
Haiqing's words, pulled off the fig leaf of Song Jia's "addiction", no matter how good her acting skills are, she can't save her

author:The mountains have wood, and the wood has sincerity

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Haiqing's words, pulled off the fig leaf of Song Jia's "addiction", no matter how good her acting skills are, she can't save her

Editor|Mountain has wood, Ximu has 摯

Text|The mountains have wood, and the wood has sincerity

He became famous by imitating Da Song Jia, but after the explosion, he bluntly said that he was most disgusted with Wanwan Qing.

Haiqing's words, pulled off the fig leaf of Song Jia's "addiction", no matter how good her acting skills are, she can't save her

Compared with other people's debut for many years with zero scandals, her scandals are flying all over the sky. Knowing three when three, meddling in other people's marriages, but full of benevolence and morality, bluntly saying that he is only for love.

Song Jia, Song Jia, you are really confused!

First, from everyone to open up three times and twice

Haiqing's words, pulled off the fig leaf of Song Jia's "addiction", no matter how good her acting skills are, she can't save her

Song Jia used to be the flower of Gaoling in the eyes of the public. She has a petite and delicate figure, waist-length hair, and a porcelain doll-like face, giving people a fairy feeling.

Haiqing's words, pulled off the fig leaf of Song Jia's "addiction", no matter how good her acting skills are, she can't save her

In the early days, with his excellent acting skills and youthful vitality, he won the support of many audiences. Especially in the role of Furong in "Hibiscus Out of the Water", Song Jia turned into a water fairy, and her frequent wet play and light and soft dancing deeply attracted the attention of countless audiences.

Haiqing's words, pulled off the fig leaf of Song Jia's "addiction", no matter how good her acting skills are, she can't save her

As soon as this drama was broadcast, Song Jia's popularity was skyrocketing, and the producers of the crew were even more happy and full of praise. Everyone fell for her and called her "Little Fairy".

Haiqing's words, pulled off the fig leaf of Song Jia's "addiction", no matter how good her acting skills are, she can't save her

At this time, Song Jia met fellow actor Chen Long. Chen Long is two years older than Song Jia and is already a well-known actor. He is handsome and tall, and he is the dream lover of many girls.

Haiqing's words, pulled off the fig leaf of Song Jia's "addiction", no matter how good her acting skills are, she can't save her

The two interacted a lot in the crew, their acting skills and living habits were very compatible, and they finally fell in love at first sight and quickly fell in love.

Haiqing's words, pulled off the fig leaf of Song Jia's "addiction", no matter how good her acting skills are, she can't save her

Song Jia is very invested in Chen Long's feelings and often gets tired of talking together. The two can often be seen snuggling sweetly on campus, and the surrounding classmates are envious. This golden boy-like couple made everyone's eyes shine.

Haiqing's words, pulled off the fig leaf of Song Jia's "addiction", no matter how good her acting skills are, she can't save her

However, the girl's ambition is not here, and Chen Long does not understand Song Jia's desire to study. For the sake of his career, Song Jia chose to go north to develop, and the two did not agree on their ideas, and finally broke up unhappily. In the ivory white hand, a rose withered.

Haiqing's words, pulled off the fig leaf of Song Jia's "addiction", no matter how good her acting skills are, she can't save her

After coming to Beijing, Song Jia became a protégé of the well-known agent Wang Jinghua as she wished. Wang Jinghua was full of praise for her potential, and the two worked happily together.

Haiqing's words, pulled off the fig leaf of Song Jia's "addiction", no matter how good her acting skills are, she can't save her

At a film festival, Song Jia met Zhang Li, a director idol she had admired for many years. Director Zhang has deep qualifications and is good at creating female characters. The two saw each other as before. Director Zhang appreciated Song Jia's talent and affinity, and arranged an important supporting actress for her in the new film.

Haiqing's words, pulled off the fig leaf of Song Jia's "addiction", no matter how good her acting skills are, she can't save her

In addition to work, the two communicate frequently, from movies to life, and gradually develop feelings for each other. When he learned that Director Zhang already had a family, Song Jia did not flinch, but faced it calmly.

Haiqing's words, pulled off the fig leaf of Song Jia's "addiction", no matter how good her acting skills are, she can't save her

She said that "true love is predestined, and I don't regret it". This relationship caused an uproar at the time, and Director Zhang's wife Liu Bei was even more heartbroken. Two otherwise happy families broke up.

Haiqing's words, pulled off the fig leaf of Song Jia's "addiction", no matter how good her acting skills are, she can't save her

However, Song Jia still chose to live with Director Zhang, which once made people envious, but these are just wishful thinking on the other side, after all, how can a polite and honest person like a "scumbag" who knows three things? ”

Haiqing's words, pulled off the fig leaf of Song Jia's "addiction", no matter how good her acting skills are, she can't save her

In fact, this stolen relationship did not last long, 5 years later, the relationship between the two is still not progressive, and Song Jia, who wants to step into the marriage hall, suddenly realized that Director Zhang has experienced many marriages, and he is very likely to become his 6th "ex".

Haiqing's words, pulled off the fig leaf of Song Jia's "addiction", no matter how good her acting skills are, she can't save her

Under various considerations, she chose to break up categorically and took the initiative to leave Director Zhang.

Haiqing's words, pulled off the fig leaf of Song Jia's "addiction", no matter how good her acting skills are, she can't save her

Song Jia changed from a flower of Gaoling with many suitors to a woman who left after opening her heart twice and three times. Her emotional journey has ups and downs, which makes people sigh.

Haiqing's words, pulled off the fig leaf of Song Jia's "addiction", no matter how good her acting skills are, she can't save her

This girl has experienced too many losses and gains in her youth, but can others be blamed for this? In the end, it's not because I'm too greedy.

Haiqing's words, pulled off the fig leaf of Song Jia's "addiction", no matter how good her acting skills are, she can't save her

What's even more ironic is that in the days that followed, she knew more than once.

Second, from a "junior professional household" to an unobstructed actress

Once upon a time, Song Jia became a popular and powerful actress with the drama "Lu Yao Knows Ma Li". But in recent years, she has frequently fallen into emotional scandals, and her unobtrusive style has also caused her reputation to plummet, from a first-line actress to a past artist that everyone shouts at.

Haiqing's words, pulled off the fig leaf of Song Jia's "addiction", no matter how good her acting skills are, she can't save her

Song Jia has been in love with the musical talent Huang Shaofeng for many years, but has refused to officially marry.

Haiqing's words, pulled off the fig leaf of Song Jia's "addiction", no matter how good her acting skills are, she can't save her

The outside world speculated that she was deliberately pretending to be tender and wanted to maintain her youthful vitality. At an award ceremony, the big-mouthed artist Haiqing teased like this: "People who can be mothers, and they all force us to call her Xiaohua!" ”

Haiqing's words, pulled off the fig leaf of Song Jia's "addiction", no matter how good her acting skills are, she can't save her

After hearing that Song Jia angrily tore "this is just Haiqing's personal assumption" on the spot, he left the scene angrily, but isn't this a fact?

Haiqing's words, pulled off the fig leaf of Song Jia's "addiction", no matter how good her acting skills are, she can't save her

In fact, Song Jia has twice intervened in other people's marriages. After she broke up with her boyfriend Zhang Li, she immediately moved into the recording studio of singer Xie Tianxiao and "taught" day and night.

Haiqing's words, pulled off the fig leaf of Song Jia's "addiction", no matter how good her acting skills are, she can't save her

Later, Xie Tianxiao's wife exposed the improper relationship between the two in the shed, and Song Jia was also greatly damaged by the "salty fish taste". The second time, Song Jia provoked "I didn't expect my dark horse to win" in front of Sun Li at the Magnolia Award, making Sun Li cry angrily, and the two have never interacted again.

Haiqing's words, pulled off the fig leaf of Song Jia's "addiction", no matter how good her acting skills are, she can't save her

And her gaffe in her love life also seriously hit her reputation, and she was scolded by fans as a "junior professional". Resources began to dry up, falling from the top line to the third or fourth line, and her acting career slumped.

Haiqing's words, pulled off the fig leaf of Song Jia's "addiction", no matter how good her acting skills are, she can't save her

Not only that, what Song Jia did when she participated in the variety show was also strange. In a variety show, she repeatedly criticized guest Xiao S's dress and bottom makeup, and repeatedly attacked her for "not loving herself", causing Xiao S to collapse and cry on the spot.

Haiqing's words, pulled off the fig leaf of Song Jia's "addiction", no matter how good her acting skills are, she can't save her

The program team did not stop it, but focused the camera on the sad little S to create a topic.

Haiqing's words, pulled off the fig leaf of Song Jia's "addiction", no matter how good her acting skills are, she can't save her

Another time, Song Jia's statement on Weibo about Gao Yixiang's death was also ridiculed by the crowd. "An artist died because he participated in the show, which shows how decayed this circle has been?" Her remarks were accused of being old and aimed only at gaining attention for herself.

Haiqing's words, pulled off the fig leaf of Song Jia's "addiction", no matter how good her acting skills are, she can't save her

But what is embarrassing is that this girl, who has been extremely "rotten", has also had moments when she struggled hard for her dreams.

Third, Song Jia's dream of becoming an actor is a bit

Haiqing's words, pulled off the fig leaf of Song Jia's "addiction", no matter how good her acting skills are, she can't save her

Song Jia was born in an ordinary family with stable work parents, and although she had poor grades as a child, her parents were very open-minded and never accused her.

Haiqing's words, pulled off the fig leaf of Song Jia's "addiction", no matter how good her acting skills are, she can't save her

In order to adjust her daughter's lively personality, her parents signed her up for several interest classes, such as painting classes and dance classes. Song Jia has a lively personality and often misses classes when studying these courses, but her parents do not care about her grades and only hope to hone her character through these activities.

Haiqing's words, pulled off the fig leaf of Song Jia's "addiction", no matter how good her acting skills are, she can't save her

When she was a child, at her father's class reunion, Song Jia was asked to perform a show. She played on the spot and sang a song "Little Grass". Unexpectedly, Feng Shao, who was present, first took a fancy to her talent and offered to accept her as an apprentice to learn Yueqin. My parents felt honored to have a famous teacher like Feng Shaoxian for guidance.

Haiqing's words, pulled off the fig leaf of Song Jia's "addiction", no matter how good her acting skills are, she can't save her

Although the girl didn't like Yueqin very much, she still followed Feng Shao to learn first under her mother's urging. She often skipped class to play, which caused her mother to beat her, and since then she has honestly learned the Yueqin, and her piano skills have gradually improved.

Haiqing's words, pulled off the fig leaf of Song Jia's "addiction", no matter how good her acting skills are, she can't save her

After graduating from high school, Song Jia was admitted to a key high school in Shenyang. In the new school, she still goes her own way, often chatting with classmates and writing small notes in class, and is criticized by the classroom teacher and does not correct it.

Haiqing's words, pulled off the fig leaf of Song Jia's "addiction", no matter how good her acting skills are, she can't save her

Once she was playing basketball with another class, and the situation intensified to the point that the principal came forward to deal with it, and threatened to expel her, and her parents were called many times and could not resist her.

Haiqing's words, pulled off the fig leaf of Song Jia's "addiction", no matter how good her acting skills are, she can't save her

Until a concert organized by the school, Song Jia's moonqin performance was applauded by the audience. After the performance, she met her senior sister Fan Zhibo, who bluntly said that Song Jia should learn acting.

Haiqing's words, pulled off the fig leaf of Song Jia's "addiction", no matter how good her acting skills are, she can't save her

Song Jia felt that she might really be more suitable to be an actor, so she proposed to her parents the idea of going to an art college when she went home, but she was strongly opposed. She suppressed her inner dream and was admitted to an ordinary university.

Haiqing's words, pulled off the fig leaf of Song Jia's "addiction", no matter how good her acting skills are, she can't save her

After the start of school, Song Jia found that she had no interest in other majors, and the idea of dreaming of becoming an actor became stronger and stronger. Finally, she plucked up the courage to take a train to Shanghai without telling her family to take the exam for the play.

Haiqing's words, pulled off the fig leaf of Song Jia's "addiction", no matter how good her acting skills are, she can't save her

Fortunately, with years of performance accumulation, she successfully passed the exam. After getting the notice, she called her family to convey the good news, and her parents could only acquiesce to her decision.

Haiqing's words, pulled off the fig leaf of Song Jia's "addiction", no matter how good her acting skills are, she can't save her

After entering the play, Song Jia met classmates who were better than herself and began to realize how rough her acting skills were. Through diligent study, she gradually grew into the top of her class.

Haiqing's words, pulled off the fig leaf of Song Jia's "addiction", no matter how good her acting skills are, she can't save her

Under the recommendation of her teacher, she got the opportunity to run a hit drama, and felt the light of chasing light for the first time, and her acting career has gradually entered a good situation.

Haiqing's words, pulled off the fig leaf of Song Jia's "addiction", no matter how good her acting skills are, she can't save her

Unfortunately, this girl, who simply fought for her dreams, finally lost herself under Vanity Fair.

The author thinks

Haiqing's words, pulled off the fig leaf of Song Jia's "addiction", no matter how good her acting skills are, she can't save her

Today, 42-year-old Song Jia is still going her own way, but she has completely lost the favor of the public from a "junior professional household" to an unobstructed mouth.

Haiqing's words, pulled off the fig leaf of Song Jia's "addiction", no matter how good her acting skills are, she can't save her

This popular line fell from the clouds, and also became a footnote in the entertainment industry from good and bad to cruel competition. Song Jia's experience warns the new generation of actors: the ups and downs in Vanity Fair are ruthless and rapid, and once the character is gaffe, it may end up in ruin.

As Haiqing said, first recognize yourself, what age to act in what drama, it is time to serve the old!

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