
Forbidden love in movies

author:A journey through the world's gossip

[To Her] Hable con ella (2002)

Genre: Drama

Country/Region of Production: Spain

Forbidden love in movies

Mark's girlfriend, Lydia (Rosario Flores), is a professional bullfighter, and an accident on the playing field turns her into a vegetative person. Now Lydia is lying in Beninot's clinic for treatment. Mark comes here every day, hoping that Lydia will wake up. Bernino is also here to keep his love, for four years. The girl, Arizia (Leonor Watling), is a ballet girl who once lived opposite her dance studio and was secretly attracted to the dancing shadows every day. When the girl was in a car accident and became a vegetative person, Benigno spoke to her every day, and the belief that she could hear was never shaken in his heart.

2. [Tsukigin: Whisper of Moonlight (1999)]

Director: Akihiko Shiota

Genre: Drama/Romance

Country/Region of Production: Japan

Forbidden love in movies

The introverted and shy Hidaka Takuya (Kenji Mizuhashi), who has a crush on the beautiful girl Kitahara Sazuki (つぐみ), who is also affiliated with the Kendo Department of Kita Aya High School, is shy and shy, and Takuya can only desecrate herself with Sazuki's belongings and photos to relieve the pain of lovesickness. By chance, the two establish a relationship, but the relationship breaks down when Sazuki discovers that Takuya secretly recorded her voice when she urinated. After the breakup, Sazuki quickly falls in love with Shoichi Uematsu (Yasuta Kusano), a senior member of the Kendo Department. The lonely Takuya was like an abandoned puppy at this time, staring at Sazuki from a distance, and Sazuki seemed to taste the pleasure of abuse from it, torturing Takuya from the flesh to the spirit. Their deformed love goes farther and farther...

The Crying Game (1992)

Genre: Drama/Thriller/

Country/Region of Production: United Kingdom / Japan

Forbidden love in movies

The story takes place during the Northern Ireland War of Independence. The British soldier Jody (Forest Whitaker) is kidnapped by the IRA in Alma, and Fergus, who guards Jody, feels lost and helpless about the killing and war, and feels compassion and sympathy for Jody's plight, and they become good friends. Fergus secretly let him go. Unexpectedly, when Jody fled, he was accidentally crushed to death by the British tanks that came to attack, and Fergus, who was already tired of the war, fled to London under the pseudonym Jimmy. He found Deere in London and was fascinated by her, but found out that she was a boy when he was in the hotel.

[Elysium League Spiklenci slasti (1996)]

Genre: Comedy/Animation

Country/Region of Production: Czech Republic / Switzerland / United Kingdom

Forbidden love in movies

There are six ordinary men and women in the city, and almost every one of them has a secret hobby that absolutely avoids others. The man who goes to the store to buy adult magazines, who specializes in making the hood of the rooster image, seems to have a strange connection with the fat female neighbor, who also hides mysteries in the chaotic and sloppy home; the daily mailing lady keeps pinching small bread balls during working hours; the shopkeeper who is obsessed with the female announcer builds a mechanical device for stroking herself; the female announcer often looks at her husband hiding in the studio and weeps, and her husband steals and collects all kinds of strange tools with unknown intentions...

Der freie Wille (2006)

Genre: Drama/Crime

Country/Region of Production: Germany

Forbidden love in movies

Theo (Jürgen Vogel) has long been physically tortured, and his desire for sexual unrestricted sex has even led him to commit a serious crime, and when this desire reaches a morbid level, Theo is sent to a mental hospital for treatment. Nine years later, Theo, who came out of the hospital, became a "normal person", but the pain in his heart and the inextricable past still tormented the poor man. The hospital treatment turns Theo into a desireless man, and just then the girl, Natesy (Sabine Timoteo), appears next to him. Knightsy's life is very complicated, and the two weathered people gradually come together. However, for both, family life is a great test, and when everything comes back, will they still be able to hold on to their feelings?

Lars and the Real Girl (2007)

Genre: Drama/Comedy

Country/Region of Production: United States

Forbidden love in movies

In the cold snow and ice, the bachelor Ras (Ryan Gosling) feels a little lonely and bored. One day, Russ actually customized a sex doll Bianca from the toy company and took her to a family party, eat together, sleep together, and go to church together. Everyone around her felt that Russ was mentally abnormal, and the brother and sister-in-law consulted the doctor Dagoma (Patricia Clarkson), who believed that Russ's symptoms were hallucinations, and the best treatment was to induce situations. By this time, Russ's obsession with Bianca had reached such an insurmountable level that he even had to marry her in church...

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