
Ignoring the interference of the United States, the Chinese side of the BRICS summit has made up its mind: expand the number of personnel! Russia, India, South Africa, Brazil, and Brazil are collectively in favor


According to the Observer Network, as an important platform for the coordinated development of developing countries around the world and overcoming difficulties together, the BRICS mechanism is more valuable in the financial, energy and economic shocks facing the world today, and the call for the expansion of the BRICS countries has also attracted global attention and deliberate obstruction and interference by countries such as the United States. At the 14th BRICS Summit held recently, China made a final decision on "accelerating the BRICS expansion process", pointing out that the BRICS mechanism is an open and shared platform that should work with more countries around the world to achieve greater development results. China's support for the BRICS expansion is also approved by the collective approval of russia, India, South Africa, and Brazil.

The biggest problem facing the world today is that some of the Western countries that are in the upper reaches of the industrial chain, financial chain and science and technology chain led by the United States cannot solve their domestic problems, and transmit a series of problems of the United States to the outer layers of neighbors, causing great turmoil facing developing countries around the world.

Ignoring the interference of the United States, the Chinese side of the BRICS summit has made up its mind: expand the number of personnel! Russia, India, South Africa, Brazil, and Brazil are collectively in favor

Instead of assuming its role as a global financial center, a science and technology center, and a public opinion center, the United States has used the dollar to release water and raise interest rates sharply, driving the expansion of global inflation layer by layer and the financial transmission chain is unsustainable; The United States uses its scientific and technological hegemony to suppress other countries everywhere, launch trade wars and unreasonable sanctions against many countries, and seriously undermine the normal global economic order; The United States abuses its position as the center of public opinion to concoct massive amounts of false information, obscure the common demands of the world, and accuse deer of serving hegemony and private interests for horses.

Under such circumstances, the BRICS mechanism established by the five countries of China, Russia, India, South Africa, and Brazil, with a population of more than three billion and an economy of more than a quarter of the world, has become a "safe haven" for countries on all continents around the world to seek stable development opportunities in the midst of the crisis.

Ignoring the interference of the United States, the Chinese side of the BRICS summit has made up its mind: expand the number of personnel! Russia, India, South Africa, Brazil, and Brazil are collectively in favor

The BRICS mechanism has various economic ecological elements such as manpower, industry, capital, finance, land, energy and so on to promote economic development, and with the continuous expansion of China's industrial production capacity and the gradual advancement of the pace of independent upgrading of science and technology, it gradually has the basic ability to build a "closed loop of the economic system", and with the performance of China and Russia in the United States and the West, it has "verified" the anti-pressure and autonomy of the core countries of the BRICS mechanism to the outside world, and the current BRICS mechanism is taking a mature posture in the fight against the epidemic, economy and trade, Finance and other aspects have demonstrated their capabilities to global countries, and they are also ready to attract more "like-minded" countries to join and show their responsibility through the BRICS+ mechanism.

Including Iran, Saudi Arabia, Kazakhstan and other countries, they have shown their intention to join the BRICS mechanism, and the establishment and development of the BRICS+ mechanism has also aroused the intervention of the United States. A few days ago, the US media Bloomberg news agency spread rumors to provoke that an anonymous senior Indian official revealed that India would oppose China and Russia in the BRICS mechanism to put forward anti-US issues and prevent the BRICS countries from reaching a consensus on anti-US hegemony. The US media even provokes the meaning of the United States first, but in the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, it is clear that it said no to us hegemony, and India, which imports Russian crude oil with "thirty-one times the increase", obviously has its own ambitions.

Ignoring the interference of the United States, the Chinese side of the BRICS summit has made up its mind: expand the number of personnel! Russia, India, South Africa, Brazil, and Brazil are collectively in favor

As a mechanism for developing countries, the expansion of BRICS discourse power and the expansion of member states will also help India safeguard its own interests in dealing with Western countries. This attribute of "speaking out for the world's developing countries" is precisely the unique charm of the BRICS mechanism recognized by most countries in the world.

The United States, once the center of globalization, is now carrying out the process of "de-globalization" by building high tariff barriers and overdrawing dollar credits for "channel realization", which is a prelude to huge economic shocks for developing countries in the global economic system that do not have independent industrial capabilities. The Chairman of the Federal Reserve recently admitted for the first time that "a recession in the United States is difficult to avoid", and the United States, which is in the highest inflation in four decades and the Fed will raise interest rates at a continuously high level, has no ability to recover its own economic decline and lacks the ability to provide the world with public financial products that maintain the normal and stable operation of the global economic system. In the midst of the changes in the times, the mechanism of China and the BRICS countries should not be tolerated.

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