
Honduras announces the severance of diplomatic relations with Israel! At present, six countries have severed diplomatic relations with Israel or recalled their ambassadors!

author:A little story about fishing

Many countries have taken diplomatic actions to strongly condemn Israel, sever diplomatic relations or recall ambassadors!

As Israel's military action in the Gaza Strip intensifies, many countries have recently announced the severance of diplomatic relations with Israel or the recall of their ambassadors to Israel to express their strong condemnation of Israel's actions.

Honduras announces the severance of diplomatic relations with Israel! At present, six countries have severed diplomatic relations with Israel or recalled their ambassadors!

According to CCTV News, on November 3, local time, Honduran Foreign Minister Reina announced that the Honduran government had decided to recall its ambassador to Israel due to the "serious humanitarian situation faced by Palestinian civilians in the Gaza Strip".

Honduras announces the severance of diplomatic relations with Israel! At present, six countries have severed diplomatic relations with Israel or recalled their ambassadors!

Earlier, Reina said in an interview with the media that Honduras is concerned about the possibility of declaring a ceasefire in the Gaza Strip, allowing the creation of humanitarian corridors and starting peace talks. In the light of developments in the situation in Gaza, the Government of Honduras will take such positions as it deems appropriate.

Honduras announces the severance of diplomatic relations with Israel! At present, six countries have severed diplomatic relations with Israel or recalled their ambassadors!

Colombian President Petro announced via social media on October 31 that he would recall Colombia's ambassador to Israel for deliberations and urged Israel to end its military operations in the Gaza Strip. This is Petro's second strong attack on Israel since the outbreak of the new round of Palestinian-Israeli conflict. At the same time, he called on Latin American countries to stand in solidarity with Colombia in condemning it.

On the same day, the Chilean Ministry of Foreign Affairs issued a statement stating that the Chilean government had decided to recall the Chilean ambassador to Israel for consultations in view of the "unacceptable violations of international humanitarian law" committed by Israel in the Gaza Strip. The bulletin noted that Israeli military operations have killed more than 70 civilians and injured more than 300, and the number is rising. Chilean President Boric said that humanitarian assistance has been provided to Palestine, supports relevant UN resolutions and will work to achieve a ceasefire.

In addition, the Jordanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Expatriate announced on November 1 that it would recall its ambassador to Israel to express its condemnation of Israel's actions. The Jordanian Foreign Ministry said the decision was a response to Israel's latest aggression and violence.

Recently, Israel's escalating military operation in the Gaza Strip has sparked dissatisfaction and protests in many countries. A number of countries have taken diplomatic actions, including the recall of their ambassadors to Israel and the severance of diplomatic relations, to show their strong condemnation of Israel.

It is worth noting that this is not the first time that a country has taken diplomatic action in protest against Israel's actions. Earlier, Bolivia had announced the severance of diplomatic relations with Israel in protest against Israel's military operations in the Gaza Strip. And in 2020, the two countries resumed diplomatic relations.

Countries strongly condemned Israel's actions and responded diplomatically. These measures, including the recall of its ambassador to Israel for consultation, the severance of diplomatic relations, etc., are aimed at pressuring Israel to stop its military operations and respect international humanitarian law.

However, despite the escalation of diplomatic actions by many countries, the Palestinian-Israeli conflict has not been effectively alleviated. The international community expressed concern over this and called on all parties to exercise restraint and resume peaceful negotiations as soon as possible to resolve the dispute.

It is worth noting that Honduran President Fidel Castro decided to call and recall Honduran Ambassador to Israel, Roberto Martinez, to discuss the situation. Honduras advocates a ceasefire in the Gaza Strip, the establishment of humanitarian corridors, the initiation of peace talks, etc. Previously, many countries have announced the severance of diplomatic relations with Israel or the recall of ambassadors.

The Israeli side did not respond to this series of diplomatic actions. However, the international community will continue to follow the development of the situation and calls on all parties to take measures to reduce tensions and achieve a peaceful settlement of the dispute between Palestine and Israel.

We will continue to monitor and provide the latest reports as the situation develops further.

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