
Thai monks and women, serving monks, official repression, a lifetime of no name! People: They were supposed to become Buddhas

author:Realize a pure land

On the streets of Thailand, you can occasionally see this group of "white-clad monks", which attracts the attention of the masses. However, under the identity of being pure and innocent and full of Buddha-nature, they showed a sense of sadness and helplessness, which was very different from the image of a solemn monk. Only because their fate is really bumpy: they are not recognized for their lives, and the official suppression, even if they are monks and nuns, can only become the nannies of monks.

Thai monks and women, serving monks, official repression, a lifetime of no name! People: They were supposed to become Buddhas

Vigorously, three affirmative action revival movements, but only one: unruly, broken traditions, not recognized, not reasonable, sympathetic but never supported. And the achievement of this attitude has made them make a legendary effort. Continues to this day...

Some people even commented on them: "Homeless, shunned old woman." ”

However, the people unanimously praised them: "They are the true manifestation of Buddha-nature." ”

They are the "bhikshunis" that Thailand has not been recognized all their lives, and even the name bhikshunis is not recognized.

Next, let us enter their bumpy lives and realize the difficult aspirations of this group.

Thai monks and women, serving monks, official repression, a lifetime of no name! People: They were supposed to become Buddhas

In the Buddha's kingdom under the heavens, from the monarch to the people, the belief in Buddhism has long been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and it has become an unavoidable existence and correct life. In a country where 95% of buddhists are, Buddha-nature is already deeply rooted in all aspects of life. Even cartoons, TV series, and advertisements watched by children will be forcibly linked to Buddhism.

Under such an environment, becoming a monk is like being admitted to a good university, which naturally becomes the best way for people to go out. That is, he will receive praise from the neighbors and become "other people's children" in the eyes of the neighbors.

Thai monks and women, serving monks, official repression, a lifetime of no name! People: They were supposed to become Buddhas

"Not coming out of the house is not Thai" is even more word of mouth, which has become a unique sentiment of this country. If there is a boy in the family who does not aspire to become a monk, then the face of this ancestor will be lost.

But this honor is limited to male monks. Women want to become monks, but the situation they get is like heaven and hell.

Women want to become monks, of course, but the road ahead is already at a glance, vaguely visible, fate has long been predestined, and the protection of the light of Buddha-nature is completely annihilated here.

All his life, he only poured tea and water for the monks, served thoughtfully, and became a nanny in a monk's robe, but he did not have access to the transmission of the Dharma. The great monks and masters refused to recognize their names as monks and nuns, and could not give the bhikshunis certification.

Even in a lifetime, they will be despised by outsiders: "These are homeless people, who will choose to go out of their homes and stay away quickly." "This kind of contempt is like we meet a street addict, realistic and helpless."

Thai monks and women, serving monks, official repression, a lifetime of no name! People: They were supposed to become Buddhas

People prefer to call them "ordained women" or "white women". A pair of white clothes is very elegant and beautiful, but they represent another kind of "secondary female monk".

Why is it that in a country full of Buddha-nature, the Buddha should have universalized all sentient beings, and men and women were equal. The Dharma should be devoted to all sentient beings, but the light of Buddha-nature is divided into categories?

The reason for this is lamentable... That is, "conformity is inheritance"

Thailand's belief in southern Theravada Buddhism, rituals, precepts, and monastic traditions have been the most primitive and unchanging rules, and have been strictly observed for thousands of years.

Just as a father must inherit the family business to his son, and the son passes it on to his grandson. The same is true of the monks, passed down from generation to generation, and the incense is constantly burned. This has become an immutable principle of Theravada Buddhism.

There's nothing wrong with that...

However, everything is always unsatisfactory and unsatisfactory. Today's situation has become the result of the original cause.

At that time, there were only 5 bhikshunis (female monks) recruited by the Buddha himself, and they were the "first generation of bhikshunis". This first generation of bhikshunis can be described as orthodox, and they are honored by others, and they are even more equal to male monks.

Thai monks and women, serving monks, official repression, a lifetime of no name! People: They were supposed to become Buddhas

His descendants naturally followed the principles and traditions, passed down from generation to generation, for the sake of orthodoxy.

Unexpectedly, the accident happened.

In the 11th century, the bhikshuni tradition was completely interrupted in Ceylon. At this time, Thailand did not even establish a state. Southern Buddhism was subsequently introduced to Thailand, but the idea of bhikshunis naturally disappeared.

How, then, can something that does not even exist in the teachings be easily added? What's more, under the traditional society at that time, the status of women was inferior, how could women become Buddhas.

The lineage of bhikshunis has thus completely fallen.

However, a series of sensational movements are quietly coming... It's spectacular, tough and legendary. The foundation was laid for the appearance of monks and girls dressed in white.

The trigger that caused the movement to erupt befell this.

The Western concept of "equality between men and women" was introduced to Southeast Asia. The power of women is officially awakened at this moment!

"Why can't women become monks?" A shout officially launched the affirmative revival movement for women who cannot become monks.

In 1927, a big man opened the first wave of attack of the "female nun revival". He was also a famous Thai politician and leader of the "Buddhist Reform Movement", Narin. Fassett.

Thai monks and women, serving monks, official repression, a lifetime of no name! People: They were supposed to become Buddhas

A series of behaviors that surprised people and made the upper echelons of the royal family angry and stomp their feet...

Narin. Fassit immediately ordained his two daughters, ordained as nuns, and were ordained as monks. The first "nunnery" ever built in Thailand was built.

In this way, he expressed extreme protest against the Buddhist "abolition of precepts" and the prohibition of women as monks at that time.

"Instead of not letting women out of the house, I not only let my daughter out of the house, but also want to build a nunnery."

At this moment, the upper royal family and nobles can be described as completely exploded. This is a clear challenge to the imperial canon, how can this thousands of years of inheritance be easily changed by you.

"It's like dragging your daughter's clothes to heaven, and you are allowed to make her daughter vulgar immediately!" Naturally, the royal family will not easily spare this head bird. A series of countermeasures followed.

Thai monks and women, serving monks, official repression, a lifetime of no name! People: They were supposed to become Buddhas

The royal family not only vigorously suppressed and condemned Fassit, but also forcibly removed the robes of the two daughters and directly threw them into prison. In addition, the monks who had been ordained for their two daughters were directly expelled from the monastic ranks.

It was not until 1928, as a result of this movement, that the royal family immediately issued a decree prohibiting any monk from ordination as a woman.

The first affirmative action movement was clearly a complete failure.

In this regard, no monk in Thailand dared to be ordained for women, and women were afraid of imprisonment, and they had already erased the path of becoming a nun in their hearts.

However, the first failure seems to open this equalization gap... A second wave of counterattacks followed.

In 1950, the counterattack began... Although they could not become nuns in the true sense, a large number of so-called "ordained women" were derived.

These nuns became nannies who took care of the male monks in the temple, brought tea and water, and took care of food and living.

Some of the "ordained women" secretly "appointed themselves as nuns" in some enlightened temples. Whether society agrees or not, this group is gradually growing.

A famous "ordained woman" appeared in this way, and gradually established an influence in the Thai people.

Thai monks and women, serving monks, official repression, a lifetime of no name! People: They were supposed to become Buddhas

She is Varomai, and in 1956 she was ordained openly at a temple in Thailand. However, this temple is the base camp of the upper royal class Dharma sect. To be ordained here is undoubtedly to punch the royal family in the face, causing an instant sensation.

Subsequently, a series of actions like fascist were followed, which was even more surprising. Just one year after his ordination, Valo mai built a nunnery in Bangkok that can be described as the true female-run nunnery in modern Thailand------ Songda Mo kayei Temple.

Immediately after that, dozens of nunneries rose from the ground. The gathered nuns act independently, go deep into the society, inspire sentient beings, and charity has led to a change in the attitude of the people.

The thai people have a special evaluation of this group of nuns, from the original "homeless monks and ordained women" to "monks who are more intelligent, delicate, gentle, charitable than male monks, and even much better than male monks"

"They were supposed to become Buddhas."

People began to honor them as true "high monks" and "female masters".

Thai monks and women, serving monks, official repression, a lifetime of no name! People: They were supposed to become Buddhas

Of course, the royal family naturally did not admit it when it saw this behavior, but there was no suppression behavior, which was really strange.

Until 1971, Varomai never gave up, and since you Thai Theravada Buddhism does not recognize it, then I will go.

He then resolutely went to The Eastern Power, Taiwan Province of China, to convert to Mahayana Buddhism and officially became a nun.

This second affirmative action movement came to an end, although it was never recognized by Thai religious circles. However, this feat was of landmark significance, laying the mass foundation for the arrival of the third movement.

At this time, the royal family, only verbally denying its identity, is silent and somewhat abnormal. The reason for this is only that this third movement surfaced.

After another 20 years of hurrying, this third movement, like a thunderbolt on a sunny day, completely made the upper royal family like a needle felt, dumbfounded, and silenced the Thai religious circles, and finally caused a sensation in the country and triggered a national protest.

It was as if the final blow to break through the shackles had already erupted...

Only because they welcomed this nun, the second generation leader, the daughter of Varomai, Cha Chunman.

Thai monks and women, serving monks, official repression, a lifetime of no name! People: They were supposed to become Buddhas

Cha Chun Man inherits his mother's ambition, which can be described as blue out of blue and better than blue, a series of feats can be described as full of momentum, and the Thai royal family is powerless to fight.

On February 6, 2001, Cha Chun Man resolutely went to Sri Lanka to be ordained, and then returned to Thailand. Put on the suit for his third movement.

Sri Lanka believes in the Theravada Vinaya and Thailand, and in this way, she is equivalent to becoming the first female nun in Thailand to be recognized by the Theravada Vinaya, which is not to bring Thailand's religious community to an army.

But this time, the elders of thai religious circles were silent, only because of the indomitable background behind Cha Chun Man.

His father was a Thai political tycoon, a member of the Three-Term Congress, who dared to make a mistake.

Moreover, the ordination of one of the armies in Sri Lanka is even more unspeakable. Sri Lanka has close religious ties with Thailand and is a friendly country.

"What does it mean to be ordained in my place, not to be recognized in you?" If you oppose it, it will not give rise to an international dispute.

Occasionally, a few diehard elders verbally rebuked, "Great rebellion! "But it's powerless to change.

In the first round, Cha Chun man won a big victory.

Immediately after, Cha Chun Man tried to turn all Thai nuns into true "Samini". A move that completely ignited a contradiction that caused a sensation in the whole country.

Thai monks and women, serving monks, official repression, a lifetime of no name! People: They were supposed to become Buddhas

At this moment, it can be said that it completely angered the upper echelons of the royal family, and the Thai Buddhist community no longer cared about the situation and no longer connived

If you are ordained in Sri Lanka, no one can take care of it, but openly ordaining a nun in the country is simply a blatant violation of the bottom line of the bill.

Subsequently, major media, major business circles, and even officials and international organizations have intervened, and even triggered disputes at the level of national security, and a big war is about to erupt.

"What is the intention of violating the bill, violating the traditional ban, colluding with external forces to subvert Thai traditional Buddhism and create a national security crisis?" The Thai government has put a series of penalties on its head, and has joined forces with the state media to criticize it.

Headlines on the front page, eye-catching, denounced it as a gross violation of traditional Thai Buddhism.

Thai monks and women, serving monks, official repression, a lifetime of no name! People: They were supposed to become Buddhas

However, Cha Chunman did not show weakness, uniting with the mass base that his mother had already established, women's associations, major critics, and enlightened mainstream media to fight back, and even more to put on the constitution of the anti-general army.

"The ban is unconstitutional and should not exist!"

The major media are even more ruthless, condemning and mocking, and even poking at the official pain point: "Thai Buddhism is already increasingly rotten, scandals are continuous, what reason is there to prohibit women from becoming nuns?" ”

This time, it directly entered the white-hot. No one is willing to show weakness.

In the end, a group of famous Thai monks and masters had no choice but to become peacemakers: "Oh, take your time, have something to say, don't argue anymore, give a face, all take a step back, take a step back, compromise each other, okay?" ”

This monk is naturally a presence in Thailand that even the king respects.

This movement also came to an end.

Subsequently, each side made concessions, and this "no recognition, no reasoning, no suppression, sympathy but no support" became the final compromise of the official, until now.

This is the extraordinary equal rights path of this group of monks and nuns in Thailand.

And I would like to say that men and women are equal, and Buddhism should be more equal. Although this act is said to be a principle, the times are progressing, and everyone has the right to be protected by the Dharma, which is the deepest vision of thousands of Buddhas.

Everyone can become a Buddha.

The material originated from the Thai website, if it is infringing, please contact the author to delete.

Thai monks and women, serving monks, official repression, a lifetime of no name! People: They were supposed to become Buddhas

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