
Nuclear sewage is starting to take off? Chiba, Japan, was shocked to see turtle carcasses, accelerating the spread, and the United States was instigated

author:Tomoshi Numatsu

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"If nuclear sewage is safe, there is no need to discharge it into the sea, and if it is unsafe, it should not be discharged into the sea."
Nuclear sewage is starting to take off? Chiba, Japan, was shocked to see turtle carcasses, accelerating the spread, and the United States was instigated

More than five days have passed since the August 24 discharge of contaminated water from Fukushima, Japan, although the International Atomic Energy Agency, represented by the United States, claims that Japan's contaminated water has met "nuclear wastewater safety standards."

But on August 27, at Kujukuri Beach in Chiba Prefecture, Japan, a sea turtle with a belly in the sky was shallow.

Nuclear sewage is starting to take off? Chiba, Japan, was shocked to see turtle carcasses, accelerating the spread, and the United States was instigated

The sea turtle, famous for its longevity, died in the ocean that gave birth to it, and was washed to land by the waves, as if crying out about the evil deeds of the Japanese government.

However, the United States, which has always sided with Japan, was the first to reduce Japanese seafood imports in March, which is laughable. If it really thinks that nuclear sewage is safe, what is the United States worried about?

Nuclear sewage is starting to take off? Chiba, Japan, was shocked to see turtle carcasses, accelerating the spread, and the United States was instigated

Fukushima, already scarred, is even more devastated

The death of sea turtles seems to have made human already tight heartstrings even more alarmed, and everyone has asked Japan to provide turtle carcasses or provide samples for the affected countries to study.

Japan's insistence on extreme selfishness is no longer an international issue, but a crisis of future ocean survival for all mankind.

For Japan's decision to continue to drain the sea for 30 years, not only the mainland people are strongly condemning, but the Japanese people's demonstrations and protests have not stopped.

Nuclear sewage is starting to take off? Chiba, Japan, was shocked to see turtle carcasses, accelerating the spread, and the United States was instigated

Not only because of the great damage to the environment, but also directly ruined the future of the Japanese fishery market.

The mainland has completely suspended the import of Japanese aquatic products, including but not limited to seafood and seafood, at 12 o'clock Beijing time on August 24. Russia and North Korea followed suit with similar notices.

This comprehensive countermeasure is not only for the health of the people, but also gives Japan a serious warning that if it continues to discharge nuclear sewage, then Japan's aquatic products will be destroyed.

Nuclear sewage is starting to take off? Chiba, Japan, was shocked to see turtle carcasses, accelerating the spread, and the United States was instigated

Japan is really dissatisfied with China's import ban, and even plans to take a United Nations lawsuit to ask China to revoke the ban, after all, they still think that just banning one Fukushima product is not a big problem, and they think that the whole of Japan will not pass our customs.

After all, the mainland occupies a considerable part of Japan's seafood consumer market, and not only the suspension of exports, Japan's local food, not only seafood, even a cucumber will be treated differently.

Japan's local food is still in the cold, how did Kishida Fumio dare to send these foods abroad?

Nuclear sewage is starting to take off? Chiba, Japan, was shocked to see turtle carcasses, accelerating the spread, and the United States was instigated

At present, Japanese fishermen are already angry at the government's disregard for people's livelihoods and bury the future, and the Japanese people understand China's import ban.

In response to the increasing internal and external pressures, Japan has issued a new export policy.

Japan decided to shift its export market focus to Norway and Vietnam. I don't know what the purpose of such a delaying measure is, but it is worth noting.

These countries themselves are also importers of seafood products from the mainland, and Japan may not just regain market share, but continue to flow Japanese seafood into China through resale.

It is not that it is impossible, but there is a high probability that it is Japan's retaliation. Seafood products are resold to Vietnam and Norway, and then secondary processing is carried out to disguise the origin and sold to China.

However, the mainland has also prepared countermeasures, not only banning the import of Japanese domestic aquatic products, but also all aquatic products will be particularly strictly inspected when passing through customs, and once found to exceed the radiation energy standard, food will be immediately rejected.

Nuclear sewage is starting to take off? Chiba, Japan, was shocked to see turtle carcasses, accelerating the spread, and the United States was instigated

"We endured and endured, the past twelve or three years have finally survived, the price is finally normal, but why does Fumio Kishida pollute our work?" Is he the Prime Minister of Japan? ”

Haruo Ono, a fisherman from Fukushima

In 2015, Japan's cabinet government promised Fukushima fisheries organizations to take responsible and transparent measures to deal with the legacy of the accident. Until a common understanding and agreement is reached, no measures will be taken to discharge nuclear sewage into the sea.

But now the Japanese government has reneged on its promises, ignoring the promises it made to the fishermen of Fukushima.

Since the Fukushima nuclear power plant accident with a seven-level nuclear leak, the Fukushima fishery has been in a slump, but after the discharge of nuclear sewage into the sea, it has directly damaged the fishery ecology of the entire Pacific Ocean.

Now that China's control measures have affected nearly 1,000 Japanese companies, whether they are selling themselves domestically or exporting, they are already entering a period of survival.

A cry from the people

Algae organisms from the blue ocean are one of the important sources of oxygen supply, and once algal organisms die in large areas due to nuclear sewage, the supply of sea oxygen will be problematic.

From the moment nuclear sewage enters the sea, it has begun to affect the water cycle: once groundwater, rainwater, and the water source on which these organisms depend are detected to exceed the radiation level, not only does it affect survival in all aspects, but it also has an indelible impact on humans at the top of the food chain.

Nuclear sewage is starting to take off? Chiba, Japan, was shocked to see turtle carcasses, accelerating the spread, and the United States was instigated

On August 25, in the capital, Suva, a large number of people marched through the streets to protest the Japanese government's measures to remove the sea.

Nuclear sewage is starting to take off? Chiba, Japan, was shocked to see turtle carcasses, accelerating the spread, and the United States was instigated

Lucia Rajillervo, a member of the human rights organization Citizens' Constitutional Forum, said in an interview:

"Japan's terrible actions are unacceptable! It is disrespect for our human rights! Although we are a small island State, our rights, dignity and freedoms should also be respected. ”

As a breadwinner, whether fishing or marine products, Fiji's main source of income, had not yet seen enough data to prove the safety of nuclear wastewater, so Japan dumped it into the Pacific Ocean.

Nuclear sewage is starting to take off? Chiba, Japan, was shocked to see turtle carcasses, accelerating the spread, and the United States was instigated

Saving lives in the Pacific, without Japanese aid and money, and without their garbage, is the voice of the Fijian people. This lets us know that Japan's measures are offending all Pacific coastal countries.

Recently, it has been equally noisy in South Korea, which is next door to us.

With the support of the United States, South Korean President Yoon Seok-yue also supported the discharge of Japanese nuclear sewage into the sea, which greatly ignited the anger of the South Korean people.

Nuclear sewage is starting to take off? Chiba, Japan, was shocked to see turtle carcasses, accelerating the spread, and the United States was instigated

Mass demonstrations through the streets of Seoul on August 26 confirmed popular discontent with Yoon's puppet-like political stance.

Nuclear sewage is starting to take off? Chiba, Japan, was shocked to see turtle carcasses, accelerating the spread, and the United States was instigated

At present, Lee Jae-myung, leader of the "Common Democratic Party," the largest opposition party in South Korea, made clear in his speech: Japan's irresponsible and selfish behavior is a declaration of war on the Pacific coastal countries!

Unlike mineral salt and lake salt, the main sources of edible salt in the mainland are mineral salt, and the most important edible salt in South Korea comes from the ocean.

As a "pickle country", if there is no safe edible salt to use, it is bound to have a huge impact on the production of kimchi.

And the South Korean people are also very dissatisfied with Yoon Seok-yue's failure to issue import bans like China and Russia, believing that this is to leave the people's health and safety behind.

Nuclear sewage is starting to take off? Chiba, Japan, was shocked to see turtle carcasses, accelerating the spread, and the United States was instigated

This is not only a crisis of trust between the people and government of Japan and South Korea, but also arouses anger that has nowhere to be placed, and the Korean people even ugly disguise him as a Japanese flatterer like Yoon Seok-yue and take to the streets.

Nuclear sewage is starting to take off? Chiba, Japan, was shocked to see turtle carcasses, accelerating the spread, and the United States was instigated

The vacillation and procrastination of the South Korean government is completely different from the mainland's resolute attitude, and it has never stopped calling for international public attention or condemning Japan.

Because of such a scourge, Japan also says that it will last for thirty years.

Nuclear sewage is starting to take off? Chiba, Japan, was shocked to see turtle carcasses, accelerating the spread, and the United States was instigated

Historical sinners

Despite the Japanese government's claims to have treated and diluted the nuclear-contaminated water, there is still controversy over whether the marine ecosystem can withstand radioactive material of this magnitude.

Marine ecosystems are among the most complex and fragile ecosystems on Earth, and once damaged, recovery may take longer than we think.

There is no doubt that the decision of the Japanese cabinet and TEPCO is to put Japan on a huge flame of public opinion.

Not only fishery and aquatic products have been seriously affected, but also Japan's tourism and clothing industries, daily necessities, etc. have boycotted to varying degrees.

In order to save money, the government adopted the most selfish method of nuclear sewage treatment, but in the end it made innocent people at the bottom pay.

Nuclear sewage is starting to take off? Chiba, Japan, was shocked to see turtle carcasses, accelerating the spread, and the United States was instigated

As of 0:00 on the 28th Japan time, Japan has discharged more than 1,551 tons of nuclear sewage, and the support rate of Kishida's cabinet has dropped to 26%.

Except for the United States, which has openly expressed its support for Japan's discharge of nuclear sewage, I am afraid that there will be no second one, but has not the United States also restricted the import of Japanese aquatic products since March?

At present, the vast majority of Pacific coastal countries, including the Japanese people, are accusing Japan.

On August 27, several opposition Diet members attending the rally unanimously demanded that the Japanese government immediately withdraw its plan to discharge nuclear-contaminated water into the sea, suspend the discharge of sea, and protect the livelihoods of local fishery workers.

Koike Koike, a member of the Japanese House of Councillors and head of the Secretariat of the Communist Party of Japan, criticized the Japanese government, saying that the discharge of contaminated water into the sea has created huge economic obstacles to the post-disaster recovery of Fukushima after nuclear radiation.

Nuclear sewage is starting to take off? Chiba, Japan, was shocked to see turtle carcasses, accelerating the spread, and the United States was instigated

Foreign Ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin:

In particular, it should be pointed out that the discharge of nuclear-contaminated water into the sea is related to the marine environment and human health, and is by no means a private matter for Japan alone, nor can individual countries "give the green light" for political purposes.

Japan has further exposed its essence of valuing power while ignoring the international community, and valuing selfish interests while pragmatic international public interests.

Just like the innocent sea turtle, the destruction of marine ecology is now a fait accompli, and the blow to the economy and industry of coastal areas has also appeared.

But the world can be without Japan, but it cannot be without the ocean.

Nuclear sewage is starting to take off? Chiba, Japan, was shocked to see turtle carcasses, accelerating the spread, and the United States was instigated

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