
How often do I have to change the tires of electric vehicles? Which is the vacuum tire or the wire tire? The mechanic tells you

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It is often said that the three major parts of electric vehicles: motors, batteries, controllers, they are the most important components of electric vehicles, but in fact, there is a component, small connoisseurs feel that they can be compared with these three major parts, that is, tires, which are parts that integrate safety and driving, and have a great effect on transportation.

How often do I have to change the tires of electric vehicles? Which is the vacuum tire or the wire tire? The mechanic tells you

Then, as the core parts of the tire, as the owner of the car it is necessary to understand some knowledge about it, small connoisseurs today for everyone to share, the tire of the 2 core content, the first is when to change the tire, the second is what kind of tire will be better, I hope that through such an article, so that the owner can understand the knowledge of choosing tires.

How often do I change the tires of an electric car?

Tires are parts in direct contact with the road, if you do not replace it in time, the first is to lead to poor tire slip resistance, easy to cause traffic accidents, the second is to cause the vehicle to be more likely to be punctured tires, which is the owner does not want to see the situation, and timely replacement of tires, you can avoid the occurrence of these 2 things to the greatest extent.

How often do I have to change the tires of electric vehicles? Which is the vacuum tire or the wire tire? The mechanic tells you

As for the tire replacement time, my recommendation is that the maximum service life of the front tire is not more than "3 years", and the maximum service life of the rear tire is not more than "1 and a half years".

Why the front and rear tire change times are not the same: even if the front and rear tires are a brand, their life expectancy is actually very different, the main reason is that the rear tire is driven, it needs a stronger grip, therefore, its wear consumption will be greater, and the life will be shorter.

How often do I have to change the tires of electric vehicles? Which is the vacuum tire or the wire tire? The mechanic tells you

Tire wear to what extent, to replace: of course, the above time is only a general suggestion, according to the owner's car strength is different, the road conditions of the driving section are different, the time will still be different, better judgment method, or according to the actual situation of wear to determine whether it needs to be replaced, after the wheel tire for example, the tire in the above figure has obviously experienced wear, and the pit of the tire pattern has been worn by about one-third to two-thirds, at this time, it is recommended to replace the tire.

The tires of electric vehicles have vacuum tires and wire tires, which is better?

When you need to replace the tire, you are faced with the choice of what kind of tire situation, if the electric vehicle wants to be more durable, ordinary tires are not recommended to choose, and the current mainstream of electric vehicle tire selection has 2 kinds, the first type is the vacuum tire, is the most common tire for electric vehicles, the second type is the wire tire, then, these 2 kinds of tires, which will be better to choose?

The difference between vacuum tires and wire tires

How often do I have to change the tires of electric vehicles? Which is the vacuum tire or the wire tire? The mechanic tells you

To understand which tire will be better, first understand their differences, vacuum tires and wire tires I summarized there are 3 differences;

(1), the price of the difference, due to the difference in the process, the use of materials, the price of vacuum tires will be slightly higher, more expensive than steel wire tires;

(2), the structure is different, the vacuum tire is mainly composed of carcass, cord, tread, and the outer tire will be thicker, wear resistance is better, and the wire tire is composed of double tires, its shock absorption comfort will be better.

How often do I have to change the tires of electric vehicles? Which is the vacuum tire or the wire tire? The mechanic tells you

(3), the difference in life, the choice of tire durability is also very critical, and compared with the two, the life of the wire tire will be slightly better, because it is a double tire, as long as it is not completely broken, it can continue to ride, but the vacuum tire is no way, however, you can also increase the life of the vacuum tire by adding an inner tube.

Recommendations for the selection of vacuum tires and wire tires

After reading the difference between vacuum tires and wire tires, small connoisseurs will share about these 2 types of tires, how should the owner choose, can achieve optimization, my advice is:

How often do I have to change the tires of electric vehicles? Which is the vacuum tire or the wire tire? The mechanic tells you

If you are driving a two-wheel electric vehicle, my suggestion is a vacuum tire, although it can not repair the tire, but the vacuum tire can continue to ride after being punctured in the middle of the road, which is very practical, and the electric vehicle general shock absorption is relatively good, and the advantages of the wire tire are not obvious enough.

If you are driving an electric tricycle, I recommend choosing a wire tire, its cost is lower, and the shock absorption effect will be better, which is what you want to achieve when transporting goods, and the general shock absorption system of the tricycle will not be as delicate as an electric vehicle, so the wire tire is more suitable.

How often do I have to change the tires of electric vehicles? Which is the vacuum tire or the wire tire? The mechanic tells you

Conclusion: Tires are small connoisseurs feel that should not be ignored important components, it is closely related to driving safety, as the owner, should pay attention to its performance, now the car is equipped with a tire pressure monitoring system, is to better pay attention to the tire situation, of course, electric vehicles, electric tricycles can not do this, but the owner should test themselves, especially the front wheel of the electric vehicle used to 3 years, the rear wheel used to a year and a half, the tire will be seen, is it necessary to replace, and replace the wire tire or vacuum tire, It can be decided according to your own needs.

So, how often do you change your electric car tires? Do you think the wire tire or the vacuum tire, which is better? Comments are welcome.

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