
Enter key| new year sales target, showing only "confidence"

The plan of the year is spring. With the arrival of the first working week after the Spring Festival holiday in the Year of the Tiger, the sales targets of major car companies in 2022 have also become the focus of attention. What is the confidence of car companies in the market this year?

Judging from the current situation announced by the six major domestic automobile groups, most of them showed a high morale and expressed optimism about the overall upward growth when formulating sales targets for 2022. For example, the sales target of FAW Group in 2022 is 4.1 million units, which will increase by 17.1% on the basis of 3.5 million units in 2021; Dongfeng Group's target is similar, setting a target of 4 million units this year, an increase of more than 22% year-on-year; GAC Group is relatively low-key, and this year's goal is "production and sales increased by 15%". In addition, although Changan and BAIC did not announce the overall target figures of the group, from the perspective of the targets announced by the new energy sector, the boldness is quite large. Just like BYD of "ALL IN" new energy, its sales target for 2022 is 1.2 million vehicles, an increase of 470,000 vehicles compared with last year, so the "radical" goal is based on the launch of many heavy new energy products in 2022. Tesla and the New Year's goal of "Wei Xiaoli" have doubled year-on-year, Tesla hit 1.5 million vehicles, and "Wei Xiaoli" collectively launched an impact on 200,000 vehicles.

Some people hesitate, in the case of uncertainties such as chip supply and epidemic situation is still affecting the car market, is the "guts" of car companies a little too big? Even research institutions have pointed out a little development concern. As UBS China's automotive industry research department pointed out in January, as the signs of chip shortage are alleviated and supply-side production capacity increases, the auto market this year may shift from "short supply" to "oversupply". However, more industry analysts still believe that although the global epidemic will develop well, the structural supply of chips cannot be significantly improved in a short period of time.

In fact, this confident "growth" of Chinese car companies is ultimately because of new energy vehicles. Last year, the unexpected development and positive development of China's new energy market have enabled car companies to reach a consensus of strong confidence. This confidence is based on the prediction of the market situation. Looking back at 2021, the shortage of chips that began at the beginning of the year has now enabled many car companies to have sufficient psychological preparations and transitional measures. By 2022, the impact of chips will not be so "busy" for car companies. Moreover, compared with fuel vehicles, the shortage of chips has always had a relatively small impact on domestic new energy vehicles, and under the premise that the domestic epidemic situation is better controlled, the risk of production suspension faced by domestic car manufacturers is small; under the influence of the strong demand for new energy vehicles in the market and the pressure of double integration, car companies will definitely take the lead in ensuring the scheduling of new energy vehicles. Sales are increasing and production capacity is expanding. At present, both domestic automakers and international brands are seeking to increase production and expand production. Not only domestically, volkswagen group, one of the global giants, expects to increase vehicle production at its main plants by about 43% to 400,000 units in 2022, also thanks to the growth of electric products such as the ID family.

There is no doubt that new energy will make car companies sell "like a tiger" in the new year. For those car companies that still have a large proportion of fuel vehicles and lag behind in the development of new energy projects, it is obviously meaningless to set the sales target too large, so it is better to bury their heads in research technology and strive to catch up on the "green track".

Attached: Some car companies plan for the sales target of new energy vehicles

Enter key| new year sales target, showing only "confidence"

(Data source: car company public information)

Text/Guangzhou Daily, New Flower City Reporter: Deng Li

Guangzhou Daily New Flower City Editor: Mai Xiaoying

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