
"Blood Legend" after 70s And the blood and youth after 80 Why was the legend so popular that year!

Legends of Blood is a massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG) released in 2001. The game is set in the marfa continent, with three classes of warrior, mage and Taoist, the game can do missions, fight monsters, mine, worship, open up the precedent of Chinese online games. Because there were almost no games in China at that time, so in the case of that year, the domestic game market was almost vacant, and even the online game industry in China at that time was only in the germination stage, with the blood legend of this design and production of exquisite, interesting gameplay of the game many people have not seen, fully reached the people's curious psychological state, in the country to achieve good results is normal, but also catch up with the good timing, the same industry has no opponents, to reach the situation of full users is also expected.

"Blood Legend" after 70s And the blood and youth after 80 Why was the legend so popular that year!

When the legend first came out, it was also the time when martial arts novels shone brightly. Countless people yearn to live the life on the rivers and lakes like in the novel. And the blood legend just satisfies this desire of people. In the game, PK has no venue restrictions, and you can freely PK anytime and anywhere. After forming a guild, it is like a novel, like joining a gang. There is also the attack on Shabak, which gives players a different experience. Every player loves to fight in the blood legend, there are not so many mechanics, giving the player maximum free time. And the level gap of the legend is not large, in the legend, there is no mission, unlike other games, once the event is not participated, it will be pulled apart a lot of gaps. In Legends, you can only upgrade manually, and the higher your level, the more experience you need. So, even if you don't go online for a day, the gap between others and you won't be too big

"Blood Legend" after 70s And the blood and youth after 80 Why was the legend so popular that year!

In fact, the most important point is brothers, playing legendary games, although sand city is very important, glory is also very important, but all this is inseparable from brothers, partners, brothers from reality, there are brothers from the game who have the same martial arts dream, first of all, remember, no matter what you do, play the game or good, in reality, brothers must be important, indeed, no brothers do not play, no brothers do not blood legend, these words are not empty, The deepest impression is that one day in the Internet café bag night in the mine suddenly encountered the zombie king, next to the buddy roared a word and then instantly surrounded me behind more than a dozen people to see if I can explode the equipment, although in the end did not expose any equipment, but the sense of atmosphere still makes me miss.

"Blood Legend" after 70s And the blood and youth after 80 Why was the legend so popular that year!

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