out of every 1,000 people in the population of more than 50 million people have undergone plastic surgery, accounting for the highest proportion in the world. However, according to the observation of the media in various countries, the behavior of plastic surgery clinics in South Korea has obviously not been effectively regulated and regulated, and in terms of the pricing of plastic surgery alone, arbitrary pricing on the "plastic surgery street" has become a common phenomenon.

With more and more Chinese women coming, a group of Chinese who appeared as translators also acted as marketers in the Korean plastic surgery industry.

When Chen Yili found out that the friend who introduced her to plastic surgery may be an intermediary, she went to ask the dean, and the dean told her that you should go to your friend, and she also took the money.

There was a Korean girl who was also weeping with a sad face, And Chen Yili asked her why she was crying, and she said that there was a problem with her nose. Ms. Chan asked her how much money she had given, and she said more than 2 million won (about 10,000 yuan at the time). Ms. Chen said she spent 23 million won (about 170,000 yuan at the time) to get her nose straight, and they both surprised each other.

"Beauty" under the blade: Went to South Korea with a beautiful dream for plastic surgery, and eventually disfigurement became a nightmare

Mi Won-won defends his rights at the entrance of a Korean plastic surgery hospital

In June 2014, more than 10 Chinese women who failed plastic surgery in South Korea met through the Internet and set off from Beijing and Shanghai to go to South Korea to defend their rights.

According to Mi Yuanyuan, the hospital ignored it at the beginning, or delayed the time, and did not even want to give the case and payment vouchers.

Jin Weikun came forward to ask for an explanation, and was also intimidated by the other party to put her in jail, believing that she had ruined their hospital reputation by posting online, and gave her a lawyer's letter warning.

After fruitless negotiations with their respective hospitals, they demonstrated by showing problems after the operation at the hospital gate. According to South Korean law, a demonstration is allowed, mi Yuanyuan's rights defense in South Korea lasted for a month, she stood alone in front of the hospital every day, the streets of a foreign country came and went, and often hospital staff came forward to stop her and put up their middle fingers.

Mi Yuanyuan went to them to theorize, and the other party took a camera and photographed Mi Yuanyuan's face. Mi Yuanyuan knew that their means were to provoke her and make her fight back, but she was not deceived, because if she fought back, it would be a beating incident, and the consequences might never go to South Korea.

"Beauty" under the blade: Went to South Korea with a beautiful dream for plastic surgery, and eventually disfigurement became a nightmare

Mi Yuanyuan's rights defense banner was torn up

Mi Yuanyuan did not agree to continue the repair in this hospital, and she submitted a compensation claim of 300,000 yuan to the hospital, but the other party refused. There were 3 people on the other side, and one of them rushed over like a man, ripped off the banner of the rights defense slogan hanging on her body, and then injured her sister's arm. When Mi Yuanyuan was about to go up to stop it, another person held a bowl of instant noodles and clasped it to her head.

Jin Weikun understands that when it comes to the failure of plastic surgery in South Korea, you can't make loud noises and cry, because the other party will sue you for obstructing business and will be arrested and investigated.

She also asked the hospital for 300,000 yuan in compensation, and then the hospital made a display board of her photos and displayed them on the street to explain her rights protection to passers-by.

"Beauty" under the blade: Went to South Korea with a beautiful dream for plastic surgery, and eventually disfigurement became a nightmare

Jin Weikun defends his rights on Korea Street

In general, Chinese defenders prefer consultations in South Korean hospitals, but if they want to defend their rights through legal means, they will face enormous pressure in terms of time, energy, and economy. Under such circumstances, it is easy for the court to grasp the initiative, and the defenders often "retreat without a fight".

Mi Yuanyuan has tried to fight lawsuits, find arbitration and lawyers, anyway, she can try, she almost all tried, but the answers given are the same, in South Korea rights protection is basically impossible. She met a Chinese driver working in South Korea, the other party looked at her pitifully, advised her to return to China, there is no way to defend her rights in South Korea, he sees too many Chinese women like Mi Yuanyuan every day, they are unable to defend their rights.

In South Korea's plastic surgery hospitals, which manage chaos, the various risks of surgical materials often exceed the expectations of Chinese plastic surgeons. After the operation failed, they hoped to find domestic experts to repair it, because the Korean hospital could not produce relevant materials to prove it, and the domestic doctors could not remove the filler and could not take repair measures on the patient.

Mi Yuanyuan said that domestic doctors basically did not dare to take her surgery, while Chen Yili saw 5 hospitals in Shenzhen, all of which were rejected, and the third-class hospital said that she did not have a piece of tissue in her body to make up.

In addition to the physical damage, psychological pain is more difficult to heal, these cosmetic failure of the girl, some of them have depression, do not want to go out during the day, can not sleep at night, can only rely on drug help.

It is said that everyone has the heart to love beauty, girls love beauty because they can make themselves confident and cheerful, no matter what age they are in, they are persistent pursuit of beauty. Even if parents can't give themselves a naturally beautiful face, don't risk trying to modify the day after tomorrow. Because of the good-looking appearance, it is never carefully crafted, but naturally beautiful.

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