
Zhang Weiguo's summer: Haiqing's mother is not simple, and the songs she sings have always been on fire

author:Fried chicken says gossip

First, in the hit drama "Zhang Weiguo's Summer", there is a character who is not likable, but impresses the audience - that is Zhou Xiaoqiu, Gu Jiayi's mother played by Haiqing.

The actor of this role is Su Xiaoming, a powerful actor who has been working silently in the entertainment industry for many years. The name Su Xiaoming may be a little unfamiliar to many people.

However, when it comes to a song she once sang, I believe many people will suddenly realize. That is the "Night of the Military Port", which was once popular all over the country. "The night of the military port, quiet, the waves gently shake the battleship ......" Su Xiaoming used her unique voice to interpret this song as soft and sweet, sweet and affectionate, singing infinite tranquility, peace and beauty.

For a time, Su Xiaoming's popularity rose rapidly and became an idol in the minds of many young people. "The Night of the Military Port" also became a classic repertoire of the Navy and is still widely sung today.

Zhang Weiguo's summer: Haiqing's mother is not simple, and the songs she sings have always been on fire

However, just when her career as a singer was in full swing, Su Xiaoming made a surprising decision - she chose to go to France to study vocal music. This decision undoubtedly made Su Xiaoming miss a great opportunity to continue to be popular.

However, this study abroad experience laid a solid foundation for her future acting career. After returning to China after completing her studies, Su Xiaoming did not continue her career as a singer, but turned to the new field of actor.

Second, she began to act in various TV dramas, including "Never Give Up", "Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty", "Who Calls the Shots in My Youth", "Struggle" and so on. These works are quite good in terms of both the production team and the cast, and they are all popular dramas that attracted much attention that year.

From this, we can see that despite his transformation into an actor, Su Xiaoming still has good resources and strength. In this way, Su Xiaoming turned from a singer to an actor, opening a new chapter in her wonderful acting career.

Zhang Weiguo's summer: Haiqing's mother is not simple, and the songs she sings have always been on fire

With her hard work and talent, she proved that as long as she persists in her dreams and keeps learning, she can shine on a new stage. In recent years, Su Xiaoming has played an important role in many popular dramas, and has gradually established an image of "drama bones" in the hearts of the audience.

Her performance was delicate and nuanced, and she vividly interpreted the role of mothers with different personalities, which left a deep impression on the audience. In the much-talked-about medical drama "Emergency Doctor", Su Xiaoming played an impressive role - Zheng Lan, the adoptive mother of the heroine Jiang Xiaoqi.

This drama is directed by well-known directors Zheng Xiaolong and Liu Xuesong, with a strong cast, including Zhang Jiayi, Wang Luodan, Jiang Shan and other powerful actors. Although Su Xiaoming does not have many roles in the play, her performance is particularly eye-catching.

Third, she interprets the role of Zheng Lan with both the love of a mother and the complexity of the character, so that the audience can feel the rich heart of the character in just a few shots.

Zhang Weiguo's summer: Haiqing's mother is not simple, and the songs she sings have always been on fire

In the critically acclaimed "Big River" series, Su Xiaoming once again challenged the role of mother, this time she played Yang Shuo's mother. Although it looks very simple from the costume, Su Xiaoming interprets the charm of the character just right.

Her performance is natural and vivid, every look and every movement is full of life, making the audience feel as if they see their mother or the aunt next door. Although this role is not likable, it has left a deep impression on the audience under Su Xiaoming's careful shaping.

Fourth, it is worth mentioning that the mother images created by Su Xiaoming in these works are different. Some are loving and gentle, some are stern and stubborn, some are lovable, and some are infuriating.

But no matter what kind of role, Su Xiaoming can devote himself wholeheartedly, portray it with heart, and show a high degree of professionalism and superb acting skills. Her performance is no longer a simple recitation of lines, but integrates the joys, sorrows, and inner struggles of the characters into it, so that the audience can empathize.

Zhang Weiguo's summer: Haiqing's mother is not simple, and the songs she sings have always been on fire

It is this deep understanding and accurate grasp of the role that makes each mother character portrayed by Su Xiaoming lifelike and unforgettable. In the latest hit drama "Zhang Weiguo's Summer", Su Xiaoming appeared as a mother again, playing the mother Zhou Xiaoqiu of the heroine Gu Jiayi (played by Haiqing).

The appearance of this character made many viewers shine, and at the same time sparked heated discussions. The role of Zhou Xiaoqiu is not likable, and it can even be said to be very disgusting.

She has a strong desire to control her daughter Gu Jiayi, and she has to interfere excessively everywhere from life to career to marriage. This strong personality not only affected Gu Jiayi's life choices, but also led to the failure of Gu Jiayi and Lin Hongnian's marriage.

Fifth, in the play, Zhou Xiaoqiu's desire to control is vividly expressed. For example, when Gu Jiayi planned to send her daughter Gu Lin to school in Beijing, she had just asked for leave from the unit, and her mother knew the news when she turned around.

Zhang Weiguo's summer: Haiqing's mother is not simple, and the songs she sings have always been on fire

This detail reveals Zhou Xiaoqiu's terrible behavior of planting eyeliner in her daughter's unit. In addition, she forced her daughter to give up her dream of learning dance and insisted that she study medicine. These behaviors not only made Gu Jiayi feel suffocated, but also made the audience stomp their feet.

However, it is such an offensive role that is played by Su Xiaoming very well. The stubbornness in her eyes, the imperiousness in her tone, and even the tiny body movements perfectly interpret a typical controlling mother figure.

Su Xiaoming's performance not only makes people hate this role, but also makes people think: What kind of experience created a character like Zhou Xiaoqiu? Was her original intention really for her daughter's good? It is worth mentioning that Zhou Xiaoqiu's personality traits are also reflected in her daughter Gu Jiayi.

Sixth, Gu Jiayi also showed a strong side in her marriage to Lin Hongnian, she is used to communicating with her husband in the way of "giving orders", and this similarity hints at the subtle influence of the mother on her daughter.

Zhang Weiguo's summer: Haiqing's mother is not simple, and the songs she sings have always been on fire

Through Su Xiaoming's superb acting skills, the role of Zhou Xiaoqiu has become three-dimensional and real, allowing the audience to see the distorted love of a mother in addition to disgust. This complex expression of emotion is the embodiment of Su Xiaoming's experience and skills accumulated on stage and in front of the screen over the years.

Although the role of Zhou Xiaoqiu is not likable, Su Xiaoming's performance has won the recognition of the audience. She played this complex mother character so realistically that many viewers would have a familiar feeling when they saw her appear, as if they had seen her in some show.

Su Xiaoming's performance in "Zhang Weiguo's Summer" once again proved her strength as an excellent actor. She can not only accurately grasp the characteristics of the character, but also present the inner world of the character through delicate performances, so that the audience can feel the story and emotions behind the character while disgusting the character.

Seventh, this spirit of wholehearted devotion makes every character portrayed by Su Xiaoming come to life and leave a deep impression on the audience. "Zhang Weiguo's Summer" is not only eye-catching because of Su Xiaoming's wonderful performance, but also the conception and performance of the whole play are also very good.

Zhang Weiguo's summer: Haiqing's mother is not simple, and the songs she sings have always been on fire

This TV series starring Huang Lei, Liu Yijun, Haiqing, and Mei Ting unfolds the story with a unique two-male protagonist model, focusing on the ups and downs of middle-aged men's lives, with both laughter and tears, which not only shows the sadness of life, but also conveys the power of warmth.

In the play, Zhang Weiguo played by Huang Lei and Lin Hongnian played by Liu Yijun are facing difficulties in life and career. Zhang Weiguo was retired early and lost his job; Lin Hongnian's career is in crisis, and his married life is also in jeopardy.

Eighth, the lives of two middle-aged men can be described as chicken feathers. However, it was in this predicament that the two were reunited. They tell each other about their sadness and helplessness, and at the same time look for new hope in each other.

Huang Lei and Liu Yijun's performance in the play can be called a tacit understanding. They vividly interpreted the absurdity and helplessness of the two middle-aged uncles, which made people laugh and cry. Many times, the audience will feel that they are not acting, but really integrated into the character, showing the characteristics of the character perfectly.

Zhang Weiguo's summer: Haiqing's mother is not simple, and the songs she sings have always been on fire

In addition to the two male protagonists, Zhang Dache played by Han Tongsheng - Zhang Weiguo's father-in-law is also a highlight in the play. Every time he appears on the stage, he can bring joy, and the interaction with Huang Lei's son-in-law is even more funny.

It is worth mentioning that Han Tongsheng and Huang Lei have cooperated before, and the tacit understanding between the two has long been established, so their performances are particularly natural and smooth. The success of "Zhang Weiguo's Summer" lies in the fact that it not only focuses on the lives of middle-aged men, but also resonates with audiences of all ages and backgrounds through the stories of different characters.

Nine, whether it is the ups and downs of career, the crisis of marriage, or the contradictions between generations, they are all skillfully integrated into the script. This drama switches freely between laughter and tears, which not only shows the ups and downs of life, but also conveys the warmth of human nature.

It tells us that even in difficult times, as long as there is hope and friends, we can find the motivation to move forward. This kind of story close to life and full of positive energy is the reason why "Zhang Weiguo's Summer" is loved by the audience.

Zhang Weiguo's summer: Haiqing's mother is not simple, and the songs she sings have always been on fire

Throughout Su Xiaoming's acting career, from singer to actor, she has always maintained her love and dedication to art. Even if she played an unlikable role in "Zhang Weiguo's Summer", she still devoted herself to it, striving to show every side of the role to the fullest.

Su Xiaoming's success lies not only in her excellent acting skills, but also in her deep understanding and accurate interpretation of the role. In "Emergency Doctor", she played a loving adoptive mother, although there were not many scenes, but her performance was particularly eye-catching, interpreting a complex mother image vividly.

In the "Big River" series, she once again challenged the role of a mother and played Yang Shuo's mother. Despite her simple dress, she interprets the charm of the character just right, making the audience feel as if they see their mother or the aunt next door.

In "Zhang Weiguo's Summer", Zhou Xiaoqiu, played by Su Xiaoming, is a mother with a strong desire to control. Although this role is unlikable and even disgusting, Su Xiaoming interprets it perfectly.

Zhang Weiguo's summer: Haiqing's mother is not simple, and the songs she sings have always been on fire

The stubbornness in her eyes, the imperiousness in her tone, and even the tiny body movements perfectly interpret a typical controlling mother figure. Su Xiaoming's performance is not a simple imitation, but an in-depth interpretation and recreation of the character.

She is able to accurately grasp the characteristics of the character, and present the character's personality and inner world through delicate performances. Whether it is a positive or negative character, she can find the right way to express it, so that the audience can feel the rich heart of the character in just a few shots.

Ten, this spirit of wholehearted devotion makes every character portrayed by Su Xiaoming come to life and leave a deep impression on the audience. Her performance is not a simple recitation of lines, but integrates the joys, sorrows, and inner struggles of the characters into it, so that the audience can empathize.

It is this dedication to performing arts and a deep understanding of the role that makes Su Xiaoming always maintain his unique charm in the entertainment industry. Su Xiaoming's success tells us that an excellent actor must not only have solid acting skills, but also have a deep understanding and interpretation of the role.

Zhang Weiguo's summer: Haiqing's mother is not simple, and the songs she sings have always been on fire

With her own efforts and talents, she has found a unique path in the entertainment industry and has become a well-deserved powerful actor in the eyes of the audience. From the moving singing voice of "The Night of the Military Port" to the impressive Zhou Xiaoqiu in "Zhang Weiguo's Summer", Su Xiaoming has used his efforts and talents to find a unique path in the entertainment industry.

Her success tells us that as long as we stick to our dreams and keep learning and improving, we will definitely be able to shine on the stage. Although Su Xiaoming now appears mostly in supporting roles, her careful portrayal of each role makes people feel the charm of an excellent actor.

Whether it is the loving adoptive mother in "Emergency Doctor", the simple mother in "Dajiang Dahe", or the controlling Zhou Xiaoqiu in "Zhang Weiguo's Summer", she can accurately grasp the characteristics of the character and present the character's personality and inner world through delicate performances.

We look forward to seeing Su Xiaoming's wonderful performance in more excellent works in the coming days, bringing more moving and thinking to the audience. Whether it is a positive character or a negative character, I believe she can make each character shine in her own way.

Zhang Weiguo's summer: Haiqing's mother is not simple, and the songs she sings have always been on fire

Su Xiaoming's acting career continues, and we will continue to witness her wonderful performances on the screen, and look forward to her bringing more memorable roles.

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