
Where do doctors cook to find recipes? CNKI!

Unconsciously, this year is over in a whirlwind, and when we meet again after the holiday, it is not surprising that you and I are fat every festive season.

During the lunch break, everyone will inevitably get together and open the photo album to share their masterpieces of Chinese New Year's Eve meals. This kind of occasion has never been good at urban beauty, after all, it was famous in the circle of friends for a plate of "chocolate" egg tarts.

Where do doctors cook to find recipes? CNKI!

Image source: Author's masterpiece

But this year, we can also stand firmly on the Chinese New Year's Eve meal, although there is only such a small corner, the author can still point to a plate of green garlic in the corner and proudly say:

Look, I did!

However, pickled eight garlic is not so simple as taken for granted, before doing the author in Weibo, Xiaohongshu and other Apps searched for major tutorials, a variety of what kinds of methods.

For example, in the choice of vinegar, there is white vinegar, aged vinegar, in the preservation temperature said to keep about 20 degrees placed next to the heating, some said to put it outdoors in winter, and even more said to put it next to the heating during the day, put it in the refrigerator at night, alternating hot and cold...

As a medical dog, the biggest feature is qiong (crying), so the family that is not rich can not take out more than ten pounds of garlic to set up multiple control groups, in order to ensure a success, the city beauty finally decided to extend the claw to CNKI.

Image source: CNKI

First, the process

In order to marinate garlic, we must first familiarize ourselves with the whole process, just as we must be familiar with the whole process of writing, submitting, and revising before we fantasize about successfully publishing a SCI, although there is a good chance that it will not be accepted (storm crying).

Second, the selection of garlic

Pickled garlic has no special requirements for garlic varieties, but newly harvested garlic cannot be used. In the literature, the author requires that garlic be uniform in size, garlic beige creamy, and no odor, no discoloration, no mildew, no pests and diseases, no debris, no mechanical damage.

Third, acetic acid soaking

1, the principle of greening

Before soaking, we need to get a general idea of how this thing turns green.

Some scholars have put forward the hypothesis:

Acetic acid is likely to increase not only the permeability of garlic cell membranes, but also the permeability of the vacuole membranes within garlic cells.

The result of increasing the permeability of the membrane is similar to the physical mechanical fragmentation of garlic, so that the allinase is released and the substrate cysteine sulfoxide present in the cytoplasm is in contact with each other, the reaction is generated to form thiosulfinate, and then further reacts with amino acids and carbonyl compounds, thereby greening the garlic.

Where do doctors cook to find recipes? CNKI!

2. Choose the right vinegar

Therefore, we need to choose the right vinegar, the author found that the speed of garlic turning green is positively correlated with the concentration of acetic acid in the infusion, that is, the higher the acetic acid concentration, the faster the greening speed, which also has an impact on the quality and taste of the pickled garlic.

In this article, the School of Food of Shihezi University studied the effect of acetic acid mass fraction on the quality of Laba garlic.

Here is the definition of mass fraction, mass fraction refers to the ratio of the mass of the solute in the solution to the mass of the solution, and also refers to the mass of a substance in the mixture as a percentage of the total mass.

(1) Method

Several scholars have used the fumigation method and the soaking method to make lapa garlic.


Take the refrigerated garlic, peel and divide into cloves, discard the scarred and small garlic cloves, wash 3 times with distilled water and set aside. Take 300 g of spare garlic above the dryer partition, put 30mL of mass fraction 60%, 70%, 80%, 90%, 100% acetic acid solution, seal the dryer and place in a 20 °C environment, prepare fumigation eight garlic.

Soaking method

Take the refrigerated garlic, peel and divide into cloves, discard the scarred and small garlic cloves, wash 3 times with distilled water and set aside. Take 300 g of spare garlic cloves and mass fractions of 60%, 70%, 80%, 90%, 100%, respectively, soak in a jar with a mass-to-volume ratio of 1:1 (W:V), place in a 4°C refrigerator, and prepare vinegar bubble eight garlic.

(2) Results

Effect of acetic acid mass fraction on hardness and brittleness of Laba garlic

Where do doctors cook to find recipes? CNKI!

From the above table, we can see that with the increase of acetic acid mass fraction, the overall trend of hardness and brittleness of fumigated garlic and soaked garlic gradually decreases. The hardness and brittleness of Laba garlic prepared by 60% and 70% acetic acid mass fraction were significantly higher than those of other mass fraction treatment groups.

Effects of different acetic acid mass fractions on the color of Laba garlic

Where do doctors cook to find recipes? CNKI!

From the above table, we can see that with the increase of the mass fraction of acetic acid, the brightness value of Lapa garlic showed a gradual decreasing trend, and the brightness value of Lapa garlic prepared by 60% and 70% mass fraction of acetate was significantly higher than that of other mass fraction treatment groups.

Combining the above two tables, we can conclude that the 60% and 70% acetic acid mass fractions prepared of Laba garlic are the best in both taste and color.

As for the difference between the fumigation method and the soaking method, we actually use the soaking method almost all when making it at home, so it can be ignored. After all, with that fumigation kung fu, we can all spin an extra pound of sugar orange hahaha ~

The acetic acid content per 100 ml of ordinary vinegar is more than 3.5 g, and the superior grade vinegar is more than 5 g, the conditions are limited, we do not have edible vinegar with acetic acid mass score of 60% and 70%, and ordinary edible vinegar can be used.

The author has studied several common vinegars on the market, as shown in the following table:

Where do doctors cook to find recipes? CNKI!

Image source: Author summary

The author found that most of the vinegar produced in Shanxi is of relatively high quality, of course, the price is also very beautiful (crying again), the author is reluctant to take out a hundred oceans to buy a bottle of vinegar, so he spent 37 yuan to buy a bottle of acetic acid content of ≥ 6 g / 100 ml of a relatively cheap brand of vinegar, to avoid advertising dislike, the brand we will not say.

3. Temperature

Low temperature is necessary to break the dormancy of garlic, activate garlic enzymes, and green change of garlic. When the ambient temperature reaches about 32 °C, the garlic will remain in a dormant state for a long time, 8 °C ~ 10 °C will promote the early budding of garlic, and 5 °C can quickly relieve the dormancy period of garlic.

Some scholars have shown that it is more appropriate to control the temperature below 20 °C. However, the author has consulted at present, including literature and other materials, there are different statements about the storage temperature required for the pickling of laba garlic, such as the two articles above, one of which requires constant temperature soaking and low temperature refrigeration, and the other soaking method requires placing it in a 4 °C refrigerator.

The author carefully (haphazardly) pondered for half a day and decided to place it at the heated room temperature, the coordinates to the north.

Fourth, the results of the practice

Where do doctors cook to find recipes? CNKI!

Just done look

Where do doctors cook to find recipes? CNKI!

The first night

Where do doctors cook to find recipes? CNKI!

The next day

Where do doctors cook to find recipes? CNKI!

Five days later

After five days, most of them have turned green, the author fished a few green more perfect taste, really not poking, crunchy, very refreshing, and even the city beauty wants to come back to two plates of dumplings.

The garlic pickled out with CNKI is delicious, so it seems that literature retrieval not only serves scientific research, but also helps our lives.

In addition to dry rice, we can even listen to Liang Jingru's "Courage" a few more times, and then send the following paper to the leader.

Where do doctors cook to find recipes? CNKI!


Wang Yuhong, Tang Gaoqi, Tian Jie, Wang Wenyan, Cao Ya, Wang He. Study on the green transformation of Laba garlic[J]. Agro-Processing, 2011, 12: 68-69+72.

Suriyem Nigatti, Zhang Jian, Mao Xiaoying, Sun Fengxia, Guo Xiaobing, Zhu Xinrong. Effect of mass fraction of acetic acid on the quality of Lapa garlic[J]. Agricultural Products Processing, 2021, 18: 1-4.

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