
Feixi: Opening the TOD era, Hefei City Rail, Poly, and Wanrui have settled in

author:Feixi Fusion Media

On the morning of February 16, Hefei Urban Rail Development Co., Ltd. officially acquired the land for the Shenzhen Road Depot in Feixi County (Track Line 3 Parking Yard) through public bidding, auction and listing, which will build the first subway superstructure development project around the TOD model in Feixi. The project adopts the method of comprehensive co-ordination and integrated development of above-ground and underground space to control the spread of the urban plane direction and create an urban comprehensive area integrating commercial, commercial, educational, residential and other functions. Among them, the upper cover area of the vehicle section is arranged with high-rise commercial offices, residences, community centers and primary schools, and the southeast part is not affected by the cover structure, and the 100-meter commercial office high-rise is arranged to leave sufficient space for industrial development and provide a platform for employment and entrepreneurship.

Feixi: Opening the TOD era, Hefei City Rail, Poly, and Wanrui have settled in

▲ Project intent renderings

Poly and Wanrui have respectively won the plot of land located near the terminal station of Metro Line 4 in the Ziyun Lake area, which will be centered on public transportation stations such as subways and buses, and will be 5-15 minutes walk away as the radius to establish the city center and create a life service circle integrating work, business, culture, education and residence.

Feixi: Opening the TOD era, Hefei City Rail, Poly, and Wanrui have settled in
Feixi: Opening the TOD era, Hefei City Rail, Poly, and Wanrui have settled in

Remember that on February 11, as the person in charge of the planning and upgrading project of the new area of Feixi County, Academician Wu Zhiqiang, who was responsible for the planning of the Shanghai World Expo and the Beijing Urban Sub-Center, led a team to visit Feixi and "open the pulse"? The TOD development model is a key direction mentioned by Academician Wu during the discussion and exchange. This land transfer is the beginning of grasping the pace of development and carefully managing the city under the guidance of the new area planning.

Feixi: Opening the TOD era, Hefei City Rail, Poly, and Wanrui have settled in

It can be seen from the planning and upgrading plan of the new area of Feixi County that the planning is based on the positioning of the international science and technology innovation engine and the new center of the Jianghuai Canal, and is committed to building a spatial pattern of "bow string coordination and five-core linkage", and strives to create an ecological science and technology innovation city with good appearance and temperament, quality connotation and repair. Among them, the area south of the Tanchong River focuses on the "city", creating a high-end community group with perfect functions, optimizing the spatial distribution of the urban population, and the curtain of the new center in the southwest of Hefei's main city has been opened and is becoming a hot land.




It is a "public transportation-oriented" development model, in which public transportation is mainly subway, light rail and other rail transit and bus trunk lines, and then with the bus station as the center, with 400 to 800m (5-10 minutes walk) as the radius, the establishment of a set of work, business, culture, education, residence, etc. as one of the urban areas, in order to achieve the organic coordination mode of compact development of each city group.

New precinct

Feixi: Opening the TOD era, Hefei City Rail, Poly, and Wanrui have settled in

Based on the positioning of the international science and technology innovation engine and the new center of the Jianghuai Canal, the new area is planned to build a spatial pattern of "bow string coordination and five-core linkage", and strive to create an ecological science and technology innovation city with good appearance and temperament and quality connotation. (The "bow" of power - blue and green intertwined science and technology innovation power corridor; the "string" of vitality - livable and touristable Jianghuai Canal vitality corridor; the "arrow" of innovation - high-speed connection of the rapid development of science and technology innovation industry corridor; five cores: five major science and technology innovation engines)

The new area is an important measure for our county to further improve the supporting functions of the city in accordance with the work idea of synchronously promoting the construction of the new urban area and the renewal of the old city, which is composed of the Ziyun Lake area, the Qunying Lake area and the area south of the Tanchong River.

In terms of operation mode, our county vigorously promotes project investment with the concept of operating a city, comprehensively promotes the model of packaging and construction of infrastructure projects, and strives to "start in one year, achieve results at the beginning of two years, achieve great results in three years, and basically take shape in five years".

In mid-December last year, the mobilization meeting for the construction of the new campus of Anhui Medical University and the new area construction project in Feixi County was held, which also marked the official launch of the construction of the three new areas south of Qunying Lake, Ziyun Lake and Tanchong River.

The three new precincts have their own emphases and strengths. The Ziyun Lake area focuses on "production", carefully lays out the industry, and focuses on the introduction of major projects such as great health and science and technology research and development; the area south of the Tanchong River focuses on the "city", creating a high-end community group with perfect functions to optimize the spatial distribution of the urban population; the Qunying Lake area focuses on the "symbiosis of industry and city", vigorously introduces advanced manufacturing and high-end service industries, accelerates the layout of government resources, and shapes a new urban center.