
My good buddy died suddenly, when he died, he was 30 years old, and his wife Jingjing was two months pregnant, and she asked me if I wanted to take care of the children with her, and she could

author:Xiao Liu was very pleasing

My good buddy died suddenly, when she died, she was 30 years old, and his wife Jingjing was two months pregnant, and she asked me if I wanted to take care of the child with her, and if she could give me a bride price, and then she could give me another child. Now Jing Jing is a good person, in fact, I have a very good feeling for her, but I am afraid of others talking nonsense.

I'm 39 years old this year. It has been 5 years since I divorced my ex-wife, who is physically ill and has been unable to have children. But in the years of marriage, I have never abandoned him, and I often tell her that if you can't have children, don't force it, but she can't stand the strange eyes of others.

So we treated her all over the country, and the hospital home remedies were tried. I took the medicine one by one, but the child still did not have it. Later she became more and more suspicious, always thinking that I would abandon her, and we often quarreled.

The last time I quarreled was because I talked two more words to a little daughter-in-law in the village, and hugged the children of the family and were touched by her. She filed for divorce, she has often filed for divorce for so many years, I have gotten used to it and agreed, and on the 2nd day we went through the divorce procedures.

After being married for so many years, although I have been working at the construction site for a lot of wages, but because I have been seeing a doctor, all the money I earned has actually been used for medical treatment, and I have no money in my hand, so I have not remarried.

My buddy Zhang Li is my co-worker who works together every day and used to live in a dormitory until his wife also came to the construction site, I am a few years older than him, but the similar personality is also a kind of friendship.

Zhang Li's wife quietly looks very beautiful, is a flower of our construction site, usually also work in our construction site but we are manual work, she is cooking in the canteen of the construction site, although it is cooking, but there are hundreds of people cooking on the site is also not an easy job, but she has never shouted bitter and tired, I especially envy Zhang Li's blessing, have such a good wife.

Sometimes I also lament the unfairness of fate, my wife is not good-looking, but since marriage has not been to work, a lot of time we all use to see a doctor, the rest of the time is lying at home to take medicine, every day after eating or sitting in the village to chat, or to play mahjong.

In fact, after getting married, I was really obedient to her, and he had problems with himself, but I never said anything about her. When my mother said her, I still protected her, but I didn't expect his temper to become worse and worse, more and more domineering. Every winter after the production of our construction site stopped, I went home, and I couldn't live for a few days, but every time I came home, our family was restless, and then they even wanted to divorce me, and of course I agreed.

In fact, the mood of the divorce was particularly bad, and I didn't want to listen to other people's gossip in the village and came to the construction site. Although I had arrived at the construction site, I did not go to work.

Lying in the dormitory every day for a long sigh, thinking about herself every day tired and tired to earn money for her to spend. But she still did this to me, this is the age, the wife is gone, the children are gone, not even a family is not alive really failed.

After Zhang Li saw me like this, every day he would let his wife leave me food from the canteen to bring me back, and at night he would let his wife cook a few dishes to drink and let me enlighten me.

After about two weeks or so, I also wanted to understand that I couldn't go on like this anymore. So I began to go out early and return late every day, working particularly hard.

Every night I would go to his house to rub rice and eat, of course, each time carrying a few appetizers. At this time I really envied ZhangLi, their husband and wife relationship is very good, quiet people as their name is quiet and virtuous, I found the feeling of home again.

Jing Jing often told me not to buy these dishes too expensive. You should save a little money to marry your wife for the elderly. In fact, after getting divorced, I also went to kiss many times, but people heard that I was working at the construction site and had no money, so they did not agree to be with me.

Even if I reluctantly agreed, I was asked to buy a house in the city, which I did not have the money to buy a house in the city, so I am still in a state where I am fed by myself and the whole family is not hungry.

I didn't expect that not long ago, Zhang Li accidentally fell down while working on the third floor, in fact, this height should not have hurt his life, but he did not expect that when he fell, he was actually the first to land with his head down, so he died on the spot.

I was particularly sad those days, after all, this was my best friend at the construction site, Jingjing also cried to death, when Zhang Li died, Jingjing was already pregnant, and we only celebrated together a few days ago.

Later, the construction site lost money and quietly returned to his hometown with the money, and after I went back, I was afraid that he would not be able to open it, often called her to greet her, and also bought some things from time to time to send her over.

Unexpectedly, a few days ago, Jing Jing suddenly suddenly stood up with a big belly and appeared in the dormitory. She asked if I wanted to marry her and find a child to take care of Zhang Li, and then she could help me have another son. But the premise is that we must support Tension's parents. If I agree, she can marry me without a penny of bride price.

I know that Jing Jing is a good woman, and I also like her in my heart, but I am still worried about others talking nonsense, and I don't know what to do now, I want to be with her and I am afraid of people gossiping.

How do I choose?

 First of all, thank you for sharing. People say that ten years to repair the same boat ferry. You and Zhang Li are the best friends, able to help each other in the most difficult times. When your divorce was the most difficult, Zhang Li selflessly helped you and gave you unlimited care and affection. You are a grateful man, and after his death, you also want to take care of his widow.

Now with your conditions, it is basically impossible to find a wife, and Jingjing is a particularly kind and hard-working good woman, since both of you have feelings for each other, then don't care about the eyes and gossip of the people around you. If you really can't do it, you can change to another city to live, you have the technology, she is hard-working, I believe that no matter where you are, you can live very happily. I suggest that you choose to get married, take good care of her, and have children.

Do you think I'm right?

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