
The comments of Vietnamese netizens made me realize that there are more people who expect China to be promising than I thought

author:Lonely smoke twilight cicada

It's been more than a month since Huawei's new Mate60 smartphone was released, and during that time I've seen a lot of review articles and videos about it on our social media, and I've published a lot of content about it myself.

It can be seen that the big guy's enthusiasm for Huawei Mate60 is very high. In addition to the excellent quality and outstanding performance of this mobile phone, there is another very key point, I think: it was born, for the majority of Chinese people out of the breath. From now on, as long as the Western powers and their henchmen withdraw a few chips from the market, the era of strangling the entire Chinese smart electronics industry is gone.

The comments of Vietnamese netizens made me realize that there are more people who expect China to be promising than I thought

In fact, not only us, but also Vietnam, which is close to China, there are also a large number of netizens on the Vietnamese Internet who have shown great enthusiasm for the Mate60. In the case of the Vietnamese media "Vietnam Express", the day after the release of the Mate60, that is, on August 29, the media followed up and reported the relevant news.

First, the storm cannot scare the petrel, and the frost and snow cannot crush the wax plum

Although the Vietnamese media did not mention the release time of the phone in their report, "coinciding" with the visit of US Secretary of Commerce Raimondo to China, the "Vietnam Express" still @ the US government at the end of the report, and these paragraphs linking Huawei and US sanctions against China say this:

"Since 2019, despite facing the strict US sanctions against China, Huawei's mobile business has still recovered under great pressure. According to data from market research firm Counterpoint Research, in the second quarter of this year, Huawei's revenue increased by an astonishing 58% compared to the same period last year. Huawei's share of the Chinese market reached 11.3 percent this year, up from 6.9 percent in the second quarter of last year. However, this performance is still not enough to put Huawei back into the top five of global smartphone manufacturers. ”

"Up to now, affected by the US sanctions and ban on China, most of the Huawei smartphones sold on the market still use 4G networks, because the relevant core technology of 5G chips has been in the hands of the United States. In desperation, Huawei once had to spend more on relatively minor subsystems such as photography. ”

The comments of Vietnamese netizens made me realize that there are more people who expect China to be promising than I thought

"Huawei used to be one of the top five mobile phone manufacturers in the world, but due to the sanctions ban introduced by the United States in 2019, Huawei's momentum has taken a sharp turn since then. According to research data from technology market analysis firm Canalys, Huawei's smartphones account for only 2% of the global market, and most of this 2% is contributed by the Chinese market. ”

It has been more than a month since the Vietnamese media article was published, and the reason why I bring it up now is because I didn't notice it until recently. Thanks to the news links that my friends sent me a while, otherwise I would probably have passed by such a unique perspective.

Second, "If my iPhone is broken, I will definitely change to Huawei at that time"

The reason why the Vietnam Express report attracted my attention was not the report itself, after all, these things talked about by the Vietnamese media are frankly carried over in the South China Morning Post, and they are all things that we Chinese clichéd and commonplace, and there is nothing new. What I'm really interested in is the comments of Vietnamese netizens below the message area of this report, because these comments are much more wonderful than the original article of the report. If it weren't for the Vietnamese they typed, I would have thought I had strayed into the personal social media account of a Chinese digital assessment blogger.

"See? From now on, Huawei has officially defeated all sanctions, from the world's only superpower and its allies. Huawei has created its own high-end chips. Remember the so-called high-talk about Chinese chips that was all the time there was a lot of noise on the Internet? They always say that as long as the inventory of American chips is depleted, Huawei will collapse on its own. However, it has now been proved that Huawei not only did not collapse, but also achieved self-reliance. ”

The comments of Vietnamese netizens made me realize that there are more people who expect China to be promising than I thought

"The hot air balloon finally flew and it turned out that people with (Western) chips in their hands can't make smartphones." Stop criticizing Huawei with others, this is you, can you do better than Huawei? ”

"There is also the automotive industry, and China continues to make efforts in various fields. They are really showy, and I don't think there's anything Chinese hard to live in. ”

"[The release of mate60] This is really a boon, and I hope it will be sold to Vietnam in the future." Anyone who has used it knows that Huawei's mobile phone is durable and not stuck. My P30 has been used for 4 years now, and it is still not outdated to this day. ”

"My Huawei Nova has been used for more than 4 years now, and it is still very smooth and durable, and it is not stuck with nearly 100 apps. If it weren't for the higher price, I would really like to help Huawei again. ”

The comments of Vietnamese netizens made me realize that there are more people who expect China to be promising than I thought

"If Apple doesn't fight a price war, it won't play in front of Huawei."

"No matter what some Vietnamese people say, Huawei is still standing strong to this day, and even launched the new Mate60 Pro, which is a great victory. Even in the face of all kinds of obstacles, he still gave the enemy a resounding slap in the face. Huawei is good. ”

"Mate60 can make satellite calls! This is so new, I think many people will be interested in trying it. ”

"I've seen some people disassembling the Mate60 review video, and they haven't found a single American CPU in this phone."

"I want to know what kind of expression those pro-American people are looking on at this moment."

"If this trend continues, I am afraid that China will even build a lithography machine in a few years?"

"Huawei can! When my iPhone 11 is broken, it will definitely be replaced with the latest Huawei. ”

"You think you can't because you're not pushing enough. As long as the pressure on your shoulders is high enough to be high, you will burst into creativity and self-discipline that even you did not expect. ”

"Huawei, which was sanctioned by the United States, is still alive, while those mobile phone manufacturers that have not been sanctioned by the United States, such as Sony, LG, HTC, BlackBerry, Motorola and Nokia, have now faded from people's vision."

"It's really a hero of the times, I think the United States has to prepare more pen, ink and paper for their sanctions ban, because the original blacklist is no longer enough."

"Know why I'm still using the P30 now? It's just waiting to change Huawei's new mobile phone. ”

"Congratulations to Huawei for everything it has done for their country and all mankind!"

"Never before has a company or company been able to resist the obscenity of the United States, not even in the 80s, when Japanese giants were once popular. But Huawei survived, he's alive, he's waiting for an opportunity, a chance to get back to the lead. ”

The comments of Vietnamese netizens made me realize that there are more people who expect China to be promising than I thought

"Go ahead, Huawei! I will always support you! ”

"In the face of the oppression of the superpower and not being defeated, but fighting more and more courageously, Huawei is really an admirable name."

"Those Vietnamese who are sour Huawei, I heard that your United States is the world's number one superpower, why can't you kill a Huawei?" Don't you feel ashamed of yourself? ”

"The United States has been sanctioning Huawei since 2018, and since then, many American fans have been pinching their fingers to calculate when Huawei will close its doors."

"What else are there who are fantasizing that Huawei and China's success is based on copying and copying American things?" Do you have any evidence? Why can't we honestly admit that the United States has nothing to do? Don't you think you're pathetic? ”

"One thing that made me realize with the Mate60 is that America is really no longer what it used to be. The United States side is already a cliff full of ice, Huawei actually has flowers, and the greater the wind and snow, the brighter the flowers. I really have to wonder now how weak the United States, the world's number one so-called superpower, has been. ”

There are many, many such comments in the message area of the Vietnamese media report, and if I translate them one by one, then today's program will not be able to finish 10,000 words.

The comments of Vietnamese netizens made me realize that there are more people who expect China to be promising than I thought

Of course, in addition to Vietnamese netizens who applaud Huawei and Mate60, there are also voices that sing and decline, but they are not the mainstream, and often as soon as a voice appears, other Vietnamese netizens who support Huawei will come out to refute it. I only knew that our domestic public opinion field was fiercely arguing about this area, but I didn't expect that this Vietnamese person would talk about the topics of "Huawei", "Apple" and "China and the United States", and he was so red-faced.

Third, my way is not alone, and a warrior cannot fail to carry on his will

I don't know what you think after reading this series of comments from Vietnamese netizens after reading and listening to this series of comments from Vietnamese netizens, anyway, at this moment, there are three consciousnesses in my mind that are the strongest.

First, we are not alone. It turns out that not only our Chinese, but also other people in the world are watching this unfair contest between Huawei and the United States, us and the United States. And not all of these watchers are fans of the United States and its followers, and many of them are silently cheering and cheering for us. They also want to see our indomitable posture of becoming more and more courageous and stronger in the face of strength, and they want to hear the good news that we are desperate and turning over against the wind, because then we are actually what they want to become. We are not only fighting for ourselves, we are also fighting for their idealized version of themselves.

Not only us Chinese, but there are actually people in this world who advocate heaven's way and reward hard work, believe that my life depends on me, and desire self-reliance. It's just that under the strong suppression of the Western powers represented by the United States, their cries are often reduced to background noise on the world stage that no one cares about. And now Huawei's adversity breakthrough is like a light that pierces the night, although it is still very weak, but after all, it makes them see the hope of dawn.

Hope, something as precious as chips in our time. Without it, let alone the helium flash that rebelled against the sun, we humans would not even be able to concentrate resources to build life-saving dungeons; And with it, let alone rely on China's own efforts to build a nuclear fusion planet engine on the moon, why not let us humans wander with the earth to 2500 years later?

Second, a taxi cannot fail to carry on his will. Mencius said: Shunfa is held in the acres, Fu Shuo is held between the plates, the glue is held in the fish salt, Guan Yiwu is held in the shi, Sun Shuao is held in the sea, and Baili Xi is held in the city. Therefore, the heavens will send great tasks to people, and they will first work their minds, work their bones, starve their bodies, empty their bodies, and mess up their deeds, so they will be patient and have benefited what they cannot. People pass constantly, and then they can change; Trapped in the heart, weighed in the worries, and then done; Sign, sound, and then metaphor. If you enter, you can't make a family move, and if you go out, you are invincible to foreign patients, and the country will die. Then Zhi was born of sorrow and died of happiness.

The comments of Vietnamese netizens made me realize that there are more people who expect China to be promising than I thought

People still have to have a little pressure, especially those who aspire to achieve a career, preferably the pressure to survive. There is pressure to be motivated, and there is motivation to surpass oneself and create great achievements that even you dare not imagine. If it were not for US sanctions, how many more years would it take for our operating systems and chips to be rolled out? If it weren't for the US crackdown, who would have imagined that China today would already be so resilient? How good is a global power standing on top of the world? Whether we want to become legends or not, as long as we are obsessed with development and progress, then shattering previous myths is the inevitable end.

The Si people are also bitter, toiling, hungry, empty, and chaotic, either the east wind overwhelms the west wind, or the west wind overwhelms the east wind, there is no other path to take, and our opponents will not provide us with other options.

We feel that China should be glad for the various tests we are facing now, why should God bring such great responsibilities and tribulations to us, is it because God wants to Chinese with us? No, absolutely not, absolutely not, the reason why heaven has to work our minds, to work our bones, to starve our bodies, to keep us in constant distress, to make us always frustrated in everything, and to make our hearts have to bear such and such shocks, is to make our hearts and emotions hardened, and to increase the ability that we did not have before, and we did not even dare to think about.

Throughout the ages, how many countries and nations in the world can get such opportunities as God? What reason do we have not to cherish this exam paper in front of us and not to be self-reliant?

Conclusion: We will definitely see the blue sky again, with flowers hanging all over the branches

Three who wins, who they help. This is the last and most crucial point. Not only the vast number of bystanders represented by these Vietnamese netizens who support Huawei, but also many of us in China. The best and probably the only way to prove the truth we have chosen is to fight back against voices that question and discredit us with one victory after another.

Science and technology is the primary productive force, and development is the last word. As long as development is persistent, as long as development can continue, then the problems exposed in the process of development are, to put it bluntly, only secondary contradictions. This is not to say that we can ignore them, but it is not necessary because of them to distract us from resolving the main contradictions.

The comments of Vietnamese netizens made me realize that there are more people who expect China to be promising than I thought

Our priority now is to win the three major battles, cross the Yangtze River, and liberate all of China. Don't worry about the fact that in the process, they published a few more articles in the radio newspaper that denounced us, as long as the million-strong division of the People's Liberation Army planted the red flag at the presidential palace in Nanjing, they would naturally change their words at that time.

We don't need to justify ourselves, this work they will rush to do in the future.

Concentrate all your energy, face the frost and snow, and the cold is blooming. Although wax plums are beautiful, they do not compete for spring. When the mountain flowers bloomed, she laughed in the bushes.

Huawei should become such a company, Chinese should become such a person, the Chinese nation should become such a nation, and the People's Republic of China should become such a country.

In the present of difficulties, there is only responsibility. The more violent the storm comes, the closer it is to pass. Ren Er was dim, and I was calm to myself. I am sure that we will see the blue sky again, with flowers hanging from the branches.

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