
Today's lunch made two dishes, minced eggplant, broccoli carrot scrambled egg fungus, on the braised rice, especially good! Try it if you like it too! Eggplant minced meat: Wash and cut the meat into small cubes, eggplant

author:Home-cooked food for a happy life

Today's lunch made two dishes, minced eggplant, broccoli carrot scrambled egg fungus, on the braised rice, especially good! Try it if you like it too!

Minced eggplant: Wash and cut the meat into small cubes, peel and cut the eggplant into strips, put it on a plate and steam for about 8 minutes. Add the seasonings to the bowl: 2 spoonfuls of light soy sauce, 1 spoonful of dark soy sauce, 1 spoonful of oyster sauce, 1 spoon of balsamic vinegar, 1/2 tablespoon of salt and 1/2 tablespoon of sugar, appropriate amount of starch, stir well and set aside. Put the right amount of oil in the wok, put in the onion, ginger and garlic and stir-fry, put in the minced meat, smooth and stir-fry, put in the seasoned sauce, stir-fry a few times, and then put in the steamed eggplant strips, stir-fry evenly to get out of the pot and plate, delicious! Exceptionally tasty! It's really nice to have rice!

Broccoli: The broccoli is arranged into small flowers and soaked in salt for a while, and then put in the appropriate amount of flour to grab and wash and wash it. Wash and cut the carrots into thin slices, soak the fungus, wash it clean, put the appropriate amount of water in the pot, open the water into the broccoli and blanch it for two minutes, fish it out, then pour in the fungus and carrot slices, blanch it and fish it out. Beat three eggs into a dish, add salt and stir well. Wash and cut one tomato into small pieces and set aside. Put the right amount of oil in the pot, first fry the eggs and pour them out, then put in the appropriate amount of oil, put in the onion, ginger and garlic and stir-fry, add tomato pieces, fry out the juice, then add the fungus and carrot slices, stir-fry a few times, put in the broccoli, add the right amount of oil consumption, soy sauce, the right amount of salt, stir evenly, put in the scrambled eggs, stir again to plate, a very good dish, you also come to try it! #家乡美食 ~ Home Cooking # # Home Cooking Diary # #关注我, share home-cooked meals every day # # Unforgettable home-cooked meals # #一家四口的家常饭 #

Today's lunch made two dishes, minced eggplant, broccoli carrot scrambled egg fungus, on the braised rice, especially good! Try it if you like it too! Eggplant minced meat: Wash and cut the meat into small cubes, eggplant
Today's lunch made two dishes, minced eggplant, broccoli carrot scrambled egg fungus, on the braised rice, especially good! Try it if you like it too! Eggplant minced meat: Wash and cut the meat into small cubes, eggplant
Today's lunch made two dishes, minced eggplant, broccoli carrot scrambled egg fungus, on the braised rice, especially good! Try it if you like it too! Eggplant minced meat: Wash and cut the meat into small cubes, eggplant
Today's lunch made two dishes, minced eggplant, broccoli carrot scrambled egg fungus, on the braised rice, especially good! Try it if you like it too! Eggplant minced meat: Wash and cut the meat into small cubes, eggplant
Today's lunch made two dishes, minced eggplant, broccoli carrot scrambled egg fungus, on the braised rice, especially good! Try it if you like it too! Eggplant minced meat: Wash and cut the meat into small cubes, eggplant

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