
Safety cannot be ignored! Don't let the spare tire become a "waste tire"!

According to the Wuwei Public Security Traffic Police:

Have you ever encountered such a situation?

The car had a flat tire on the road

When you open the trunk confidently

When you are ready to replace the spare tire

But I found out... The spare tire has been "scrapped"!

spare wheel

As one of the least existential parts of the car

It's easy to overlook

Some car owners don't even know where the spare tire is placed

Spare tires are not commonly used

Critical moments often play an important role

So what are the precautions for usual maintenance?

Let's take a look at it with XiaoJing Xiaobian

Spare tires are usually divided into

Full-size spare tires and non-full-size spare tires

The type of spare tire

The full-size spare tire is the same size as the other four tires of the original car and can be replaced with any one of the tires that are temporarily or no longer available.

The tire diameter and width of the non-full-size spare tire are slightly smaller than the other 4 tires, can only be used as a temporary substitute, and can only be used for non-drive wheels, and the maximum speed cannot exceed 80 km/h.

Well, when using a spare tire

What should we pay attention to?




Spare tires are checked regularly

The regular inspection of the spare tire is mainly to check whether the tire pressure of the tire is normal and whether the surface of the tire is worn or cracked. If the tread wears out to the point of approaching the marking line, replace the tire as early as possible. Once a small crack is found on the sidewall, it cannot be used to run long distances or high-speed driving, because the tire sidewall is thin, and it is easy to puncture at high speed.


Spare tires also have a lifespan

Many car owners do not pay much attention to the maintenance of the car spare tire, often when they want to replace the spare tire after the tire of the car is damaged, but usually this spare tire after being placed for many years has long been aging and cannot be used. This is mainly because the tire is a rubber product, and the storage time is too long to cause aging.


Do not use the spare tire for long periods of time

Due to the low frequency of spare tire use, many manufacturers' car spare tires are non-full-size tires, but because the friction coefficient of non-full-size tires is different from the other 4 tires, and some other safety performance is inferior to full-size tires. Therefore, it is best not to use the spare tire for a long time.


Pay attention to corrosion protection

The main component of the tire is rubber, and the rubber is most afraid of the erosion of various oils. Some owners store oils such as lubricating oil in the trunk, and once these oils get on the tire, it will cause the tire to corrode, which will greatly reduce the service life of the tire. Therefore, try not to put the oil and spare tire together. If the tire is stained with oil, rinse off the oil in time with a neutral detergent.

Xiao Jing Xiaobian would like to remind all drivers

Although the spare tire is not used frequently

But it can be in the emergency moment when the tire breaks down

Charcoal for you

If you ignore it too much

Probably when you need to use it

What you get is more disappointment

Therefore, use it in the normal way

Regular maintenance

For every car owner

these are indispensable tasks and responsibilities

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