
One loves money, one loves to play, how did Guo Degang Yuqian "respect each other as guests" for 20 years?

author:Entertainment is a family
One loves money, one loves to play, how did Guo Degang Yuqian "respect each other as guests" for 20 years?


Cause of the matter

This is the most serious in November 2010, Cao Yunjin and Guo Degang's "master-apprentice incident", 2010 is the tenth year of Guo Degang Yuqian's partnership, this year at Lao Guo's birthday banquet, an earth-shattering thing happened, that is, Cao Yunjin made a big fuss about the birthday party, simply put, Cao Yunjin because he was too good, felt that he should get more salary, better treatment, and quarreled with the financial management of the Deyun Society, the movement was not small, and many of the brothers who were present at the time advised Cao Yunjin to stop Don't mess around, Master Lady Wang Hui even knelt on the ground and told Cao Yunjin to stop talking crazy and apologize to others. Yu Qian also said Cao Yunjin, your master has a birthday today, how inappropriate it is for you to make such a big move, don't make a noise, Yu Qian's attitude is completely a peacemaker.

One loves money, one loves to play, how did Guo Degang Yuqian "respect each other as guests" for 20 years?


Cao Yunjin made a big fuss about the birthday party

But Cao Yunjin still did not spare until Guo Degang came out and asked Cao Yunjin what you really wanted to do? It just so happened that Guo Degang stood next to the statue of Guan Gong, and then Cao Yunjin didn't know whether it was a convulsion or something, so he directly kowtowed to Guo Degang first, and then said to Guo Degang, I don't do it, I will never go back to the Deyun Society again, this is Cao Yunjin's original words, when this sentence was said, Old Guo's heart was half cold, he had taught his apprentice for so many years, and now he treated himself like this, his heart was half cold, think about the children who have been raised by himself for more than ten years, who can feel good in his heart?

One loves money, one loves to play, how did Guo Degang Yuqian "respect each other as guests" for 20 years?


Yu Qian understood Guo Degang's pain

After that, Cao Yunjin posted a 6,000-word essay on Weibo, and then summed up a sentence that is, I took the money, not only did not learn anything, I also suffered a lot of scolding, so when Cao Yunjin left, Guo Degang sang "Weiyang Palace" on the stage, Yu Qian also advised him not to sing, heartache, but Guo Degang is still singing, Yu Qian knows that Guo Degang is not singing Han Xin, but himself, because he did not bring a good apprentice, which led to the apprentice and himself turning against each other, after many years, Yu Qian also mentioned cao Yunjin, Saying that at that time, Cao Yunjin's apprentices left, the impact on Lao Guo was quite large, think about it, such an excellent child, making a big birthday party, and also swearing to slander the master and saying that he would not come back, who was not feeling good in his heart, and recalling the experience of knowing Guo Degang, the two were also happy in it.

One loves money, one loves to play, how did Guo Degang Yuqian "respect each other as guests" for 20 years?


Yu Qian's life, happy and joyful

Yu Qian was born in 1969 in Beijing in a large family, parents are engaged in scientific research officials, of which the father is the boss of geological exploration in the Dagang oilfield, the mother is an expert in the oil refinery, the status is naturally not low, the family life is also very rich, I thought that Yu Qian's arrival, can enhance the family's academic qualifications, let him study well, become a useful talent of the country in the future, yu Qian did not love to learn from childhood, love to study some strange things, what flower and bird markets have his figure, raising birds fishing and drinking tea are proficient, What Western red wine, steak, etc., Yu Qian can buy and eat with one hand, is a proper rich second generation.

One loves money, one loves to play, how did Guo Degang Yuqian "respect each other as guests" for 20 years?


Guo Degang's life was ill-fated

On the other hand, Guo Degang, not only the long handsome black handsome black, the education is not high, and Yu Qian is so big, Guo Degang is still a big word, a meal did not eat a small black fat man, because the parents often do not accompany the side, resulting in Guo Degang's personality is very naughty, but sometimes the father will put him on the back of the bicycle, take him to the club to play, this club is various, everything, eat and drink to play, all complete, but Guo Degang is an outlier, prefer to watch crosstalk, The old gentleman on the stage complained about the case, the group commented passionately, coupled with the knocking sound of wooden bricks and wooden tables, Guo Degang fell in love with crosstalk, because he liked martial arts novels, and from that time on, Guo Degang moved his chivalrous spirit from poverty to himself.

One loves money, one loves to play, how did Guo Degang Yuqian "respect each other as guests" for 20 years?


8-year-old Guo Degang fell in love with crosstalk

When he was 8 years old, Guo Degang had not yet studied the master, so he followed Mr. Gao Xiangkai to learn to review books, because he learned well, and then he studied with Chang Baoting and Chang Baofeng, when he saw a book called "Chinese Traditional Cross-Talk Encyclopedia", because that book was the master's only copy, so in order to learn as soon as possible, he memorized the contents every day, and then returned home, copied the book, 15-year-old Guo Degang has been admitted to the rap group established in the literary troupe. Among them is Lausanne, which has been popular for several years.

One loves money, one loves to play, how did Guo Degang Yuqian "respect each other as guests" for 20 years?

Because of the unremarkable, Guo Degang thought of the road to the north drift after he became an adult, because Guo Degang's family lived in Tianjin, but he wanted to grab a bowl of cross-talk soup in Beijing, which was estimated to be impossible, so when Guo Degang first went to Beijing, he was squeezed by various forces, and then he went home in a gray and slippery way, and went to Beijing for the second time, singing in Puhuangyu for two years and Hebei Zizi, or did not earn a penny, at that time it was tired and bitter, and also lost money, Guo Degang's self-confidence was completely hit. Later, with the encouragement of his family, Guo Degang decided to break into Beijing for the third time.

One loves money, one loves to play, how did Guo Degang Yuqian "respect each other as guests" for 20 years?

At that time was the most difficult time, the north and south of the world, there was no place to sleep under the bridge, no fight back scolding did not return the mouth, no money to pay the rent to hide at home without making a sound, three meals a day is not bad, green onion dipping sauce, with noodles, this is Guo Degang feels that he eats the most fragrant meal, hungry to drink water, sleepy on the table to sleep, the old Guo can be described as a living nest, life is not satisfactory.

One loves money, one loves to play, how did Guo Degang Yuqian "respect each other as guests" for 20 years?


Yu Qian's life is full of taste and taste, and he often shoots dramas

People Yu Qian and his age, the reputation of the second generation of the rich is getting louder and louder, because he grew up in the courtyard of Beijing Hutong, he knows many celebrities, because he loves to play, when he was 13 years old, Yu Qian went to the Beijing Opera Academy cross-talk class, and then simply worshiped directly under the name of Mr. Shi Fukuan, because he likes and loves, let Yu Qian be particularly sensitive to this line, and in an instant he became a dark horse of cross-talk at this age, but unfortunately, Yu Qian did not accept his heart, loved to play, and began his own star-chasing road after learning. Began to play a variety of TV drama roles, such as what women dressed as men, police, village bullies, evil cooks, Yu Qian basically played.

One loves money, one loves to play, how did Guo Degang Yuqian "respect each other as guests" for 20 years?
One loves money, one loves to play, how did Guo Degang Yuqian "respect each other as guests" for 20 years?
One loves money, one loves to play, how did Guo Degang Yuqian "respect each other as guests" for 20 years?


Yu Qian filmed, patted and got married

On the way to acting, he also brought a daughter-in-law to the family, the daughter-in-law is now Bai Huiming, when Bai Huiming was 10 years younger than Yu Qian, many people in the family did not agree with this marriage, especially Bai Huiming's family, felt that Yu Qian's old temperament, there was no talent, the whole person hung Er Lang Dang, and later Yu Qian used actions to prove his sincerity to Bai Huiming, only to win the support of his father-in-law and mother-in-law, Yu Qian liked crosstalk, but at that time, crosstalk was not as hot as a sketch, and crosstalk belonged to sitting on a cold bench.

One loves money, one loves to play, how did Guo Degang Yuqian "respect each other as guests" for 20 years?


Yu Qian's Buddhist life

Yu Qian once said that he would think of acting in a TV series or something, play a role, but he liked this line, just this line is sluggish, there is no market share, and can not earn money, only to the countryside, some people are willing to listen to a cross-talk, this is Yu Qian's original words, do cross-talk or his wife Bai Huiming support him, because Yu Qian was 30 years old at the time, every month is still very Buddhist, a piece of two salary can not support people, he does not want to continue to eat old, so he took out his former learning cross-talk He began to talk to each other in various teahouses, so he and Guo Degang met.

One loves money, one loves to play, how did Guo Degang Yuqian "respect each other as guests" for 20 years?


Guo Degang and Yu Qian looked at each other

As soon as the two met, they were as they were, because at that time Yu Qian was talking to a few friends together, but the place he was looking for and the prince was too broken, because the conditions were bad, several leading actors were disgusted, so they temporarily found Guo Degang to take over, and Guo Degang, although poor, was a real person, in order not to be kicked out of this industry, he could only say that he was a mad dog who came to Beijing to fight for food. Guo Degang because of the perennial mixed in the society, so there is still a little bit of a small mind, understand a little bit of human sophistication, he pays attention to is, today who is not good to me, who betrayed me, after I became famous in the future, it is the time to retaliate against you, and Yu Qian because he grew up in a comfortable circle, very rich, but will not spare the bend, pay attention to the brothers and friends of the world, can play together, the two personalities have a great deviation.

One loves money, one loves to play, how did Guo Degang Yuqian "respect each other as guests" for 20 years?

After a long time, Yu Qian found that although Guo Degang's family was poor, but people had strength and talent, and then said that I and Guo Degang were both to make Xiangsheng famous, and then earn money and carry it forward, plus some people who claimed to be descendants of Xiangsheng masters, then this generation of people really made Yu Qian feel bad, so Yu Qian told Guo Degang about this matter, and the two hit it off and began a partnership journey.

One loves money, one loves to play, how did Guo Degang Yuqian "respect each other as guests" for 20 years?


One of the luckiest people Guo Degang met in his life was Yu Qian

Guo Degang once said that knowing Yu Qian should be a great blessing in this life, because there are too few suitable confidants, Yu Qian and I said that the style of crosstalk is not the same, he can cooperate with me, I can cooperate with him, the two of us are a complementary role, and have cooperated for so many years, Yu Qian is very satisfied with me, including I have worked with many popular actors, there is no natural cooperation with Yu Qian, it is completely the kind that cannot be faulted.

One loves money, one loves to play, how did Guo Degang Yuqian "respect each other as guests" for 20 years?

At that time, when I took a class with Yu Qian, the two simply set up a stall directly at the street entrance, which is what we call the grass platform team that is not in the flow, and in order to make money, the two also clearly divided the account, five or five points of account, this is fair, but unfortunately it is not the more effort the luckier, Guo Degang and Yu Qian's partner, the two just started basically no fame, when you ask who you are, you don't know who to say, or you say that others don't know at all, and then the famous Guo Degang Yuqian is difficult to walk, At the worst of them, after half a day of shouting, there was only one audience member.

One loves money, one loves to play, how did Guo Degang Yuqian "respect each other as guests" for 20 years?


A combination doesn't make money

Then in order to maintain the combination of Yu Qian and Guo Degang, he can only participate in a variety of strange programs, and then go to earn money, the most classic of which is the window life of 48 hours, that is, Guo Degang needs to live in a transparent window for 48 hours, during which eating and drinking are inside, if you go to the toilet, you can go out, it was still summer, there was no air conditioning, Guo Degang had been sweating inside, and finally challenged successfully to get a bonus of 1,000 yuan.

One loves money, one loves to play, how did Guo Degang Yuqian "respect each other as guests" for 20 years?

Later, they used the remaining money to start various performances, still found nothing, just after this 00 years when the Internet began to develop at a high speed, Yu Qian changed his thinking. He told Guo Degang that it would be better for us to participate in the TV show sketch contest together, so in 2013, the two appeared on the stage of the Beijing Cross-Talk Sketch Contest, and their work was called "Hello Beijing", although they did not win the championship, they accumulated a lot of fame for them.

One loves money, one loves to play, how did Guo Degang Yuqian "respect each other as guests" for 20 years?


Hou Yaowen discovered Guo Degang and wanted to take him as an apprentice

Among them, there was Yu Qian's dry father Hou Yaowen, because it was a cross-talk family, Hou Yaowen had a good impression of Guo Degang, he was a good material for saying cross-talk, especially with his own son Yu Qian, it was a perfect match, and he couldn't find any fault, so Hou Yaowen had the idea of accepting apprentices, it is said that at that time, Hou Yaowen took the initiative to call Yu Qian to say this, and then Yu Qian gave the phone to Guo Degang, saying that he wanted to accept the disciple, and what he said at the time was that if Yu Qian was also willing, he would also accept it together.

One loves money, one loves to play, how did Guo Degang Yuqian "respect each other as guests" for 20 years?

At that time, there were many people who were jealous of Guo Degang and Yu Qian, and many people ran to Hou Yaowen's door and said that they could not accept Guo Degang, but Hou Yaowen still did not listen, insisted on his own opinions, and finally let the combination of Yu Qian and Guo Degang hold up the banner, and Guo Degang, because he had the identity of Hou Yaowen's apprentice, also had his own "Minglin", and quickly stood on his feet in the Beijing cross-talk circle, this time he still liked to mention the identity of the orthodox cross-talk master.

One loves money, one loves to play, how did Guo Degang Yuqian "respect each other as guests" for 20 years?
One loves money, one loves to play, how did Guo Degang Yuqian "respect each other as guests" for 20 years?


Without Yu Qian, there would be no Guo Degang and Deyun She

In 2004, Yu Qian officially became Guo Degang's partner, this partnership is 20 years of time, Deyun Society from small to large, Yu Qian's credit can be described as indispensable, without Yu Qian's cross-talk queen, where is the brilliant achievement of Deyun Society today? In 2006, Jiang Kun took the lead in holding a plenary meeting of "anti-three customs", and the spearhead was directed at Guo Degang and Yu Qian, of which Tianjin TV and Beijing TV tried to block Guo Degang several times, and the result was that they were all destroyed.

One loves money, one loves to play, how did Guo Degang Yuqian "respect each other as guests" for 20 years?


Yu Qian fought for Guo Degang

Because Yu Qian tightened the reins of the wild horse at that time, in order to refute and target the discredit of this partner and the Deyun Society, he and Guo Degang together created the cross-talk "I want to oppose the three customs" and "I want to go to the Spring Festival Gala", the words are sharp, the gun and the stick spit on the mainstream of the cross-talk, the two stood on the same trench, began to develop themselves, within a few years, received a lot of talented young apprentices, such as Cao Yunjin, Yue Yunpeng, Li Jing, He Yunwei, etc., are famous cross-talk actors.

One loves money, one loves to play, how did Guo Degang Yuqian "respect each other as guests" for 20 years?


Yu Qian has been comforting Guo Degang

Then to 2010 everyone knows that the Deyun Society has gone a few backbone personnel, which makes Guo Degang very sad, it is Yu Qian who has been comforting Guo Degang on the side, saying that Cao Yunjin they are gone, but there is a Yue Yunpeng, although stupid, but it is not impossible to say, so Yu Qian will spend a lot of time on Yue Yunpeng, but unfortunately in Guo Degang's eyes, Yue Yunpeng is not good, the qualifications are too poor, so many years have not learned, but Yu Qianli is out of the opinion, saying that Yue Yunpeng is quite good, that is, the crosstalk does not open the trick, If you open up, it is impossible to say bad, and later everyone knows, because the rise of Yue Yunpeng has driven the development of the entire cross-talk industry, and the Deyun Society has also become the first in the cross-talk industry, and later coupled with the operation of Guo Degang and Wang Hui, what Deyun Society's variety shows, movies, productions, etc., too much, basically earned a lot of pots.

One loves money, one loves to play, how did Guo Degang Yuqian "respect each other as guests" for 20 years?


The Buddha's heart is humble and does not like to fight back and forth and go his own way

Yu Qian compared the Buddhist system, he felt that the Deyun Society was guo Degang's life's work, I did not go to get shares, I was not embarrassed, I did not need to go to others for me to complain unevenly, I think to take five or five points of the account on the line, take the salary, take the performance fee, also take the shares, everything is taken, in exchange for who is uncomfortable in their hearts.

One loves money, one loves to play, how did Guo Degang Yuqian "respect each other as guests" for 20 years?
One loves money, one loves to play, how did Guo Degang Yuqian "respect each other as guests" for 20 years?


Why the Deyun Society can be maintained so far, relying on Guo Degang and Yu Qian, the personalities of the two can complement each other, if the rich second generation of Yu Qian is fond of play, that is, he has always adhered to his own heart, if the poor boy Guo Degang is to love money, that is, the old Guo knows how to take it, one is sorry for each other, one is low-key and simple, these two personalities have achieved the Deyun Society. Therefore, the Deyun Society cannot be without Guo Degang. The same can not be less than Qian, indispensable, this is the soul of the Deyun Society.

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