
The system really began to cut salaries: 27-year-old street civil servants, 996 after the salary cut

author:Cao Cao character Meng Fei

Within the system, it refers to state organs, public institutions, state-owned enterprises and other state or social public management departments, which is the field of work that many people yearn for. Jobs within the system are generally considered to be stable, secure and superior, and employees in the system enjoy higher social status and better welfare benefits than private enterprises or self-employed enterprises outside the system.

The system really began to cut salaries: 27-year-old street civil servants, 996 after the salary cut

However, in recent years, with the adjustment and deepening of the country's economic structure, the system has also faced some new challenges and changes. On the one hand, the number of jobs in the system is limited, competition is becoming increasingly fierce, and barriers to entry are constantly rising; On the other hand, the level of remuneration within the system is regulated, and it is not advantageous compared with the social average, and there is even a phenomenon of salary reduction.

This article will take a real case as an example to explore the causes, impacts and coping strategies of salary cuts within the system, hoping to provide readers with a comprehensive and profound perspective.

The system really began to cut salaries: 27-year-old street civil servants, 996 after the salary cut

Case introduction

Xiao Wang, a 27-year-old street office civil servant, graduated from an ordinary undergraduate college, and passed the exam in 2018 to enter a street office in a certain district of a city. Xiao Wang's sub-district office is a grassroots administrative unit mainly responsible for social security, urban management, and civil affairs services in its jurisdiction. The department to which Xiao Wang belongs is the comprehensive office, which is mainly responsible for secretarial, archive, informatization and other work.

When Xiao Wang first entered the street office, his monthly income was about 8,000 yuan, including basic salary, allowances, bonuses and other income. Xiao Wang feels that this income level is quite okay, although it is not high, but it can also meet his basic living needs and have a certain amount of savings. Xiao Wang also feels that his work is relatively relaxed, working from 8:30-17:30 every day, with a two-hour lunch break at noon, and basically no overtime or duty after work. Xiao Wang considers himself a lucky person to be able to find a stable and comfortable job.

The system really began to cut salaries: 27-year-old street civil servants, 996 after the salary cut

However, the good times did not last long. At the end of 2020, due to the impact of the new crown epidemic and the increase in the pressure on national fiscal revenue and expenditure, Xiao Wang's neighborhood office began a series of reform measures. One of the most immediate and important is the adjustment of employee compensation.

Specifically, the Subdistrict Office divides employee compensation into two segments: fixed income and performance income. Fixed income includes basic salary, allowances, etc., which are determined in accordance with national regulations and job levels, and are not affected by personal performance and workload; Performance income is distributed according to a certain proportion and standard according to the employee's work performance and completion of tasks, with a certain degree of flexibility and motivation.

The purpose of this reform is to improve the work efficiency and service quality of employees, stimulate the enthusiasm and creativity of employees, achieve fair competition and survival of the fittest, and promote the development and progress of neighborhood offices.

The system really began to cut salaries: 27-year-old street civil servants, 996 after the salary cut

However, the result of this reform has been a significant decline in the income of most employees such as Xiao Wang. There are several reasons for this:

- The level of fixed income has not increased, or even decreased. As a result of the strict control of the state over the level of remuneration within the system, the sub-district offices refer to the social average when determining the fixed income and make appropriate discounts. In this way, the basic salary and allowance of employees such as Xiao Wang are lower than before.

- The distribution of performance income is unfair or even biased. Because the neighborhood office does not fully consider the characteristics and differences of each department and position when formulating the performance appraisal plan, it adopts a one-size-fits-all approach, and all employees are evaluated, rewarded and punished according to the same standards and proportions. In this way, the comprehensive office where Xiao Wang and other employees are located is in a disadvantageous position, because their work content is relatively single and fixed, it is difficult to reflect outstanding performance and contribution, and they are also susceptible to interference and influence from other departments and leaders. Therefore, the performance income of employees such as Xiao Wang is much lower than that of employees in other departments and positions.

The system really began to cut salaries: 27-year-old street civil servants, 996 after the salary cut

- The intensity and pressure of work have increased greatly, and even the phenomenon of 996 has appeared. After the implementation of the reform, the sub-district office has put forward higher requirements and expectations for employees, requiring employees to improve work efficiency and service quality, and complete more and more difficult tasks. At the same time, due to the existence of the performance appraisal system, there is also more fierce competition and comparison among employees, and everyone wants to strive for more performance income. As a result, employees such as Xiao Wang had to work overtime, even on weekends and holidays. Xiao Wang said that he now works from 8:00 to 21:00 every day, only has a half-hour lunch break at noon, and accepts telephone or WeChat consultation or supervision from leaders or customers after work. Xiao Wang felt that he had become a 996 migrant worker.

In summary, Xiao Wang's neighborhood office implemented a reform aimed at improving employee pay incentives and fairness, but it led to a decline in the pay level of most employees such as Xiao Wang and an increase in work intensity and pressure. Xiao Wang said that his monthly income is only about 6,000 yuan, 2,000 yuan less than before, and he has to bear a greater physical and mental burden. Xiao Wang felt very aggrieved and helpless.

The system really began to cut salaries: 27-year-old street civil servants, 996 after the salary cut

Finally, young people need to be guided to put the profession of civil servant in perspective. Civil servants are not "iron rice bowls", but also need to face problems such as falling wages and changing working conditions. Therefore, young people need to be guided to view the profession of civil servant rationally, and not as a safe haven for escapism and comfort.

Xiao Wang's story shows us the complexity behind the issue of civil servants' salaries. Although salary cuts and 996 work hours are a reality, we need to solve this problem through rational thinking and analysis. Only in this way can we provide a better career path and living environment for the younger generation.

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