
Novel: "What does it feel like to be in the arms of another man?" ”


As soon as the consciousness was awakened, the smell of disinfectant water sneaked into the nasal cavity, and the hand under the quilt moved unconsciously, and then slowly opened his eyes, and his eyes were pure white.

I tried to move my body, but I only felt weak, and the next moment I heard a clear female voice coming into my ears: "Miss Mu, you are still very weak, the doctor said, now you can only lie on the bed and recuperate." ”

Looking at the sound, I saw that it was the maid in Yan Shaoqin's villa, and she was now lying on the bed, and with a slight movement of her body, she could feel the feeling of powerlessness, as well as the stinging pain coming from her lower abdomen.

The maid saw that she was not at ease, and whispered, "What Miss Mu wants, just tell me." ”


The hand in the quilt subconsciously attaches to the lower abdomen.

"Miss Mu is assured, the doctor said that the child is all right, but you still need to recuperate now, Mr. Mu is having an important meeting, and he will be able to come over soon."

Yan Shaoqin, what can he do when he rushes over?

Thinking that he had been hiding the news of her hospital for the past few days, Mu Xin suddenly returned to his senses, excitedly about to sit up, and the maid exclaimed: "Miss Mu, what are you doing!" ”

"This is the city hospital?"


"Take me to my dad's hospital room." She finished saying every word, looked determined, waved the maid's hand to lift the quilt up, put on her shoes and slowly walked outside the ward, the maid rushed over to support her, her body trembled slightly, and she could feel the feeling of weakness in her body.

With each step, his face seemed to pale a little more.

Mu Changsheng's ward was on the same floor as her ward, which was also specially arranged, but it was such a short distance, but it was more than ten minutes.

Every time the servant tried to say something to the throat, he swallowed it back.

Before arriving at the ward, I saw the scene inside through the transparent glass, and my nose was sour, and I subconsciously wanted to rush inside.


Suddenly, a surprised and doubtful voice came from behind him.

As the footsteps approached, Qi Yang walked over to her, and as soon as he touched her pale face, the smile on her face was a smile.

"What's wrong with you?"

"Big Brother Qi, I'm fine, my dad she..."

Mu Xin revealed a weak smile, looked at the ward, looked worried, but suddenly did not dare to go in, dad was so sick, but she did not know anything, now what face to go in?

"Uncle is all right, you don't have to worry, I see that you are very weak now, go down and sit down, uncle must be very eager to see you when he wakes up." Qi Yang said.


She hesitated for a moment, not knowing what to do.

"Come, I'll help you in."

As he spoke, he reached over and tried to support her, and the maid looked at Qi Yang defensively: "This gentleman, I will just support Miss Mu, don't bother you." ”

Qi Yang noticed that there was still a person around her, and when he saw this, he knew that it was the person next to Yan Shaoqin, and his face was suddenly ugly: "If you come to the hospital now, Yan Shaoqin will send someone to monitor you!" Xinxin, you listen to me, you leave him, so that if you continue, you will only get more and more..."

"Big Brother Qi!"

Seeing that he was no longer speaking, she spoke: "Yan Shaoqin did not send someone to monitor me, this is to send me to the hospital, I went first to see my father." ”

After she finished speaking, she helped the maid's hand into the ward, Qi Yang stood outside the ward, watching the weak figure enter the ward, not knowing what she said to Mrs. Mu, and then turned her head to look at Mu Changsheng who was asleep on the bed with tears in her eyes.

And the maid stood by, saying that it was not Yan Shaoqin who had sent her to monitor her, who believed?

But she refused to leave.

In the ward, Mu Xin looked at Mu Changsheng, who was asleep on the hospital bed, and said in a hoarse voice: "Dad, I'm sorry, you have entered the emergency room, but I can't do anything for you, even... Don't even know anything. ”

Mrs. Mu saw her weak look, and her face was even more pale, where did she dare to make her sad, waved away the maid on the side, personally helped her sit down, and then said: "Your father will not blame you for this matter, you do not care for your body, he will be heartbroken." ”


Shunshi leaned into his arms, grabbed Mrs. Mu's clothes, bit his lip, and the tears kept falling: "I'm not good, I can't do anything." ”

Mrs. Mu sighed, at this moment, she still thought that nothing mattered, and comforted: "Silly child, you have done a good job, but your parents always want you to live better, you are the heart of your parents, it is really ... I really don't want you to be so wronged by yourself. ”

"Your father, he, will get better, he will..."

Looking at her husband lying on the side, Mrs. Mu gently patted her daughter's shoulder to comfort her, but she actually had no bottom, and this period of time had already exhausted her spirit.

At the time of the incident, I had thought of finding acquaintances to borrow money to respond to emergencies, but in the past, the faces of those who laughed and laughed together suddenly changed overnight, and they even reached the point of desperation, and later Yan Shaoqin took a shot, but it was Xinxin who blocked himself...

"Xinxin, you have to remember that you are the daughter of the Mu family, your parents only want you to be well, as for the rest, mother... Don't force it. ”

After saying these words, Mrs. Mu suddenly felt a little more relaxed, but did not get any response, looked down at her daughter leaning in her arms, but only saw her small face was pale, her eyes were closed, it was...


Mrs. Mu roared and propped herself up on her shoulder: "Xinxin! What happened to you! doctor! Call the doctor! ”

When the maid saw this scene, his heart was already panicked, and he nodded his head in response and ran out in a panic, Qi Yang found that the movement came in and saw this scene, and his face suddenly changed, and he walked over to pick up the person and went outside.

Just out of the ward, I saw the end of the corridor, a tall figure came over, saw the scene on this side, suddenly the phoenix eyes were cold, a few steps to the front, without hesitation to snatch people from Qi Yang's arms.

From beginning to end, without squinting, Qi Yang was caught off guard, watching Yan Shaoqin carrying people away, Lady Mu wanted to follow, suddenly dizzy, pale and fell down...

Yan Shaoqin carried the person back to the ward, there were already doctors waiting there, just put the person on the bed, began to check, after a period of busyness, the doctor breathed a sigh of relief, looking at the man standing by the bedside without saying a word, but emitting a cold breath, like a cold air disseminator.

"What's going on?"

"Mr. Yan, Miss Mu will suddenly pass out because she is too sad, and it will not affect the fetus for the time being, but recently she has to control her mood."

"I see, you go out."

The doctor and the nurse evacuated from the ward as quickly as possible, the man walked step by step to the bedside, looked at the person on the bed, suddenly saw her eyelashes trembling, and then opened her eyes, there was still a little confusion in her eyes, and the corners of his mouth drew a trace of mockery: "How does it taste in the arms of other men?" ”

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