
The reason why Cao Cao was able to unify the north in the system of princes was inseparable from his skill of reading people

author:It's Momo

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Cao Cao, an outstanding statesman and military commander in the late Eastern Han Dynasty, left a profound impact on Chinese history with his outstanding abilities and intelligence. The reason why Cao Cao was able to rise to prominence in that troubled world, achieve many victories, unify the north, and finally lay the foundation of the Wei state was inseparable from the great importance he attached to talent.

The reason why Cao Cao was able to unify the north in the system of princes was inseparable from his skill of reading people

Cao Cao was a politician who fully recognized the value of talent, especially in a turbulent era. At the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, various internal and external factors led to social chaos, constant wars, and the people suffered from wars. Cao Cao deeply understands that behind every war and decision, it is inseparable from the wisdom and contribution of talents. He issued a "Seeking Talents" to call on talents to come and contribute to his career. He valued people who could advise, lead troops, and govern the local area, not limited to their background or moral standards. The establishment of this concept laid the foundation for the later selection and use of talents.

The reason why Cao Cao was able to unify the north in the system of princes was inseparable from his skill of reading people

Cao Cao's employment policy is very flexible and eclectic. He does not limit himself to family alienation, but values whether talents can contribute to his cause. He uses both relatives and friends, enemies and enemies. This tolerance and generosity attracted many talents for him, including Jia Xu, Chen Lin and other people who had been opposed to him, and became his important staff. He even used talents in the political, economic, and military fields to form a strong team to help him win the war, stabilize society, and win the hearts and minds of the people.

The reason why Cao Cao was able to unify the north in the system of princes was inseparable from his skill of reading people

Cao Cao also knew that in that turbulent era, war required strength, and he made full use of his advisers and generals to implement strange strategies and fight heroically. He fully trusted the wisdom of his advisers, such as his trust in Chen Lin and other advisers, to help him make important decisions, including holding the Son of Heaven hostage to the princes and skillfully achieving victory. He also relied on the bravery of military generals, such as Zhang Liao, Xu Chu, Li Dian and others, who were brave and fearless on the battlefield and achieved many victories for him.

The reason why Cao Cao was able to unify the north in the system of princes was inseparable from his skill of reading people

On the economic front, Cao Cao's policy greatly increased grain reserves and ensured the supply of the army. This allowed the Cao army not to worry about food and grass in the war, and more effectively supported the battle. This policy not only supported the war, but also stabilized society and won the hearts and minds of the people.

The reason why Cao Cao was able to unify the north in the system of princes was inseparable from his skill of reading people

Overall, Cao Cao's success is not only because of his charisma and intelligence, but also because he is good at discovering, attracting and utilizing talent. His policy of thirst for merit and meritocracy laid a solid foundation for his career and earned him a glorious historical status as one of the great figures in Chinese history.

The reason why Cao Cao was able to unify the north in the system of princes was inseparable from his skill of reading people

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