
6 thrillers about the murder of a young girl, forbidden art, the subject matter is violent, and I tremble all over my body after watching it

author:Prism Films

1, "I Spit on Your Grave"

Synopsis: Released in 2010, 6.6 points, thriller and horror

Starring: Sarah Butler

6 thrillers about the murder of a young girl, forbidden art, the subject matter is violent, and I tremble all over my body after watching it

Contraindications: ★★★★★★★★★★

Highlights of the film: In a wooden house deep in the forest, the beautiful woman was treated in horror, and her eyes were full of helplessness and despair, which was suffocating

6 thrillers about the murder of a young girl, forbidden art, the subject matter is violent, and I tremble all over my body after watching it

Highlights Overview:

A beautiful woman was suffering from great fear in her heart, she was surrounded by several strange men, and her cries made the whole room even more terrifying and desolate. The beauty slumped helplessly on the ground, she became the "prey" of these men, and in the face of this group of strange thugs, the weak beauty had to beg bitterly, but in exchange for more heinous injuries.

The beauty finally realizes the danger she finds herself in, she overcomes her fears, sees the right time to fight back, and finally escapes from this terrifying room, but she will encounter even more terrifying people and things.

6 thrillers about the murder of a young girl, forbidden art, the subject matter is violent, and I tremble all over my body after watching it

Just a few days ago, the beautiful writer Jennifer was introduced by a friend to a wooden house deep in the forest, where she intended to work in a quiet and relaxing place, but she fell into the abyss of terror.

A group of strange men armed with murder weapons suddenly broke into her wooden house as if they had planned it for a long time, and they were vicious one by one, mercilessly hurting Jennifer. Enduring the horrific treatment of the mobs, the beautiful Jennifer overcame her fear, took advantage of the mobs' inattention to resist and escaped from the wooden house, just when she panicked, she was lucky to meet a small town police officer, she was terrified, complaining about everything, but did not know that a greater horror had come.

6 thrillers about the murder of a young girl, forbidden art, the subject matter is violent, and I tremble all over my body after watching it

It turned out that the officer was in league with the thugs, and the beautiful Jennifer was shocked and panicked, she didn't understand why this happened? Under the threat of the sheriff, Jennifer suffers even more serious injuries, which are mental torture and physical and mental devastation. Jennifer has been persecuted by this gang of thugs, and the double persecution of mental and physical and mental persecution has caused Jennifer's heart to change extremely: now that the matter has come to this, she decides to find a way to survive and only seek revenge.

Revenge begins, and Jennifer succeeds in luring one of the thugs into a giant trap. Looking at the screaming thug, Jennifer thought of something and quickly hid. At this point, another thug appeared, and Jennifer smashed him with a prepared wooden stick and retaliated against them in the same way.

Although the revenge was avenged, the girl's eyes were full of despair and trauma.

2, "Shocking Whistleblower"

Synopsis: Released in 2010, 7.7 points, thriller and horror

Starring:Monica Bellucci/Rachel Weisz

6 thrillers about the murder of a young girl, forbidden art, the subject matter is violent, and I tremble all over my body after watching it

Degree of contraindication: ★★★★★★★

Highlights of the film: Monica Bellucci plays the role of a righteous person, rescues a girl in the dark, and screams in despair

6 thrillers about the murder of a young girl, forbidden art, the subject matter is violent, and I tremble all over my body after watching it

Highlights Overview:

The girls are suffering a painful persecution, why are these vicious men so rampant? They even regarded the girl's life as a mustard and fiddled with it at will. However, you definitely won't believe it, and it's still not the worst nightmare.

Monica Bellucci plays the head of a social assistance center, how can she save the fate of these girls who have been reduced to tools? All she could do now was give these girls a little hope of life, and save them from the purgatory of death as much as possible. It's a pity that she could never imagine that this group of police officers has already become accomplices of politicians.

It turns out that the big people involved in such a dirty deal are those rogue politicians that she can't shake at all, so no matter what she does, these girls will not only return to the purgatory of death and become the tools of politicians again, but also suffer even more unsightly injuries because of her rescue.

6 thrillers about the murder of a young girl, forbidden art, the subject matter is violent, and I tremble all over my body after watching it

Just a few days ago, Laura, played by Monica Bellucci, finally had a trusted ally.

Casey, a policewoman, decides to assist Laura in rescuing the innocent girls who have been hurt. However, on the first day of the policewoman's in-depth investigation, Casey fell into a huge shock that made her feel uneasy, and the horrific photos on the walls made her unable to believe that they were all real; The dark and damp room, the rusty iron doors and chains, this is where the girls live every day and every night, this environment makes Casey feel like a world away, like an abyss.

The huge visual stimulation makes Casey determined that she must assist Laura wholeheartedly, risk her death to personally develop a plan to fight the outlaw officers, and a detailed plan to rescue the girls as soon as possible. Fortunately, at this moment, Laura received a call for help from a girl, and she could clearly feel the girl's fear, even her voice, and even the trembling of her whole body. At this point, the girl is as excited as grasping at a life-saving straw, she just wants to live, she just wants Laura to be able to get her out, she doesn't want to, and she doesn't dare to reveal any information about the rogue politicians, which makes it difficult for the rescue plan to move forward.

Of course, Laura and Casey managed to rescue the girl who called, as well as the girl's friends.

6 thrillers about the murder of a young girl, forbidden art, the subject matter is violent, and I tremble all over my body after watching it

At this point, Laura and Casey must make a decision and carry out the second important step.

On the premise of ensuring the safety of the girl, discuss a way to let the girl boldly tell the truth. However, before the method could be discussed, the accident happened in advance, and the police car responsible for protecting the two girls was intercepted by the car that suddenly rushed out, and the people who intercepted them were well-trained and ruthless, and they knocked down the security guard and caught the girl in just a few minutes.

Then, he quickly stuffed the frightened screaming girl into the car and drove away.

This is naturally the handiwork of rogue politicians, how could they be afraid of Laura, the head of a social assistance center? And a little policewoman Casey who is only worthy of a little fight? Therefore, it is impossible for the subordinates of rogue politicians to let go of whistleblowers easily.

These two girls who dare to fight against the wicked will inevitably suffer even more inhumane torture, but this is still not the most terrible nightmare, when the muzzle of the black hole is pointed at the girl's head, they can only tremble and wait until death.

3, "Mystic River"

Synopsis: Released in 2012, 7.0 points, thriller and horror

Starring: Leslie Hope/Elos Muffet

6 thrillers about the murder of a young girl, forbidden art, the subject matter is violent, and I tremble all over my body after watching it

Degree of contraindication: ★★★★★★★

Film highlights: An underrated thriller and horror film, what does the murder of a young girl reveal?

6 thrillers about the murder of a young girl, forbidden art, the subject matter is violent, and I tremble all over my body after watching it

Highlights Overview:

In an idyllic town in Boston, a horrific murder of a teenage girl occurred, and Sean, the police officer in charge of the case, came to the scene of the crime to investigate and collect evidence. The scene of the crime was horrific, and the murdered girl was curled up in an abandoned garbage pit next to the road, which shocked the police officers at the scene.

However, the most shocked person is Officer Sean, who starts to get weird when he jumps out of the garbage pit to find clues to the case. When he brushed aside the murdered girl to cover her face and hair, there was a shocking tragedy under the strange case.

6 thrillers about the murder of a young girl, forbidden art, the subject matter is violent, and I tremble all over my body after watching it

25 years ago, in a small town in Boston, three inseparable teenagers, they played together, fought together, and grew up together, they were Jimmy, Dave, and Sean. Unfortunately, however, Dave was kidnapped at the age of ten, and although he was eventually rescued, the kidnapping made the young Dave's personality eccentric and extreme.

Twenty-five years have passed, and Dave has become a father, but the character flaws caused by being kidnapped many years ago have left Dave with nothing to achieve and depressed; Jimmy's life should be the happiest, he not only runs a store, but also has a beautiful daughter whom he loves dearly; And Sean had the most decent job, he became a police officer. The three childhood friends, each of whom struggled to live until the horrific murder of a young girl, would be re-twisted and intertwined in an almost brutal way 25 years later, because the girl who was killed was none other than Jimmy's 19-year-old daughter, Katie.

The director uses the plot description technique of memories to re-draw the friendship and encounter of the three boys many years ago and the strangeness and estrangement many years later. Then, they reconnected because of the death of Jimmy's daughter, which is obviously not accidental, but the inevitable result of the director's foreshadowing, and it is also the foreshadowing of the subsequent weird storyline. It seems that a seemingly simple homicide case is not simple, what kind of heavy story will the murder of the girl lead to?

6 thrillers about the murder of a young girl, forbidden art, the subject matter is violent, and I tremble all over my body after watching it

There is no doubt that the death of the girl is unfortunate, but what we did not expect is that the death of the girl not only led to a heavy tragic story, but also caused us to think and explore human nature.

The plot pulls back to before the case, Jimmy's 19-year-old daughter, Katie, as usual, comes to her father's store for a brief greeting before going out. What a beautiful and sensible girl, however, fate not only pushed her to death, but also after her death, Jimmy, Dave and Sean, three childhood friends, were twisted together again.

Because Sean, the police officer in charge of the case, after asking Jimmy about his daughter Katie before the crime, and asking Dave if he had seen Katie before the crime, the seemingly clueless case began to get weird; Because when Sean asked Dave's wife again about whether Dave had seen Katie at the bar, the reaction of Dai's wife not only shocked Sean, but also made the clues of the case investigation slowly point to Dave.

4, "Deep in the Forest"

Synopsis: Released in 2015, 6.1 points, thriller and horror

Starring: Evan Rachel Wood/Alan Paige

6 thrillers about the murder of a young girl, forbidden art, the subject matter is violent, and I tremble all over my body after watching it

Degree of contraindication: ★★★★★★★★

Highlights of the film: The girl was chopping wood alone in front of the wooden house and met a strange man, and then, a terrifying scene happened

6 thrillers about the murder of a young girl, forbidden art, the subject matter is violent, and I tremble all over my body after watching it

Highlights Overview:

Outside the cabin, the girl Eva is nervously confronting a strange man who is incoherent, and she is afraid to pick up the axe of chopping wood and signal the strange man not to come near her. However, the strange man kept looking around, and he was false and wronged, which made the beautiful and simple girl Eva temporarily relax her vigilance.

Just when the girl Eva didn't know how to let the strange man leave, the man hugged her violently, and the shameless danger suddenly came to her, even if the girl was prepared and tried her best to resist, it was still difficult to resist the strange man's fierce attack, with a muffled sound, Eva fell to the ground, and was knocked unconscious by the strange man's punch.

6 thrillers about the murder of a young girl, forbidden art, the subject matter is violent, and I tremble all over my body after watching it

Not long ago, Eva, a beautiful girl, and her sister Nelly, lived together in a mountain cabin far from the city.

They take local ingredients and look for edible wild fruits together. Today, they have a great harvest in the mountains and forests, and they have discovered a plant called bay plum, which is not only edible, but also has anti-inflammatory effects. So, together, they brought a large amount of laurel back to the mountain hut. This kind of free and self-sufficient rural life, although bland, can be far away from the hustle and bustle of the city; It's hard work, but you can enjoy the delicious gifts from nature.

However, such a comfortable and beautiful life in the mountains also makes them lose their sensitivity to danger, and a danger from the outside world is slowly approaching the beautiful girl Eva and her sister Nelly.

6 thrillers about the murder of a young girl, forbidden art, the subject matter is violent, and I tremble all over my body after watching it

Another ordinary, no more ordinary, lazy morning, the pretty girl Eva as usual, even in a deserted mountain cabin; Even if it's just chopping wood for breakfast, try to dress up as much as possible. At this time, her sister Nellie was going to the mountains and forests a mile away to pick all the laurel plums that she hadn't picked yesterday.

Eva was left alone in the mountain cabin, the first time that two sisters, Eva and Nelly, had been so far apart. And it was this brief separation that gave danger an opportunity to take advantage of, and it would also completely change the lives of the two sisters.

The danger naturally comes from people, and it is a strange lewd man. One can imagine how nervous and scared Eva, a beautiful girl who was chopping wood alone in the mountain cabin, when she realized that a strange man appeared behind her next to this deserted mountain cabin. She was like a lamb to the slaughter, and under the sudden attack of a strange man, she fell to the ground in an instant, and then the most shameless scene happened that we least wanted to see.

5, "Revenge Warrior Queen"

Synopsis: Released in 2017, 5.9 points, thriller and horror

Starring: Matilda Lutz

6 thrillers about the murder of a young girl, forbidden art, the subject matter is violent, and I tremble all over my body after watching it

Degree of contraindication: ★★★★★★★★

Highlights of the film: A pleasing thriller horror film, a beautiful woman with revenge, full of appearance and combat power, too exciting

6 thrillers about the murder of a young girl, forbidden art, the subject matter is violent, and I tremble all over my body after watching it

Highlights Overview:

The beauty never thought that she was obviously out to play, but she was killed.

Moreover, it was her beloved man who killed her, and the reason was even infuriating. To tell the truth, if the beauty really dies like this, then she will become the biggest grievance in this century, which is even more wronged than Dou E.

And this man who ruthlessly killed her will definitely be sad for an hour. Luckily, the beauty didn't give him this chance. Because of a small tree that runs through the body of a beautiful woman, it saves the life of a beautiful woman. This allowed the beauty to pick up a life on the brink of death. Look at the broken body; Listening to the footsteps of the murderer who went and returned, the beauty wanted revenge, however, she didn't seem to have any other skills other than beauty. The murderer actually thinks the same way, but they are very wrong, when the beauty endures the severe pain and stands up, she has turned into a vengeful warrior, and the murderers will bear her suffocating anger than beauty.

6 thrillers about the murder of a young girl, forbidden art, the subject matter is violent, and I tremble all over my body after watching it

Just a few days ago, the beautiful Jane, in a luxury helicopter, came to this desert where rabbits don't.

She plans to accompany someone else's husband Richard and live a sweet world of two, and it seems that their relationship is a bit complicated. At this moment, Jane is still in the excitement, and she feels that her beauty has captured Richard's heart, so her every move, every smile and smile is particularly arrogant, but as everyone knows, she is just Richard's tool, she comes and goes when she is called.

Richard didn't take her seriously at all, what sweet two-person world? That's just a lie. Richard's real purpose in the desert is to accompany his two best buddies to enjoy the thrill and relaxation of hunting here.

Soon, the beautiful Jane was frightened by the scene in front of her, there were two strange big men, staring at her with bad intentions, although these two big men, it turned out to be Richard's two good buddies, it seemed to be a false alarm, however, Jane still felt a danger in their eyes. Sure enough, not long after, while Richard was out hunting, one of his good brothers forced his way into Jane's room and did something mad.

However, this turned out to be the worst of it, and Jane's nightmare had just begun.

6 thrillers about the murder of a young girl, forbidden art, the subject matter is violent, and I tremble all over my body after watching it

As we know, Richard really doesn't take Jane seriously.

Therefore, what Jane was waiting for was not comfort, but a naked threat, threatening her not to tell the matter, otherwise Jane would not be able to leave this desert where rabbits don't shit. Unexpectedly, Jane, who had a tendon, was not frightened, and she strongly asked Richard to call the police station and expose his good buddy. Syllable! With a crisp slap sounded, this can be regarded as letting Jane see Richard's true face, someone else's husband is really unreliable.

However, Jane was still not reconciled, after all, she thought that she was not a random person, she escaped, and had to rely on her own legs to escape from this strange desert, and as you can imagine, she was pushed off the cliff by Richard.

6, "Rust Creek Horror"

Synopsis: Released in 2018, 5.6 points, thriller, horror

Starring: Hermione Corfield

6 thrillers about the murder of a young girl, forbidden art, the subject matter is violent, and I tremble all over my body after watching it

Degree of contraindication: ★★★★★★★

Highlights of the film: A "Rusty Creek Horror", the girl is trapped in the barren mountains and forests, and the bloodless atrocities are even more suffocating

6 thrillers about the murder of a young girl, forbidden art, the subject matter is violent, and I tremble all over my body after watching it

Highlights Overview:

The girl dragged her injured leg and struggled to move forward in the deserted mountains.

It seems that the girl is in big trouble, which is why the leg injury is so serious. Looking at the girl's pear blossom with rain, frightened, it is obvious that the wound on her leg is definitely not caused by a simple accident.

6 thrillers about the murder of a young girl, forbidden art, the subject matter is violent, and I tremble all over my body after watching it

In this way, the girl continued to limp through the barren mountains. However, at this moment, an unexpected and terrible scene happened, there was a red off-road vehicle, smashed from the top of the girl's head, and this car was no one else's, it was the girl's.

It seems that not only is the girl in big trouble in the wilderness, but she is being hunted down by two strange men.

Just a few hours ago, Soya, a girl who was traveling alone by car, came to a deserted remote road because the car navigation failed. Just as she was looking at the map and confused, an extremely slow car suddenly appeared in front of her.

As the car slowly stopped, Soya showed an alert look!

At this moment, the door of the unfamiliar sedan suddenly opened. Not only did two strange men, one fat and one thin, get out of the car, but they also walked towards her with words in their mouths. It turns out that the two men just want to help Soya. However, when Soya wanted to get in the car and leave, the thin man suddenly came over and blocked the car door, and did not shy away from inviting Soya to his house as a guest. This made Soya instantly frightened, and she finally realized that the two fat and thin men in front of her were not good, so Soya politely refused the thin man's invitation, she knew what it meant to be a guest, and she had to leave this dangerous place immediately.

6 thrillers about the murder of a young girl, forbidden art, the subject matter is violent, and I tremble all over my body after watching it

It's a pity that these two men, fat and thin, turned out to be the terrifying demons in the neighborhood.

So, how could they possibly let the sweet-looking Soya leave? However, to the surprise of the thin man and the fat man, this beautiful girl, who seemed to be weak, was so difficult to deal with. At this moment, in a panic, Soya took the opportunity to feel a dagger from the fat man's waist, stabbed the fat man who was hugging her, and skillfully knocked the fat man to the ground. It's a pity that Soya is a girl after all, and she is weak, so the dagger in her hand was quickly knocked out, and she was very unfortunate to be stabbed in the thigh by a thin man.

At this moment of existential crisis, I didn't expect Soya to burst out with unimaginable power and escape from the clutches of the devil. However, before the panicked Soya realized that she had fled into an equally terrible wilderness. Soon, Soya went deep into the barren mountains and forests, and she cleverly hid behind a boulder, so that she escaped the pursuit of the fat man and the thin man. Only then did she remember the wound on her thigh, which made her pale and gasping for air.

She knew that if she couldn't find a safe shelter before dark, the barren mountains and mountains would be very dangerous. It's a pity that often what you are afraid of, you will come. Before we had gone far, it was already getting dark. At this moment, Soya, who was already thirsty and smoking, planned to rest by the stream, replenish some fresh water, wash the wound on her thigh, and then consider finding a safe place to spend the night. However, it is precisely this seemingly reasonable decision that will bring her even more disasters that are worse than death.

Her wounds were aggravated by the delay at the brook, and she fell to the ground before she had gone far, and when she was about to fall unconscious, she saw a terrible figure in her daze.

Video: This is a top-notch B-grade thriller, barren mountains and mountains, humiliated girls, no blood, comparable to a banned film

In summary, it can be seen that:

"I Spit on Your Grave" tells the story of a beautiful woman who takes revenge after being hurt by a strange man; "Shocking Whistleblower" reveals that the head of the social assistance center rescues the victim girl and fights against politicians; "Mystic River" tells the story of three friends who reunite because of the murder of a young girl and reveal the truth; "Deep in the Woods" girl escapes after being attacked by a strange man in a wooden house; The beauty of "Revenge Warrior Queen" is betrayed by her boyfriend and becomes a revenge warrior queen; The girl in "Rusty Creek Horror" is in distress in the mountains and is chased and killed by two men.

The above 6 thrillers about the murder of a young girl are forbidden art, the themes are violent, and each movie makes people feel shocked, regretful and indignant. Brothers, let's share it here today, you have other horror videos that meet the above characteristics, you can share them in the message area, remember to comment in the message area, remember to share, like, and we'll see you next time.

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